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Compliance Action, Volume 27, Number 5

September 30, 2022

Flood Insurance
Force Placement (3 Action Steps)

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

The new Interagency Flood Insurance rule and the related Q&As that were issued in May contained a significant number of changes or new information related to force placement of flood insurance.

Compliance by Committee (3 Action Steps)

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

Assembling a compliance committee is one way to expand the resources of your compliance management program without adding to staff and can increase the expertise of the compliance management team.

Overdrafts, NSF, and Overreach (4 Action Steps)

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

Overdraft fees and other consumer fees are once again falling under regulatory scrutiny.

Compliance Calendar

Flood Insurance Force Placement For Real

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

With flood insurance high on everyone's minds right now, the OCC has issued what is probably one of the largest CMPs against a financial institution for violations of the force placement provision under the Flood Disaster Protection Act and OCC Flood regulation.

Compliance Notes

Training Page
Regulation E Word Search

By Nancy Castiglione, CRCM

With the exponential growth in electronic fund transfers (EFTs), have a little fun with your Reg E training that helps ensure your staff are familiar with terms related to the regulation.

Compliance Online
Flood Insurance Manual

Nancy Castiglione, CRCM
Editor Emeritus:
Lucy H. Griffin, Esq.
Board of Advisors:
John S. Byrne, Esq.
Cliff E. Cook
David Dickinson
Julie A. Gliha, MBA
Carl G. Pry
Susan Rich
Robert G. Rowe, III, Esq.
Meg Sczyrba
Andy Zavoina

Compliance Action

Bankers' Hotline

Compliance Action