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Predicting Compliance Trends

Regulatory compliance is brought to us by Congress. As we enter the cyclone cycle of this election year, keep in mind that the election results can have a dramatic effect on what happens to regulatory compliance between now and the turn of the century.

There are really several possibilities. The situation may stay much as it is, with GOP control of Congress with a Democrat in the White House. We could also have a Democratic sweep of Congress coming in on Clinton's coat-tails. Or, Dole could win the presidential election supported by continued GOP control of Congress.

With either party in control of both the Congress and the White House, the deadlock between Congress and the White House would end and regulatory compliance may see a significant directional change. However, whether we see increases in compliance laws, or an attempt to reduce regulatory burden, there will be a direct impact on the compliance manager, the need to deal with change.

We will probably see fewer developments if the White House and Congress are in the control of different parties. Then either party's agenda will be worked over and potentially held hostage to the goals of the opposing party's agenda. Generally when that happens, efforts to reduce compliance burden get traded off the table.

Whatever happens, the smart compliance manager will follow the election news to determine his or her plan for the coming years.

Copyright © 1996 Compliance Action. Originally appeared in Compliance Action, Vol. 1, No. 13, 8/96

First published on 08/01/1996

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