Bankers' Hotline, Volume 26, Number 8
New CDD Rules: Do Your Due Diligence
FinCEN's Final CDD Rules went into effect in July. Institutions affected by the new rule have until May 11, 2018 to comply, but it's a good idea to start implementing the necessary changes and doing your due diligence now.
The CFPB's Debt Collection Plan
The CFPB's proposed rules for third-party debt collectors will have major implications for banks and other financial institutions doing business with debt collectors.
In The News
- FFIEC to Streamline Call Reporting
- CFPB Wants to Give Consumers Rating Ability
- Bank Pioneers Progressive Branch
- Translating Financial Challenges for Immigrants
Statistics, Facts, & Such
Technology Update
FBI Launches Operation Wellspring
Training Page
Best Security Training Workshop Ever!
This year's Security Officers Workshop is on track to be our best workshop ever with a lineup of outstanding professionals delivering the hottest topics you need to know, and train your staff on.
FDIC Chairman Testified on IT Security
In response to recent security incidents and OIG audits, FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg providede testimony on the importance of IT security and the FDIC's plans to strengthen its controls.
EAST Fraud Update
EAST issued their second update of the year on global ATM fraud.
Focus on Fraud
From the editor's desk
Identity Theft vs. Economic Espionage
One of the key components to mitigating internal fraud is to implement prevention strategies while still allowing employees to do their jobs quickly and efficiently.
War Stories
Questions & Answers
- What is Financial Institution Fraud?
- Implications of the New CDD Rules
- What Happens to Consumer Debt When Bank Fails?
Other Bankers
- Editor:
- P. Kevin Smith, CPP
- Contributing Editor:
- Teri Wesley
- Executive Editor:
- Barbara Hurst
- Board of Advisors:
- John S. Burnett
Peter G. Djinis, Esq.
William Gearin
Lucy H. Griffin
Mary Beth Guard, Esq.
David McGuinn
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Barry Thompson
Andy Zavoina