Remember how immature Sione and Filipe were about not wanting to work with Jillian? - The "oh, poor me" thing - they just had to be with Bob.
Well, I saw on the news about an interview with Jillian. She said part of their problem was that they were like
little misbehaving boys....She called them out for their antics and they didn't like her for it. (Waa waa

Here's just a few examples of the things they did:
*They would sneak food all the time - take extra food from the house kitchen.
*They broke into the Kraft Food Service and stole food - (that food was for the film crew, directors, editors and trainers - not for the contestants).
*They would sneak off of the ranch campus in the middle of the night and go to fast food restaurants.
It was determined that since they wouldn't adhere to the rules, they were actually restricted. For example , they couldn't leave the campus on weekends to go freely into town as they others could.
I couldn't believe that they were given this opportunity... they got access to highly-paid trainers....their room and board was paid for...they got free medical care...etc. - and they would behave like children. Pretty obvious now why neither made it to the finals.
What do you wanna bet that they will be like a few of the other former contestants and gain much, if not all, of their weight back! (maybe not right away, but within the next two years)