Monetary Instrument Log over $3000

Posted By: Newly Southerner

Monetary Instrument Log over $3000 - 09/07/11 07:31 PM

I monitor our MIL every week. How often should my BSA Officer review the MIL. And instead of me giving her thousands of pages of the report can I break down the information for her to review and initial. And if I can break down the information what information should I provide her?
Posted By: AFaquir

Re: Monetary Instrument Log over $3000 - 09/07/11 08:12 PM

I would say if you aren't giving her "just the facts" you aren't being all that effective.

My BSA assistant does 75% of my heavy lifting. I trust my asssitant, but at the end of the day I am responsible so sometimes I do ask for the "full report" not just the highlights. However most of the time I only want the "interesting" stuff.

As far as what you want to provide from the MIL list, we look at trends... I use what I call the rolling 3 report. People who show up multiple times a week on the MIL over a rolling 3 month period. Sometimes people are on it all the time, sometimes just once and then fall right off. This way I can get an idea of what is going on in the bank, without having to consider everything that pops up every month.
