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#1334202 - 01/29/10 07:54 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
10K Club
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With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#1334205 - 01/29/10 07:56 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Gold Star
Joined: Apr 2008
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State of Confusion
Not a chance.
Just spend baby, when the money runs out just go out back to the money tree...
A common mistake people make designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
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#1334222 - 01/29/10 08:06 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2002
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under the Lone Star
and I see russia is recommending everyone bail out of Fannie and Freddie....
I don't know if the U.S. can survive another 3 years like the last one...........................
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1334287 - 01/29/10 08:45 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Hrothgar Geiger
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Since there's such a strong objection to raising the debt ceiling by Republicans I find it interesting that the Republicans didn't insist on seating Scott Brown before they voted on this issue.
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#1334292 - 01/29/10 08:47 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Hrothgar Geiger
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Way, way south.
So how much more would you be willing to pay in Federal taxes to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Just so we don't keep, you know, borrowing money we don't have. What percentage of the budget is funding the wars?
Giddy up.
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#1334315 - 01/29/10 08:58 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
MB Guy
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AAN for Uncle Sams loan app:
Insufficient income for amount of credit requested
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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#1334322 - 01/29/10 09:02 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Hrothgar Geiger
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So how much more would you be willing to pay in Federal taxes to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Just so we don't keep, you know, borrowing money we don't have. How much more in Federal taxes are you willing to pay for health care reform. I will make a deal with you. I will pay an increase in taxes for the wars if I am exempt from tax increases for health care. Those are the kinds of deals this administration cuts.
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#1334324 - 01/29/10 09:04 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
MB Guy
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Jersey Shore
So how much more would you be willing to pay in Federal taxes to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Just so we don't keep, you know, borrowing money we don't have. What percentage of the budget is funding the wars? Zero. Funding/borrowing for Iraq and Afghanistan is done through Supplemental Appropriations bills that keep it out of the budget. If you're looking for a number to reflect the revenue to be raised, the 2010 appropriations are just over $130 billion.
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#1334327 - 01/29/10 09:05 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
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As long as I can pay an increase in taxes for healthcare if I'm exempt from the wars.
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#1334336 - 01/29/10 09:08 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
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As long as I can pay an increase in taxes for healthcare if I'm exempt from the wars. You got it. I would also like to be exempt from social security, medicare, medicaid taxes as I will never use those services and don't agree with them. I would also like to be exempt from federal taxes for the department of education, as I disagree with the federal government funding education. You good with that?
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#1334339 - 01/29/10 09:09 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
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No doubt. Look at the cost of the war over the last five years. It is nothing compared to our deficit.
If your tagline references disclaimers regarding the nature of political posts, then you should just hit notify.
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#1334340 - 01/29/10 09:09 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Hrothgar Geiger
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So how much more would you be willing to pay in Federal taxes to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Just so we don't keep, you know, borrowing money we don't have. I'd rather cut programs you think are worthwhile...list please?
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#1334341 - 01/29/10 09:09 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Hrothgar Geiger
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This is from slate but I thought it was funny:
George W. Bush's suggestion for passing healthcare: Declare that the U.S. is at war with the forces of Death and Disease. Seek a joint resolution stating the same. Scare up support by telling voters they're all going to die. Have the office of legal counsel draft a memo declaring that the president has the inherent and unfettered authority to protect the nation against the evil "Duo of Demise." Implement the preferred version of health care reform through a secret executive order and pay for it with the 2010 war supplemental. Repeat as needed.
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#1334344 - 01/29/10 09:11 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
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As long as I can pay an increase in taxes for healthcare if I'm exempt from the wars. BTW Buccs, I know you beleive the rhetoric regarding cost savings, but since the war expenses will end at some point, but the heathcare costs will always be there, you may want to rethink that deal. Or perhaps that is how liberals make financial decisions Well played, sir.
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#1334345 - 01/29/10 09:11 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,795
So how much more would you be willing to pay in Federal taxes to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Just so we don't keep, you know, borrowing money we don't have. How much more in Federal taxes are you willing to pay for health care reform. I will make a deal with you. I will pay an increase in taxes for the wars if I am exempt from tax increases for health care. Those are the kinds of deals this administration cuts. What a great idea! Sort of like the way you can do targeted giving through United Way! Allocate your tax payments to those causes you support! What could be more American?!
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#1334353 - 01/29/10 09:13 PM
Re: Uncle Sam's credit rating
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2002
Posts: 9,121
As long as I can pay an increase in taxes for healthcare if I'm exempt from the wars. BTW Buccs, I know you beleive the rhetoric regarding cost savings, but since the war expenses will end at some point, but the heathcare costs will always be there, you may want to rethink that deal. Or perhaps that is how liberals make financial decisions Well played, sir. I was hoping you would take it with a grain of salt. I was laughing.
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