CTR 15 day filing deadline

Posted By: Anonymous

CTR 15 day filing deadline - 09/14/04 04:54 PM

Could someone clarify the 15 day filing deadline for CTRs. If the 15th day falls on the weekend, does the reg. allow for the CTR to be mailed on the following Monday or does it need to be mailed on the Friday preceeding the weekend. If so, where exactly in the reg. does it state such. thank you
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 09/17/04 03:17 PM

The instructions on the back of the CTR say "to file this CTR by the 15th calenday day after the day of the transaction...". No where that I can see do the instructions say anything about if the 15th day falls on a weekend you can mail your CTR on the following Monday. Always err on the side of caution and mail your CTR earlier than day 15. If need be, send it overnight express.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 12/31/04 08:02 PM

Do CTRs need to be MAILED by the 15th day, or received by the IRS by the 15th day? I always thought they needed to be received by the 15th day, but reading this post has me confused.
Thanks for your help.
Posted By: P*Q

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 12/31/04 08:05 PM

I always send mine within the first week so I don't have to worry about cutting it that close.
Posted By: Chiquita Banana

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 12/31/04 08:39 PM

CTR's need to be filed no later than the 15th day.

However, FinCEN says that the CTR's need to be RECEIVED no later than the 19th day...or it's considered late. At least that is what we found out during our last exam.
Posted By: AnnRoy

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 05/27/05 09:28 PM

Okay how about this situation-----say, the date of transaction is 03/28/2005 and the date of signature (presumed to also be the date filed) is 04/12/2005....that is exactly 15 calendar days. Could this be criticized by the examiners?
Posted By: Dolly Nugent

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 05/27/05 09:46 PM

I don't like living on the edge. We require our CTRs to be mailed by the 10th calendar day. But to answer your question, the CTR instructions state your CTR must be "filed by the 15th calendar day after the day of transaction." File to me means in the mail.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: CTR 15 day filing deadline - 06/01/05 05:07 PM

we mail (US Postal Service) ours on the 15th day and have not been critized by KPMG, OCC, or E&Y