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#1133808 - 02/21/09 02:57 AM Re: Octuplets Sing A Little
Blessed Offline
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FWIW, My grandparents had 1 biologigal children in a 4 bedroom house and they are all amazing welll rounded human beings, and on top of that they (my grandparents) have adopted 16 children... At this tim they have a 5 yr old a 14 yr old and a 15 year old.... Not saying it is this way with her, but some people ARE meant for large families, and constantcy....
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

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#1133819 - 02/21/09 03:38 AM Re: Octuplets Blessed
Truffle Royale Offline

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Did any of you read the article I linked?
Allred says she's taken it upon herself to file a complaint with the Department of Children and Family Services to investigate whether the children might be endangered staying with their mother. She says the children will have medical and emotional needs that Suleman alone won't be able to handle. The group called Angels In Waiting wants to help.

"When these babies are released from the hospital, they are not out of the woods, so to speak," said Registered Nurse Linda West-Conforti, Angels In Waiting. "They have a potential for setbacks and complications
Finally...Thank God Attorney Allred had the chutzpah to file a complaint.

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#1133853 - 02/21/09 05:47 PM Re: Octuplets Truffle Royale
Blessed Offline
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I have read the article, but still stick by my comment above.... I have to point out that the 16 adopted children had medical/and or MAJOR emotional issues (hence why they were placed in foster care).
Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

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#1133882 - 02/22/09 01:46 AM Re: Octuplets Blessed
hmdagal Offline
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Allred and one of the nurses from Angels in Waiting were on Larry King the other night. I just saw part of the show, but it sounded like they were being realistic about the needs of all of these children. The help they are offering, though, is only for 6 months.

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#1133884 - 02/22/09 02:14 AM Re: Octuplets Blessed
Truffle Royale Offline

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Disappointments, I don't think your grandparents belong in the same catagory as Octomom let alone the majority of the rest of the moms in America. Obviously they're one of those rare couples who were intended to do good things for children. Your grandparents have put much thought into what taking on each additional mouth would do to them and the rest of their family.

Unfortunately, too many people have kids 'cause they can. They put little thought to how that's going to impact their lives or the responsibility that it entails. Octomom is the worst example of this. I'm beginning to think that taking the children away from her is the best idea.

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#1133898 - 02/22/09 04:12 PM Re: Octuplets Truffle Royale
Jokerman Offline
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Well, if Gloria Allred says so, it must be so.

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#1133900 - 02/22/09 06:15 PM Re: Octuplets Jokerman
Truffle Royale Offline

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Originally Posted By: Jokerman
Well, if Gloria Allred says so, it must be so.
And that adds to this discussion exactly how?????? If you're taking a cheap shot, why? What are you basing it on? Has Allred some track record you think people should know about? If you've got something to contribute I'm sure we'd all like to hear it.

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#1133911 - 02/22/09 08:38 PM Re: Octuplets Truffle Royale
buggs Offline
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Truf, it's just J's way. Don't let it get to you. He likes it when it does.

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#1133913 - 02/22/09 09:09 PM Re: Octuplets buggs
Jokerman Offline
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Originally Posted By: Truffle Royale
Originally Posted By: Jokerman
Well, if Gloria Allred says so, it must be so.
And that adds to this discussion exactly how?????? If you're taking a cheap shot, why? What are you basing it on? Has Allred some track record you think people should know about? If you've got something to contribute I'm sure we'd all like to hear it.

I've said before that I don't care for the media frenzy surrounding all this - and Allred is as big a media [censored] as any of them. Earlier you were ready to prohibit women from having kids when you didn't think they needed to. Now you're ready to take children away from a woman based on the always reliable, fair, in-depth, and never sensationalized reporting of Nancy Grace (or whoever it is of comparable character that is reporting on this).

Originally Posted By: Bugs Bunny
Truf, it's just J's way. Don't let it get to you. He likes it when it does.

Oh, no! My secret is out! Have a nice Sunday, Bugs.

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#1133924 - 02/23/09 01:55 AM Re: Octuplets Jokerman
Truffle Royale Offline

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Don't know where you decided I wanted to prohibit women from having kids.
I'm sure I said I got the Angels story from GMA. Who's Nancy Grace?
I said I'm starting to believe that the government, who's stepping in and saving the rest of the country, should step in here and save these babies from an increasingly crazy looking mother.
I'm not there. I think Children and Family Services should be.

Now I repeat my question, do you have anything to add other than another poke at me?

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#1133930 - 02/23/09 03:52 AM Re: Octuplets Truffle Royale
Jokerman Offline
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I didn't decide you wanted to prohibit women from having kids, I read it. We've discussed it already. I love the comparison between advocacy or opposition to a general economic "stimulus" and removing children from a particular home, by the way. I think that's called a category error.

Look, you're free to post opinions about how many children parents should have and how many this one should have and whether some parents ought to be allowed by society to be parents at all. And I'm free, as I understand the rules of this forum, to disagree. Please advise if that's incorrect. Thanks.

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#1133948 - 02/23/09 12:57 PM Re: Octuplets Jokerman
pjs Offline
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The Octopus' dad said don't take it out on the babies.
Some of the six kids stated they don't want those babies coming home.
She can't take care of her six kids and brings 8 more into the world.
The doctor needs his license taken away and she needs to step it up and start looking at the reality of what she did.

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#1134013 - 02/23/09 03:42 PM Re: Octuplets Jokerman
Truffle Royale Offline

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Originally Posted By: Jokerman
I didn't decide you wanted to prohibit women from having kids, I read it. We've discussed it already. You need to go back and reread then, like I just did. For the nth time, she can have all she wants. I don't think taxpayers should have to foot the bill. If that includes a welfare limit stating we're not paying over x number of kids, then so be it. Somebody's got to have the chutzpah to draw a line in the sand or the crazies will overrun us all. I love the comparison between advocacy or opposition to a general economic "stimulus" and removing children from a particular home, by the way. I think that's called a category error. really. I'm using government intervention to save something. Banks, babies, whatever.

Look, you're free to post opinions about how many children parents should have and how many this one should have and whether some parents ought to be allowed by society to be parents at all. And I'm free, as I understand the rules of this forum, to disagree. Please advise if that's incorrect. Thanks. absolutely go ahead and disagree. Just don't spin my words to fit your opinions, ok?

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#1134022 - 02/23/09 03:51 PM Re: Octuplets Truffle Royale
Jokerman Offline
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I don't need to go back and re-read it; I've read it more than once, already. You can say I'm spinning your words all you want, but they're out there, and you have yet to say you mis-spoke. If you did, that's fine - we all do from time to time. I don't want to argue for the sake of arguing, Truff. And I don't have any reason to take a cheap shot at you that I'm aware of. I was just disagreeing with a few things you said and the general approach you've taken with regards to this story, not trying to be disagreeable.

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#1134055 - 02/23/09 04:13 PM Re: Octuplets Jokerman
Truffle Royale Offline

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I didn't misspeak. Nor did I say what you seem to think I did. But that horse is dead.

Ding. (changing topic)
Did anyone else see Dennis, who thinks he's the father, say he's willing to step up to the plate and help even if DNA shows he's not the father as Nadia states? She says it's some other platonic friend who already knows he's fathered 14 kids. Wow. I mean really, to offer that kind of help.

What's with Nadia, anyway? She's had offers for help from the Angels and now this guy and who knows who else but she's not taking any? I can't phathom why not.

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#1134059 - 02/23/09 04:19 PM Re: Octuplets Truffle Royale
pjs Offline
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She's not taking the help because she's looking to make millions. Their help isn't good enough.

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#1134061 - 02/23/09 04:22 PM Re: Octuplets pjs
Peepers Offline
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I haven't really followed this but in one interview that I saw a bit of, the chick was kind of cute. Perhaps there's a chance for AG, plenty of tax write offs.

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#1134119 - 02/23/09 04:55 PM Re: Octuplets Peepers
Miscuit Offline
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laugh @ the crazy lady and AG

(and i know why you think she's cute...your "usual reason") crazy

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#1135407 - 02/25/09 01:54 PM Re: Octuplets Miscuit
A_G Offline
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As reported on

OctoMom is used to having multiple people inside of her at once -- and now one porn company is willing to shell out big bucks to harness that skill on film.

Major porn distributor Vivid Entertainment has just fired off a letter to Nadya Suleman, offering her 1 million bucks to star in a skin flick of her own. Vivid is willing to go one step further, by telling us they'll give her family full medical and dental insurance if she becomes a "contract girl"... meaning she'll have to do multiple videos.

No word if Octo will take them up on the offer -- but she definitely needs the scratch for a down payment on a house...
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.

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#1135409 - 02/25/09 01:56 PM Re: Octuplets A_G
kitten Offline
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Not prison
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD

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#1135438 - 02/25/09 02:22 PM Re: Octuplets kitten
Miscuit Offline
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well we know of 1 person that would buy the vid

::eyes Peepers::

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#1136257 - 02/26/09 01:11 PM Re: Octuplets A_G
pjs Offline
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Originally Posted By: AuditGuy
As reported on

OctoMom is used to having multiple people inside of her at once -- and now one porn company is willing to shell out big bucks to harness that skill on film.

Major porn distributor Vivid Entertainment has just fired off a letter to Nadya Suleman, offering her 1 million bucks to star in a skin flick of her own. Vivid is willing to go one step further, by telling us they'll give her family full medical and dental insurance if she becomes a "contract girl"... meaning she'll have to do multiple videos.

No word if Octo will take them up on the offer -- but she definitely needs the scratch for a down payment on a house...

There is also another porn company that will give her all the diapers she needs if she turns down that porn offer.

She's sweating bullets now- it will be interesting to see if the babies come home- the house they live in is not up to standards for the babies to come home. Also, isn't it midnight tonight when the offer expires for the Angels in Waiting to care for the tribe?

The video on is pretty disgusting of mom and daughter talking. Take a good look at octomom and her facial expressions- she knows she is on camera and she plays it for all it is worth.

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#1136260 - 02/26/09 01:27 PM Re: Octuplets pjs
Snow Bunny Offline
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These women are making big bucks for all of the TV time and interviews they're doing. So what's happening to that money?

I saw one soundbite last night talking about sending the babies to foster care because of the conditions and lack of care.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep

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#1136266 - 02/26/09 01:37 PM Re: Octuplets Snow Bunny
kitten Offline
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Not prison
good! i hope they do that!!!!! mad
I shall call you Thunder Twonk. ~TfD

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#1136282 - 02/26/09 01:49 PM Octomom offered $1,000,000...
HappyGilmore Offline
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Pulling people out of the ditc... Vivid Video to star in a pornographic film. Fortunately, VV requires all stars to use condoms...other than John Bobbit, I don't know if any other "media star" that has been offered the same by VV has taken them up on the offer.
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