Our bank has a trust department and they want to run an advertisement. Does "Member FDIC" need to be included in the ad? The ad will state something like, "We can help you with your Trust and Estate Planning."
The new FDIC Official Digital Sign requirement has a specific wordmark size that is not format friendly when displayed in mobile banking. Can the sizing be adjusted for the screen or must the text be wrapped for full display? Will resizing to accommodate the screen impact compliance?
What is the FDIC Institution Directory?
What is the FDIC Banker Resource Center?
Does my financial institution have to have policies and procedures regarding accuracy and integrity of furnished information provided to CRA’s?
This question pertains to a Revocable Trust Account. Our client is reluctant to submit the entire Trust document and the attorneys version of what we
need to know does not include list of beneficiaries. Can we insure this account for more than $250,000 without knowing the exact number of
beneficiaries? What if they do submit a list, but make changes to the Trust afterwards without notifying us and the number of beneficiaries changes, are
we obligated to provide the insurance for all?
Do we need the words "Member FDIC" on our Google ad? When you click on the ad it takes the person to our site that does have the appropriate language. I notice that no other banks have this.
As an FDIC regulated institution I wanted to inquire about notification requirements regarding adverse action. I am unsure if I am reading the regulation accurately in stating that Oral Notification by small-volume creditors is a loop hole to not having to issue a written adverse action notice. We definitely have less than 150 applications. Please advise.
At this time our social media posts, facebook, twitter, google display ads etc. don’t’ have the Member FDIC due to character and layout constraints, however, they are one click away from our landing page that will have the advertising notice of FDIC membership. Would this be acceptable?
Are we required to put Member FDIC on overdraft notices, notice of returned deposit item, etc.? We typically use it as much as possible but in this case like to remove it so that I can use the same notice paper for a non-FDIC insured item - safe deposit boxes and their payment notices.