Ficititious notice about OCC holding funds
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Washington, DC
The OCC has issued its Alert 2021-2 to warn that consumers have reported receiving various fictitious email messages related to an inheritance/beneficiary scam, which allege to be initiated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) or senior officials of the agency regarding funds purportedly under the control of the OCC. The notification informs the recipient that a REVENUE TRANSFER ORDER CERTIFICATE/CLEARANCE IDENTIFICATION PIN is required to allow for a purported transfer of funds. Potential victims may be instructed to contact one of the following individuals within 48 hours:
- Chung Lee Pui, Fraud and Payments Agent, ATOM Bank of England, Northumbria House, Akley Heads Durham, DH1 5TS England. Mr. Pui’s contact information is provided as +44-703-193-7992.
- Walter Hama, Fraud and Payments Agent, ATOM Bank London Office, Northumbria House, Akley Heads Durham DH1 5TS City in England. Mr. Hama’s contact information is provided as +44-745-205-7102 or [].
Any communication claiming that the OCC is involved in holding any funds for the benefit of any individual or entity is fraudulent. The OCC does not participate in the transfer of funds for, or on behalf of, individuals, business enterprises, or governmental entities.
Do not respond in any manner to any proposal purported to be issued by the OCC that requests personal account information or requires the payment of any fee in connection with the proposal, or that suggests the OCC is a participant in the transfer of funds for or on behalf of others.