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#1052949 - 09/29/08 06:29 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
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WASHINGTON - The House on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue package, ignoring urgent pleas from President Bush and bipartisan congressional leaders to quickly bail out the staggering financial industry. Stocks plummeted on Wall Street even before the 228-205 vote to reject the bill was announced on the House floor. When the critical vote was tallied, too few members of the House were willing to support the unpopular measure with elections just five weeks away. Ample no votes came from both the Democratic and Republican sides of the aisle.
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#1052977 - 09/29/08 06:42 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
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Big Sky Country
I don't know, I kind of feel like the American public simply had their voices heard. Everywhere I look or listen, Joe-average American's are against the bailout and have been calling their representatives to make their dissent clear. Since so many Representatives from both sides of the aisle voted nay, perhaps they actually simply did their jobs - REPRESENTED their people!
So maybe our economy will go down with a giant flushing sound, but if the trade-off is that America's representative governmental process followed the will of the people, I'm just more proud to be an American. For better or worse, WE made the decision, instead of having that descision made for us.
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.
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#1052979 - 09/29/08 06:44 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
RebekahL CRCM
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are they going to try again, to get something passed, before vacation?
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1052984 - 09/29/08 06:46 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
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I am sure they will...
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#1052989 - 09/29/08 06:48 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
RebekahL CRCM
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Somewhere vanilla
I don't know, I kind of feel like the American public simply had their voices heard. Everywhere I look or listen, Joe-average American's are against the bailout and have been calling their representatives to make their dissent clear. Since so many Representatives from both sides of the aisle voted nay, perhaps they actually simply did their jobs - REPRESENTED their people!
So maybe our economy will go down with a giant flushing sound, but if the trade-off is that America's representative governmental process followed the will of the people, I'm just more proud to be an American. For better or worse, WE made the decision, instead of having that descision made for us. why is a crippled economy an acceptable outcome for you?
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#1053009 - 09/29/08 07:08 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
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I don't know, I kind of feel like the American public simply had their voices heard. Everywhere I look or listen, Joe-average American's are against the bailout and have been calling their representatives to make their dissent clear. Since so many Representatives from both sides of the aisle voted nay, perhaps they actually simply did their jobs - REPRESENTED their people!
So maybe our economy will go down with a giant flushing sound, but if the trade-off is that America's representative governmental process followed the will of the people, I'm just more proud to be an American. For better or worse, WE made the decision, instead of having that descision made for us. why is a crippled economy an acceptable outcome for you? Because a false, propped up economy may be worse. Because often (relatively) short term pain, even if accute, is necessary to heal. Because I think Americans are sick of greed, and believe consequences are necessary, even if they hurt. Because I believe Americans have enough ingenuity and resolve to see it through. But most of all, because most American's seem to be against the bailout, and we live under representative government... the will of the people. Hopefully an America in which the voice of the people is ignored will never become an acceptable outcome for any of us.
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.
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#1053011 - 09/29/08 07:10 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
RebekahL CRCM
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Weren't we sick of all the greed during Enron, and the rest of the collapses at the turn of the century too?
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1053017 - 09/29/08 07:14 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
RebekahL CRCM
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Somewhere vanilla
Because often (relatively) short term pain, even if accute, is necessary to heal. to you (ie "relatively"), what is short term pain? believe me, i understand your points about representative government, but i also don't trust the majority of americans to understand exactly/fully what the economics behind such a deal are.
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#1053030 - 09/29/08 07:22 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
RebekahL CRCM
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Because a false, propped up economy may be worse. Because often (relatively) short term pain, even if accute, is necessary to heal. Because I think Americans are sick of greed, and believe consequences are necessary, even if they hurt. Because I believe Americans have enough ingenuity and resolve to see it through. But most of all, because most American's seem to be against the bailout, and we live under representative government... the will of the people.
Hopefully an America in which the voice of the people is ignored will never become an acceptable outcome for any of us.
For the first time in my life I am truly frightened at what could happen, and that is due, in no small part, to the fact that the bank where I currently have a couple of CD's (total amount is till under $100,000) is one of the teetering banks. It is also the bank where my husband's paycheck is deposited directly, but that may not matter because his company may close before the end of the year. I don't think the FDIC has the reserves to Guaranty all of the insured deposits that are at-risk, so we may need far MORE than the $700 Billion to guaranty the deposits as I think we will soon witness a cascade of bank failures. Either way you slice and dice it, the American Taxpayer IS on the hook for this mess. I think it was a choice of - do we pay a little now, or do we pay a LOT later. As I read more and more on the subject, the issue of the derivatives market flushing down the toilet is a subject that even most financial experts do not want to contemplate.
CRCM,CAMS Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics. Just sayin'
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#1053044 - 09/29/08 07:42 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
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Big Sky Country
Because often (relatively) short term pain, even if accute, is necessary to heal. to you (ie "relatively"), what is short term pain? believe me, i understand your points about representative government, but i also don't trust the majority of americans to understand exactly/fully what the economics behind such a deal are. Hopefully the difference between painful months and painful years. My husband lost his job last Friday in direct relation to the slow economy. Heck yeah, it is going to be painful for us for awhile! But, we will endure, I have no doubt. I truly feel our resolve is matched by countless families around the country. This resolve, IMHO, outweighs any lack of economic understanding you think we suffer from.
Me, Type A? Maybe - I'm not done analyzing it yet.
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#1053047 - 09/29/08 07:48 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
RebekahL CRCM
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wow, even Dennis Kucinich was against the bailout bill, saying that it was sending America towards "casino socialism."
What does it say when a far lefty like Kucinich opposes the bill because of fears of socialism, and President Bush supports it?
This is crazy.
"Beneath an ever watchful eye...the angels of the temple fly"
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#1053090 - 09/29/08 08:03 PM
Re: 165 Economists Rip Bailout Plan
Princess Romeo
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under the Lone Star
bless the house pubbies for showing the way!!!
Pelosi couldn't keep her troops in line, the democrats didn't need one pubbie vote, although they got quite a few
buyin, my gluts!!!
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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