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#145015 - 01/07/04 08:52 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 6,153
2 -5 years to bio-degrade.
They are toxic.
Your cigarette butts probably don't cause a problem, but several billion/trillion worldwide just might.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#145017 - 01/07/04 10:14 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
That's for sure - I didn't think they even allowed anyone to smoke in California!
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#145018 - 01/07/04 10:20 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Where the heart is
We herd them all into small areas of land formly known as "Small Farms"  (see my post in the CRA/HMDA forum), and the plan is to make it smaller and smaller so hopefully it will be the part of California that falls into the ocean when the San Andreas fault lets loose.  (Notice the stain free smile...)
CRCM,CAMS Regulations are a poor substitute for ethics. Just sayin'
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#145019 - 01/08/04 04:12 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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All over the map.
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145024 - 01/08/04 10:20 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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A year or so ago I was called to one of our branches down the street because there was a "Strong smell of gasoline". It was raining at the time and someone drove through with either a huge hole in their gas tank or a broken fuel line and you could see large amounts of gas floating on the puddles of the drive thru. I am so thankful that no one tossed a lit butt out the window before we were able to close the lane and have the fire department soak up the spill
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#145025 - 01/09/04 03:33 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Gotta see the Dilbert Cartoon today Dilbert
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#145026 - 01/09/04 03:54 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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I love it Z. You get a 5 on the snort meter, and I get a new cartoon motivator posted above my computer. Ya know, it's amazing the little changes I notice already. We have popcorn in our lobby on Fridays, and I don't think it has ever smelled quite as good as it does today! I'm not eating it mind you, (I'm sticking to diet pop this morning) but my sense of smell and taste have already improved, in addition to my pearlie white teeth!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145028 - 01/09/04 04:31 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Congrats on making it to week one. A heads up: I don't know if it's the same for smokers as it was for dippers, but in the 2-5 week period I got sores inside my mouth. Not cold sores, but they were close. I freaked out because I didn't know at the time that they are normal and are just the mouth's way of healing from all the abuse. Be ready, they suck but it's better than cancer!! They also go away as fast as they come sometime in week 6 or 7. Congrats again & keep the march on!!
So far no problems, and thanks for the encouragement. I know that it is all of you that are making the difference for me. (Let me rephrase, I feel that God is using you all to help me!)
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145030 - 01/12/04 04:27 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145032 - 01/12/04 04:58 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Congrats Elena
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#145033 - 01/12/04 05:33 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 832
Keep hanging in there, Elena.
Marilyn, CRCM
I'd rather be fishing.
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#145034 - 01/12/04 05:48 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Joined: Mar 2003
Posts: 798
Keep it up Elena. It will get easier.
Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. ~Author Unknown
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#145035 - 01/19/04 02:21 AM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2000
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Pleasanton CA USA
I hope no news is good news. We're all still rooting for you.
Al Miller, CRCM Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily shared by my employer.
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#145036 - 01/19/04 02:59 AM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Yep, still smoke free, and let me tell you, it was TOUGH watching the Eagles game! I wanted a cigarette sooooo bad. (Like that would have helped!) But, I held out and still have minty breath and white teeth! Thanks for pulling for me Al!
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145037 - 01/21/04 03:31 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Posts: 6,153
Keep it going Elena. It will be worth it.
P.S. I don't know if you've gained any weight after quitting, but I heard a report that those who gain weight after quitting are usually back to their normal weight within a year.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#145038 - 01/21/04 04:00 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
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Keep it going Elena. It will be worth it.
P.S. I don't know if you've gained any weight after quitting, but I heard a report that those who gain weight after quitting are usually back to their normal weight within a year.
Day 21 and I am feeling good. I haven't gained yet...I'm walking 2 miles a day on the treadmill right now, and as soon as it warms a little, I'm gonna get back to walking the dogs, outside. They both are really, really mad at me right now. I took them each for a mile, the first week or so, and then it got cold, and I started using the treadmill. They look at me kind of like Limecat right I'm sleeping very lightly! LOL Thanks for checking on me Z. I'm sorry I haven't been posting, but I am still very much on the wagon, and feel like I can say I'm not an ex-smoker, I'm a non-smoker! 
On the road again.....I just can't wait to get on the road again.
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#145039 - 01/21/04 07:37 PM
Re: Watch Elena Quit Smoking
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jun 2003
Posts: 660
Keep up the good work!!!  have you noticed your sense of smell getting better? food tasting better? Those were some of the first things i could tell were "new" after i quit!!
Practice, practice makes perfect, Perfect is a fault, and in fault lines change
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