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The ABC's of DD

The American Bankers Association recently ran a two day conference in Washington, DC on the Truth In Savings Act (TISA), (Regulation DD) and the Savings & Community Bankers also included a major session on the same reg in their compliance conference in September.

During the ABA session, Kurt Schumacher of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors listed the positions and departments in the financial institution that DD will affect. They are (in alphabetical order):
Branch Operations
Money Center
Product Managers
Purchasing and Supplies
Retail Delivery
Software Support Systems
Telephone Inquiry

And the panel also suggested that you fully inform your Board of Directors.

The BANKERS' HOTLINE staff and advisors have done considerable research on DD and will very shortly have ready a special double edition featuring the TISA. This double edition will include our publication called THE ABC's OF DD.

Included in the ABC publication will be all of the people and departments mentioned above, what effect DD will have, what you need to do (or should have already done!), and other helpful information from the experts.

Watch for your next issue of BANKERS' HOTLINE-the special double edition featuring Regulation DD, TISA.

Copyright © 1992 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 3, No. 6, 11/92

First published on 11/01/1992

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