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Reg CC - Hold Notice Review

Hold Notice Review

by Bonnie Mizrahi

To ensure holds are being properly applied under Regulation CC, Bonnie Mizrahi developed a simple, but effective, Reg CC - Hold Notice Review form. It would be a great tool for not only spotting individual problems, but also for becoming aware of trends in mistakes that could signal the need for more training on a particular facet of the regulation.

The Hold Notice Review form makes it easy to look at all the necessary factors relating to the hold.

To download the form in Word .doc format, simply right click the link and save the file.

ACCESS Bonnie's other Reg CC Compliance Tools.

Bonnie Mizrahi
I am Vice President / Compliance Officer for a $1 Billion Bank. I have worked in Compliance full time since 1992. Prior to that, I have been involved in Compliance at one level or another since 1979, usually focusing on Reg Z, HMDA and Reg B for loan documentation.

I got started in banking after a temporary summer job turned into an offer for full time work. I got involved in the compliance side of lending because, quite frankly, no one else wanted that job!

I know that many people find Reg CC confusing and frustrating, but to me it's a lot simpler than many of the byzantine rules of HMDA, RESPA, and the new Privacy laws, and it's not nearly as intimatading as some aspects of the Bank Secrecy Act.

First published on 8/27/01

First published on 08/27/2001

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