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#1138900 - 03/03/09 04:08 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2007
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God Bless America
Tag was definately in swv
Tag you're it!!
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#1140183 - 03/04/09 10:28 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
100 Club
Joined: Nov 2004
Posts: 237
How annoying Coach & Sandy are!!!! Also not sure I'm going to like Tyson. He looks *so* familiar though, I cannot think why. Does he remind you of the actor Matthew McConaughey?
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#1140196 - 03/04/09 10:39 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2006
Posts: 14,390
I don't repeat gossip, so listen closely...
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#1140425 - 03/05/09 03:12 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
#Just Jay
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the sandy shore
No. MM is *much* cuter. I seriously feel like I've met Tyson or something.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#1141075 - 03/06/09 01:59 AM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
Sandy is gone at last!!!  I hope Coach is next.  Looks like Taj better cool it based on the previews of next week's show.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1141151 - 03/06/09 01:33 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
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Participates, but doesn't deliver. Has he ever even beaten who he was up against in a challenge - and I don't mean the team effort. He also thinks very highly of himself. I hope that he gets blindsided. -SOON!
Maybe the girl is playing the game also. Maybe not talking is her strategy. I'd rather someone not talk than never say anything worth listening to.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1141329 - 03/06/09 03:31 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
100 Club
Joined: May 2006
Posts: 171
I agree that Coach must go. He is the so full of himself he cannot see the positive things in his teammates.
I hope the cross tribal alliance works, they had better be careful though. Sounds like they get kinda caught from the previews for next week.
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#1141362 - 03/06/09 03:46 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
How would anyone know of the alliance unless someone told somebody else? Hmmmmmmm........
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1141768 - 03/06/09 07:29 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2007
Posts: 264
As for Coach, his cockiness is annoying, but what really gets me is that no one has really seemed to notice that he really doesn't do that well in competitions. If you notice in any of the events that requires running or stamina he appears to either be in the middle or close to last.
He is either not pushing himself or saving his strength.
Steely Eyed Killer of the Deep
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#1144472 - 03/13/09 12:25 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
This week's show wasn't that great to me, but next week's looks like some people go nuts.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1150106 - 03/24/09 06:26 AM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,139
Ok Kat, this is for you...
RECAP: In episode 4 (which was on March 5th), Brendan found the immunity idol and he buried it. He didn’t have time to tell Sierra about the plan for a four-way alliance. But Taj and Sierra ended up on exile island together, and so Taj was able to tell her about the plan. Taj had not found her idol yet.
In episode 5 (March 12th), Taj and Stephen headed out early in the morning and found the hidden immunity idol. Since Taj didn’t have any pockets, she gave the idol to Stephen. Stephen was a bit smug and shifty about it. He later said to the camera, “As long as it’s in my possession, I’m going to try to keep it in my possession. Theoretically and ostensibly, it is mine. I’m the one wearing the idol around my neck.”
At the Timbira camp, Brendan and Sierra stayed behind at camp while the rest of their tribe did their chores. Sierra got a bit mad at Brendan for not telling her about the four-way alliance with Taj and Stephen. Brendan apologized. Sierra understood and the two gloated about their brilliant strategy.
RC was kind of funny. Some team members sat on spinning platforms. Other tribe members had to pull on a rope to spin them. It was wild! When the spinners stood up, they were dizzy. They had to walk a balance beam while still dizzy! The first tribe to score three points wins. It was Jalapao. For reward, they went to a “café,” where they had juice and coffee, pastries, and a modern toilet with plenty of toilet paper. In addition, they also got some letters from home, which was a real surprise.
The winning team also got to choose someone to go to exile island. Then that person got to choose someone from the other tribe – just as had been done before. Stephen spoke up and selected Brendan, and Brendan, in turn, selected Stephen to join him…keeping the “secret alliance people” going to exile island.
Back at Timbira, the tribe began to suspect something with Brendan, since he had been to exile island a few times. “Guys, I think Brendan’s trying to build relations with the other tribe.” Tyson revealed. Others are beginning to think about this.
At exile island, Brendan revealed that he has the immunity idol. Stephen admits that he also holds a hidden immunity idol, which assured Brendan that he indeed is a part of an all-powerful alliance. Despite Brendan’s efforts to befriend him, Stephen thinks logically. “I’ve known him for five minutes. I can’t place my entire faith in the game on him. I can’t place my entire faith on this four-person alliance,” confessed Stephen.
At Jalapao, Spencer and Sydney talk. Sydney talked about her boyfriend, and asked Spencer if he has a special woman in his life. Spencer hid the truth, telling Sydney that there are a lot of attractive women at his university. “My tribemates are not aware that I’m gay. I haven’t told them only because I feel like in the culture that we live in, there’s not much to gain by finding out that you are gay,” Spencer candidly admits.
IC - Two members of each tribe launch balls out into a water-logged course where the remaining tribe members catch the ball. First tribe to score five points wins. JT rapidly scores the first two points for Jalapao. But when he dives for another ball, he knocked out half of his front tooth! Then he tossed it away! (Jeff stopped the game until the tooth was found –Jeff put it in his pocket.) JT’s mouth was bloody, but he continued on as if it never happened. Despite JT’s hard work, Jalapao lost. (He blamed Spencer for not guarding properly.)
Back at camp, Spencer was paranoid that he might be the next to go based on his incompetent performance in the immunity challenge. Taj had a few moments of anger as well, and so she was worried about the vote.
When the immunity idol was brought up at Tribal Council, Joe made a remark about Taj maybe having it. Joe asks Taj to bluntly state that she does not have the hidden immunity idol, and she wins his trust by looking him in the eye and saying that she does not have it. “I believe her,” says Joe. (If you remember, Stephen had it at the time, so she didn’t “lie.”) . . .Thus, Spencer was voted off.
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#1150107 - 03/24/09 06:29 AM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,139
Due to the basketball tournament, Survivor was not on last week. This week, due to the continued basketball tournament, Survivor will be on WEDNESDAY, not Thursday. Don't forget! 
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#1161653 - 04/10/09 04:43 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Platinum Poster
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Posts: 730
So, is anyone still watching this? Is Coach an egomaniac to the point of being unbalanced, or what?
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#1161662 - 04/10/09 04:47 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
I was hoping he'd be blind-sided last night. Somebody better take the dragon slayer out soon! Can they not see through him?
I hate that someone had to leave due to an injury.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1161674 - 04/10/09 04:54 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Gold Star
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 290
I live in Oklahama so all the grass fires pre-empted Survivor and everything else. If anyone would like to give us a review of last nights show, I for one would like to know what happened. I think I saw somwhere that it was shown at 2:30 a.m. this morning? Needless to say I missed that one!
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#1161875 - 04/10/09 07:08 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
Hadn't thought of that, but you're right. Now is the time for the other tribe to divide them even more!
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1166267 - 04/20/09 03:22 AM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
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Joined: Jul 2002
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the sandy shore
Did a little spoiler research for a friend over the weekend and it looks like that is indeed what happens. All the way to F4.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#1166329 - 04/20/09 01:51 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
100 Club
Joined: May 2006
Posts: 171
Don't know about ya'll... but I am so ready for Coach to go. I was highly disappointed this week when he didn't.
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#1166343 - 04/20/09 02:06 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
Oh, he's such a warrior!!! He's done so many interesting things!!! 
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1169542 - 04/24/09 12:23 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
Well, Coach is still there, but the next most irritating individual is gone. Maybe Coach is next. According to the previews, it looks like he's now scrambling to regroup his alliances.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#1169616 - 04/24/09 01:23 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
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Joined: Mar 2004
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Up North
I am soooooo glad Tyson is gone!!! And really, don't these people watch previous seasons of Survivor? Don't they know that when they get too cocky and too sure in their alliance is when all [censored] breaks loose! Loving it!!
Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.
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#1169667 - 04/24/09 02:04 PM
Re: SURVIVOR: Tocantins
RR Sarah
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Can't remember the name of the blonde in the black and white dress/shirt, but Coach was treating her really bad last night. Looked like in the previews that he was trying to suck up to her. I hope she doesn't fall for his line.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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