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#1081818 - 11/14/08 01:11 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Diamond Poster
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#1081823 - 11/14/08 01:26 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
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Bob's fake immunity idol is great. And who can forget the fake idol Ozzie made that looked like a stick. About half of the remaining survivors know Sugar has the hidden immunity idol. Would they think there could be more than one? He might as well hide it in his bag just in case. He is probably not a big target now that they have merged.
I overstand.
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#1081839 - 11/14/08 01:44 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Dazed Auditor
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In the Snow :)
I think Crystal and Randy have targets on their backs. It seems that Sugar defintely has something against Randy, and it sounds like several people don't like Corinne either.
I'd like to see Bob and Sugar stay in there. I like both of them. At first I thought Sugar was just a dumb blonde, but she's beginning to seem dumb like a fox.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1081853 - 11/14/08 01:55 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Snow Bunny
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I'd like to see Bob and Sugar make it to the finals also. I really wish that Bob would win - score one for the old folks!  - but that will never probably never happen. Of course, you never know.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1081862 - 11/14/08 02:03 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
They do like to get rid of the old folks. I think they know that they are usually so well liked, that the younger, game-ier ones have not chance against them in the final vote.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1081872 - 11/14/08 02:12 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Snow Bunny
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I was surprised that Suzie and Sugar beat Bob at the fire making challenge. He's a science teacher.
This season the underdogs are voting out the power players. I think Randy will go next
I overstand.
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#1081891 - 11/14/08 02:28 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Dazed Auditor
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I loved the fire-making challenge, especially that Sugar could make a fire after the conversation Randy had about how useless she would be at it.
I can't believe Randy hasn't been voted off yet just for being such a jerk!
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#1081901 - 11/14/08 02:39 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
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In the Snow :)
His day is coming I think. Sugar does not like him at all, and everyone seems to be trying to get her on their sides, so she does have some power.
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#1082286 - 11/14/08 07:24 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
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In the Snow :)
That's what the game is all about. If you make tell the story the right way - especially since they threw that one into the ocean, he might be able to ride that over one or two tribal counsels.
The others may also want to force him to use it to get it out of the way, so it could also backfire on him.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1082316 - 11/14/08 07:49 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Power Poster
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God Bless America
Ok i missed who got voted out, I started watching the game.
Tag you're it!!
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#1082319 - 11/14/08 07:54 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
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Outside A Garage
Charlie. Who must be ecstatic because he can now stalk Marcus all over the Loser's Lodge for the remainder of the season.
_________________________ guys, I'm going home
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#1082355 - 11/14/08 08:34 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Blade Scrapper
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God Bless America
oh ok, i just didnt want it to be that hot guy, i cant remember his name... but yeah I would have like to have been one of the women washing him down...Just sayin
Tag you're it!!
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#1082432 - 11/14/08 09:53 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
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God Bless America
Tag you're it!!
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#1082434 - 11/14/08 09:57 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
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Up North
oh ok, i just didnt want it to be that hot guy, i cant remember his name... but yeah I would have like to have been one of the women washing him down...Just sayin You really like Randy that much? I just threw-up a little... 
Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.
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#1085583 - 11/21/08 09:55 AM
Re: Survivor Gabon
RR Sarah
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Finally! Randy is gone! The fake idol blindside was side-splitting!!
I was so glad Kenny won the immunity challenge.
I'm liking Sugar more and more - she's a pretty smart "cookie" - heehee! That whole cookie thing was funny!
Now, about that Corrine...
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#1085616 - 11/21/08 01:23 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Diamond Poster
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Great show!!! Another blind-side!!!  Loved watching sugar during tribal council. And when Crystal voted and VOICED her opinions, I just screamed!!! Randy's just going to nasty away if he doesn't change. I don't think that he even likes himself so how can he like or get along with anyone else???
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1085625 - 11/21/08 01:35 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
Last night was an absolutely great show. What a hoot! I loved the very end where they showed Bob talking to Corinne explaining how he got the immunity idol.
This show was a classic!
So Long Randy! It's about time. If nothing else, Bob deserves the fan favorite award!
Have you noticed that they are showing a different side of Sugar in the private interviews? She and Bob could become a great team.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1085627 - 11/21/08 01:39 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Snow Bunny
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I missed Bob's explanation. What did he tell her???
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1085660 - 11/21/08 02:14 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
I'm not good on the names here, so bear with me. It was at the very end, and I almost missed it. I also don't know when it happened.
Bob and Corinne were out in a field, and he showed her his idol and explained that it was the idol that was supposed to have been thrown into the ocean. The guy who threw it into the ocean actually palmed it, and buried it and showed Bob where it was. Bob then dug it up and that was how he had it. It was GOOD!
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1085662 - 11/21/08 02:18 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Snow Bunny
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So he's really pulling a switcheroo on Sugar by letting Corinne know that he has a real idol! Playing both sides, hmmmmmm.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1085666 - 11/21/08 02:20 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
10K Club
Joined: Jun 2006
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In the Snow :)
No - he showed Corinne the fake idol that he made - the same one that he gave Randy, that got burned!
It was sooo funny!
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#1085690 - 11/21/08 02:43 PM
Re: Survivor Gabon
Snow Bunny
Diamond Poster
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Oh, good!
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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