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Consumer Protection for mistake in loan payment transaction
Scenario: A bank employee inadvertently makes an error while processing a payment authorized by phone by the customer, for example, customer authorized his/her personal loan monthly payment of $100 but the employee processes a debit for $101, or $96. Could this be considered an unauthorized electronic fund based on the amount error? Can this be considered a violation of other consumer protection law/reg? UDAAP?
Records retention and canceled remittance transfer
Regarding a cancellation request of a consumer foreign remittance transfer - are there any document retention requirements related to the canceled wire transfer request? Is the FI required to retain a copy of the wire transfer request form or any other documentation related to the transaction since it never occurred if canceled within the 30-minute window? Our bank has a log to record all canceled international wire transfer requests, but that is the only documentation.
Completing CTRs on a business account
When filing a CTR on a business deposit, do you include everyone on the account like you would a personal CTR or just the actual conductor?
Recognizing recurring and non-recurring debit card
Can a merchant force a debit card transaction by claiming that the transaction is a recurring transaction event though it's not? For example, the customer opted out of overdraft service for ATM and one-time POS debit card transactions, but a merchant forced the transaction by claiming it's recurring.
Compliance checking AI-generated videos
Have you seen AI generated videos and how would they be used?