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If It's New, It's On Hold

Bankers are so concerned with making sure everything is perfectly ready for Y2K that holds have been put on the thoughts of any system upgrades, conversions, purchases of new or advanced technology, or doing any other "tampering" with what has been fixed and is waiting for the new year to arrive.

One description, expressed by a Dallas vendor, was that the year 2000 will be known as Y2KU for Year 2000 "Katch-Up" when financial institutions and others breathe easier knowing they can then install systems that are advanced of those now in place. Some experts say it will take six years to make up for the time presently being used up with no improvements taking place. Bankers who are planning upgrades, conversions, and/or system changes after the first of next year would do well to schedule their time with vendors and systems people well ahead of time.

> Copyright © 1999 Bankers' Hotline. Originally appeared in Bankers' Hotline, Vol. 9, No. 5, 6/99

First published on 06/01/1999

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