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#145041 - 01/28/04 09:18 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Austin Texas
So Elena, are things still all positive and minty fresh?
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#145042 - 01/28/04 10:53 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145043 - 01/30/04 11:22 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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#145044 - 02/02/04 12:03 AM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145045 - 02/23/04 03:47 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Hey Elena, 3 weeks without a post. Is no news good news?
BTW, did you see that your man Johnny won the Screen Actors Guild award for best actor?
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#145047 - 02/25/04 08:16 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Saturday, 1/3/04, around 9:00 am STILL SMOKE FREE! I figure that I am 57 hrs. in, and at midnight tonight, if the research is right, the physical addiction will be over. After that, it is all mental. I feel so good this morning, both physically and emotionally. I've decided to actually send Trace a check at the end of each month in the amount that I save by not smoking, and have her put it into a wedding fund. That way, if there are things she wants to start getting, she can. Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. I know that with a strong support system, this is the year that I finally break the addiction.
From 57 hrs. to 56 days in the blink of an eye! (looking back anyway... ) Still smoke free, and I can tell such a difference in so many ways. Thanks for the support.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145049 - 02/25/04 10:18 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Besides Valentines Day champagne, those were the first non-virual drinks I've had since I quit. It would have been very easy to light up with an Ameretto Sour in my hand. I see now why it's such a mind-set change!  Thanks Jeremy!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145050 - 03/09/04 10:32 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
100 Club
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Way to go! How long had you smoked? What was the longest you had done without before this? Cleabatsu's is still non-smoking, so you are always welcome!
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#145051 - 03/10/04 02:43 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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I am ashamed to say that I had my first cig. at about 14 (trying to look cool in front of my brothers friends). I smoked throughout H.S. and by my freshman year in college, it was up to about a pack a day. That was in 1983. The longest I've ever stopped before this was about 8 months. I quit when pregnant w/ T-girl, but picked them up when I got home from the hospital. Dumb, huh....think of all that money, lung capacity lost, and second-hand smoke that I exposed her to.....  makes me mad at myself all over again. It is cool to take T out to eat and have her race to tell the waiter or waitress Non-Smoking please, as she flashes me a grin! Thanks for checking! 
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145052 - 03/10/04 04:27 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Elena I'm so proud of you, keep up the good work.
Marilyn, CRCM
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#145053 - 03/10/04 08:42 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 660
my mom and i were talking about this last night... back in 77 when she was pregant with me she smoked the whole time... she only quit when i was born... the doctors never said anything about it to her... i can't imgine!!!!! i started when i was 14 too... had to be cool. been almost 4 years and i still miss the ciggys! I'm proud of you Elena!!!
Practice, practice makes perfect, Perfect is a fault, and in fault lines change
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#145054 - 03/10/04 08:47 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Thanks for the support skye. There are days that I think, man, I need a cigarette, but if I wait a few minutes, it passes pretty fast.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145055 - 03/31/04 06:48 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Still going strong?
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#145056 - 04/02/04 02:23 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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True confessions time. While my mother was in the hospital I broke down and smoked. So after three months, I started over Wednesday. I'm sorry to all who have pulled for me and prayed for me, and mostly to myself. I haven't had one since we brought mom home Wed. night, so I'm about 36 hrs. in again. I had to ask myself if I'm going to cave everytime a stressful situation comes up, and I don't think I will, but when I thought mom was going to die, I didn't really care. I hope you will all continue to pray for me.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145057 - 04/02/04 02:26 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Of course we will. What are friends for?
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#145059 - 04/02/04 03:41 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
10K Club
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The Swamp
Remember this elena...quitting takes practice...don't beat yourself are on your way again...eventually you'll never look back...I hope to say that for myself one day! Will be thinking of you and your mom.
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#145061 - 04/02/04 03:57 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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The Pennant Race
When I quit, it took almost 9 months before I stopped having cravings. We're still with you. Hang in there.
Hope your mom continues to improve.
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#145062 - 04/02/04 04:08 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
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Elena, stress makes us do things we sometimes regret. I have faith that you will do your best and hope that you can kick the habit.
Marilyn, CRCM
I'd rather be fishing.
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#145063 - 04/02/04 06:27 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 660
elena, you'll get there... don't beat youself up to bad for set backs... it was an understandable time for something, anything to make you feel like you're doing something! we're still behind you 100%
Practice, practice makes perfect, Perfect is a fault, and in fault lines change
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#145064 - 04/02/04 06:50 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Joined: Jan 2004
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State of confusion
I smoked for 12 years, up to 2 packs a day at the end, then I found out I was pregnant about 3 1/2 years ago and quit. I never picked up another cigarette thankfully as my now almost 3 year old ended up with severe asthma (nothing to do with the smoking, his father had it as a child too) so I was very greatful that I never took it back up. When he got sick I craved them like crazy, but seeing him fight to breathe at times made it a very easy decission. I tried to quit about 5 times before that, sometimes for months I would stop and then start again. I know what you are going through!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL WHO TRY TO DROP THIS HABIT/ADDICTION!!!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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