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#1507878 - 02/10/11 01:29 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training edAudit
Bob The Banker Offline
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Bob The Banker
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Originally Posted By: EdAudit
Originally Posted By: Bob The Banker
I can't believe my eyes Ken. The bank should not be in a position to advise customers? That is the job of a banker!

I know the responsibility of consumers is almsot non-existant in many bases, but for bankers to sit here and say they have no responsibility to advise their depositors is a complete lack of responsibility on the side of a banker.

As I am late to the party I would like to add when we advise the customer to put son/daughter on account and they clean them out or recieve a garnishment. I do not think the customer will react favorably to our advise.

If you are advising customers to put their sons and daughters on their account in order to get extra coverage, then you DO need 2 hours worth of training. Thinking like you just provided is exactly why this proposal was made.

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#1507901 - 02/10/11 02:06 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training Bob The Banker
edAudit Offline
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What are the basic FDIC coverage limits?*

Single Accounts (owned by one person): $250,000 per owner

Joint Accounts (two or more persons): $250,000 per co-owner

IRAs and other certain retirement accounts: $250,000 per owner

Revocable trust accounts: Each owner is insured up to $250,000 for the interests of each beneficiary, subject to specific limitations and requirements

Is it possible to have more than $250,000 at one insured bank and still be fully covered?

You may qualify for more than $250,000 in coverage at one insured bank or savings association if you own deposit accounts in different ownership categories. The most common account ownership categories for individual and family deposits are single accounts, joint accounts, revocable trust accounts and certain retirement accounts.
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#1507910 - 02/10/11 02:24 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training edAudit
edAudit Offline
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Bob if you worked in a branch and your customer just lost 250,000. and is looking to put the blame on someone other than himself and you read word for word.

As a banker we can just put the info out there it is the customers responsibilty to make the correct choices for themselfs.

You as a banker do not know all the personal information about the customer. He may not even know about other family members he may choose to place on the account.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.


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#1508036 - 02/10/11 04:18 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training edAudit
Bob The Banker Offline
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Bob The Banker
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Originally Posted By: EdAudit
Bob if you worked in a branch and your customer just lost 250,000. and is looking to put the blame on someone other than himself and you read word for word.

As a banker we can just put the info out there it is the customers responsibilty to make the correct choices for themselfs.

You as a banker do not know all the personal information about the customer. He may not even know about other family members he may choose to place on the account.

Which is why you engage the customer in conversation to learn about them, educate them, and guide them to making an educated decision.

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#1508091 - 02/10/11 05:18 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training Bob The Banker
edAudit Offline
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Which is what others have been saying thourgh out the thread.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.


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#1509363 - 02/11/11 09:00 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training Bob The Banker
ccman Offline
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I'm sure all of us have at one time or another tried to help a customer a little too much only to have it all blow-up in our faces. Bankers should know their product and sell it accordingly. Remember the old saying, "The Customer is King." Sell him what he wants and his needs will be taken care of. Anything else is pure speculation on our part.

Just did not think that the FDIC needed to make it into a rule when it should be part of our banking "services." Just my $.02 It also helps if the FDIC keeps the brochures current.

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#1509842 - 02/14/11 06:31 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training Reads Regs
ChrisseyNJ Offline
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Apparently, one motivation for FDIC to introduce said proposed rulemaking is that, "The FDIC receives tens of thousands of telephone calls, emails, and correspondence annually from depositors and employees of insured depository institutions (IDIs) seeking information and advice about FDIC deposit insurance coverage. These inquiries reveal that many depositors are unsure whether their deposits are covered in full by FDIC insurance, and that IDI employees often are unfamiliar with the limits that apply to deposit insurance coverage. In addition, the FDIC regularly receives complaints from IDI customers asserting that their IDI was unable to answer their deposit insurance questions or, in some cases, may have provided inaccurate deposit insurance guidance."

I can speak from direct branch experience, one can inform the same customer 10 times and they will still walk away with an inaccurate perception despite one's most academic approach!

Its never ok for an INI to be late on compliance, but I just love this statement posted on FDIC:

"Due to the recent regulatory changes resulting from the passage of financial reform legislation, the FDIC is in the process of updating its deposit insurance coverage materials. Materials will be made available as soon as possible."

Can I use that excuse too!?
~at the end of the day, the only opinions that matter are those of my children~

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#1615126 - 10/13/11 01:14 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training Reads Regs
Dodge Offline
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Was this proposal finalized?

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#1616542 - 10/17/11 07:42 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training Dodge
John Burnett Offline
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John Burnett
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No. I can only imagine that cooler heads at the FDIC have prevailed, and that this proposal has quietly been euthanized. Problem is, there's not likely to be an official statement from the FDIC to that effect.

It was at best an interesting idea. At worst, it was so poorly structured as to be doomed from the outset, IMHO.
John S. Burnett
Fighting for Compliance since 1976
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#1618696 - 10/21/11 05:14 PM Re: FDIC Proposed Rulemaking - Required Training John Burnett
BowlingQueen Offline
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I attended the session held on Oct. 14th. That was nearly the biggest waste of 2 hours I could imagine. It was a pre-recorded and the guy's voice is so monotone, it was a struggle to stay awake.

Honestly, I did get clarification on one thing regarding calculations of beneficiaries on Revocable Trusts, but the remaining 1 1/2 hours was torture! wink
Nothing changes, if nothing changes. (from a good friend of mine) smile

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