Looking for a Document Imaging Policy

Posted By: JohnnyK

Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 11/28/06 09:05 PM

Hello everyone! We have recently created a Document Imaging Department that scans docs such as SIG cards, CDs, IRAs, etc... and I am the lucky guy choosen to write the policies and procedures manual. So I have come to the Authoritative Internet Reposiory of Banking Knowledge :-D looking for a little head start... anything would be helpful as I am starting from scratch.

TIA (that's "Thanks in Advance" for the acronymically challenged)
Posted By: Sabrina A.

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 11/29/06 08:08 PM

Our bank has been scanning for 2 1/2 years. I was the PM (project manager) and the dept supr up until about 2 months ago. I still provide tech support and trouble shooting. We didn't create a manual but had several policies approved along a time line that included document retention after scanning and how post QA (quality assurance) would be performed. As of now we are preparing to convert with the same vendor but to a web-based product. I would be glad to provide additional information as needed.
Posted By: JohnnyK

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 12/04/06 02:26 PM

Who are you going with...?
Posted By: Sabrina A.

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 12/06/06 04:41 PM

We are a Jack Henry & Associate bank. We were on Silouette Document Imaging and now we are going to Synergy a company they bought out that had a background in doc imaging.
Posted By: Mocha's Mom

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 01/04/07 06:59 PM

Sabrina A - I would be very interested in any information you could help me with. We just decided on a product and I have been made the spvr in charge of the new "department". We were just discussing record retention and quality control yesterday!

Posted By: anaughton

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 05/18/07 05:48 PM

Sorry to revive an old thread, but i am in about the same position as the original poster in that i am working on writing the policies and procedures for our document imaging system.

We are a JHA bank using Synergy, much like Sabrina A.

I am starting from scratch as we are a denovo and don't have any document imaging policies or procedures in place at this time. Any help you could give would really be appreciated. Sources, links, anything would be great!

Thank you.
Posted By: Liz

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 03/03/17 06:38 PM

We are a Jack Henry & Assoc. Bank and we are currently using AccuSystems for imaging our documents. I am trying to locate information or examples to create a document imaging policy. Any information on where to search would be appreciated. Thanks!
Posted By: Isbanker

Re: Looking for a Document Imaging Policy - 08/24/17 01:16 PM

I am currently working on document imaging policy and procedures just as you were a few months ago. Did you get any response with sources, links or samples that you can share.

Any information is appreciated.

Thank you,