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#142388 - 04/09/04 02:38 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Snowqueen Offline
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I missed last week's episode but knew the main points. I thought Lex made a mistake by voting Jerri out and keeping Amber. What we see as the viewers on what the stategy is of everybody...I knew Rob would turn on Lex. That really bites!!

I look for Rupert, Big Tom, Shii Ann, Kathy to all turn on Rob and Amber. It seems if one gets a little too powerful the rest end up knocking them out. I bet that will happen first time Rob doesn't get immunity. (Keeping my fingers crossed) I do think that Rob is playing the game really well and maybe the others aren't reading his true strategy.

Can't wait for next week!!!

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#142389 - 04/09/04 03:24 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Nanwa Offline
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I was surprised that Lex was surprised she didn't give up her immunity. I mean, when she said she would, he said "No, no honey." So she thought it over and decided "I'm playing the game." Don't you think she would have been voted out if she gave the immunity to Lex?

I hope Amber is taking notes. If Bob was playing Lex for a sap, how is he playing her?

As my favorite Klingon would say, "He is without honor."
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#142390 - 04/09/04 03:34 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Uncle_Milty Offline
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Kathy couldn't give up the immunity. Even if she then survived the vote she would be a big target. A lot can happen in 3 days, and more than likely she has 6 - even if they continue to vote along tribal lines, Kathy has a connection with the other tribe that Shi-Ann doesn't. In this game you need to live to see another day, then see what you can do with it.

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#142391 - 04/09/04 03:59 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Geaux Tigers - PL Offline
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I was a little disappointed last night, although not at all surprised. What did Lex expect? I think started messing up when he voted off Ethan. If he could have made a strong alliance with him, that was his best chance. Ethan could have helped with challenges before the merge and then if you can somehow take him with you to the finals, I don't think anyone would have voted for a previous winner. At what really surprises me is how people like Rupert appear scared of Rob. If I were Rupert or Big Tom, I would be sucking up to Kathy and Shi Ann and trying to build an alliance there because you know the first chance he gets Rob is going to try and take him out.

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#142392 - 04/09/04 04:30 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Nanwa Offline
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Now it's a case of get the strongest people out, so you have a chance to survive. Otherwise, the strong guys keep winning immunity. Unless they come up with immunity challenges which require more "finesse" rather than "brute strength".

But, even though Rupert is strong, I hope he lasts. He seems like such a nice guy.
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#142393 - 04/09/04 04:42 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Beagles22 Offline
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As much as I dislike the way Boston Rob acts and I know he is creating a mess for himself - Part of me kinda hopes he wins. He is totally playing the game, seeing who he can talk into what, and it is working! I think everyone in the games needs to remember they are not there to be truthful or to make friends (or lovers) they are there to win 1 million dollars and some will do whatever it takes to try to make it to the end. Rob will do whatever he has to, with the exception of his little strumput....
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#142394 - 04/09/04 04:49 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
RandomName Offline
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Lex screwed up, plain and simple. He was afraid of the Robfather's awful wrath and instead banked on his gratitude in saving Amber, and we all see how that worked out. He could have entered the merge with a bloc of four, but instead kicked off Jerri and went in with three and the hope that Rob would help him out. Not the greatest of plans.

By the way, in the episode where Ethan got the boot when Lex moved against him, wasn't Ethan complaining about betrayals of friendship and Lex was all, "It's just the game, man"? And now he gets all irate when he gets the same reaction from Rob?

Even so, Rob came off looking like a scum weasel. Heck of a competitor, though.

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#142395 - 04/09/04 06:32 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
MackenzieS Offline
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By the way, in the episode where Ethan got the boot when Lex moved against him, wasn't Ethan complaining about betrayals of friendship and Lex was all, "It's just the game, man"? And now he gets all irate when he gets the same reaction from Rob?

Even so, Rob came off looking like a scum weasel. Heck of a competitor, though.

I completely agree! I don't feel sorry for Lex in the slightest because he himself has done the exact same thing! Ohhhh...but I guess it is different when you are the one putting the screws to someone verses them getting put to you.

The one thing I have noticed, which is getting old, is the fact that the stronger players get voted out so quickly and then you have the "fly under the radar", "didn't lift a hand in camp", "not so interesting personality" types left over at the end and then you really don't care who won. I'd like to see Rob win because he has played the game hard and sneaky like it was meant to be, but I think he will get voted out before that happens.

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#142396 - 04/09/04 06:37 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Kansayaku Offline
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I'd like to see Rob win

I want Rupert to win, though I must admit I have only seen one episode this season. Any heterosexual American male that is secure enough in himself to wear a skirt deserves the money.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#142397 - 04/12/04 02:39 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Brandy Osborne Offline
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i loved the look on rob's face when rupert took the two ladies with him to reward... you know rob was hoping for some "alone" time with amber! rob is on shaky ground... and he's making it hard on amber too, as she feels an alliance with kathy (and lex) and has to choose. i feel like shi ann will go very soon, she seems fake and like she's always trying to fit in.
Practice, practice makes perfect,
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#142398 - 04/13/04 02:17 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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Skye's on the right track - look for Kathy to go this week and Shii Ann and Alicia not far behind her. Unfortunately Rob & Amber still look good for F3. Don't think they win though.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142399 - 04/13/04 03:35 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Geaux Tigers - PL Offline
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This one is starting to remind me of Thailand when everybody could see Brian working, but no one did anything. And I think everybody is right, Lex did himself in and the whole surprise/friendship thing was a little much after he did Ethan in. I still think he blew it not taking Ethan with him to the finals. Oh well. Not's the Rob show until someone gets the stones to take him out.

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#142400 - 04/15/04 03:48 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Tyke Offline
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Any insight on what will happen tonight? I really want them to vote Rob off.

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#142401 - 04/15/04 03:49 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
P*Q Offline

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Is Kathy still out? Anyone?

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#142402 - 04/16/04 03:13 AM Re: Survivor All Stars
Geaux Tigers - PL Offline
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Kathy it is. I'm guessing the most folks got it right. I guess Shih Ann is next......................

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#142403 - 04/16/04 02:01 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Dabba Offline
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Did anyone get to watch the show last night? I had to miss it. Would love to hear the highlights if you watched.

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#142404 - 04/16/04 02:12 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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the sandy shore

Kathy it is. I'm guessing the most folks got it right. I guess Shih Ann is next......................

And wherever would you get THAT idea??? (Batting eyelashes.)
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142405 - 04/16/04 03:16 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Tyke Offline
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Kathy tried to get Rupert and Tom to see that Rob is playing them by promising to take them with him. When Rob wrote kathy's name down and referred to "my million dollars" I wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face. Why dont the others get a clue and take him and amber out? bit of a rant here...sorry

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#142406 - 04/16/04 04:37 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
trinna Offline
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I like Rob! It would be nice it someone won this thing that actually played the game. I hate it when the "flying under the radar survivors" win. I know it's a strategy but it takes a lot more "playing" when you're in everybody's face! I liked Kathy before last night - she became bitter and she just wasn't the same. I still can't believe Lex couldn't see himself with Ethan when Rob and he had it out on last week's episode. I liked Lex too, until then. Secretly, I would like to see Rupert win but he'll probably get voted off before the final three just because no one will want to be standing in the final two with him.

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#142407 - 04/16/04 04:40 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Beagles22 Offline
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I like Rob! It would be nice it someone won this thing that actually played the game.

I totally agree!! I think that he is the best actual 'player' on the show! Anyone going in thinking of trusting another player is just dumb. I hope that Rob does win, although I think if he ever loses imunity he will get booted so fast.... he better be careful!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#142408 - 04/16/04 04:47 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
trinna Offline
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But.....Rob has made aliances with everyone so Big Tom won't vote for him because Rob will take him to the final three. And Rupert won't vote for him because Rob will take him to the final three. And Alicia won't vote for him because...... At least this is my current theory. Until Tom talks to Rupert and Jenna talks to Tom and Alicia talks to ...... I think it's funny that Rob is sitting back watching them all scramble. Hope it works for him.

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#142409 - 04/16/04 04:52 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Beagles22 Offline
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You are right about everyone believing he is taking them to the final 3. I think it will all come around when they vote off his little lovey dovey. If it comes to that. The other players get rid of her, then 2 more get to go with him as she isn't the #2 in his world. They will probably do it behind his back, but the s^*t will hit the fan then and all bets will be off I think.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#142410 - 04/16/04 04:55 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
E.E.G.B Offline
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Nope. Rob's game is successful. Or he's too much of an immunity threat to even be in danger. Take your pick. BTW, since I may be out of the office for most of next week, projected boot is Shii Ann. Alicia is a possibility but Shii Ann looks more likely.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.

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#142411 - 04/16/04 05:01 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
trinna Offline
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Except if it were me I would want to be standing next to "lovey dovey" when it comes to the final two. The jury may not vote her way just because she is riding Rob's coat tails to the end. (I like Amber but if it weren't for Rob she would have been voted out a couple of weeks ago when she had to switch tribes.) But I would have to beat Rob to get to the final two....

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#142412 - 04/16/04 05:06 PM Re: Survivor All Stars
Citrus Offline
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What was with Lex's new "do"? A mohawk statement...

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