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Gaining power through your budget

by Dana Turner

Does a budget for the Security Department exist? If you have no budget -- you have no power. If you have no power, you'll never make a positive impact upon the institution. Here's how to show your board of directors what you're really worth:

  • Determine what you actually cost for an hour's work (wages and benefits);
  • Determine what security products and services that you actually supply (e.g., investigation, camera maintenance, security surveys and background checks);
  • Get permission to "bill" other departments and functions for ALL security products, services and related expenses that you supply to them;
  • Tally the amounts billed and costs recovered -- and present this amount to the board in your annual security report; and

Next year -- add a 20% mark-up on all products and services to accumulate a profit.

First published on 4/30/01

First published on 04/30/2001

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