Not necessarily, Dan. Specifically, in Iowa the attorney's opinion cost goes in Block 4 as outlined below: (I got this directly from HUD)
Question:Could you please provide some additional guidance for the following situation with regard to GFE – Written List of Providers specifically, how to show the fees outlined below on the HUD?
FAQ 4/2/10 – p.15 GFE refers to the ‘total estimated fees for “Title Services and Lender’s Title Insurance” combined in Block 4.
In Iowa, there are three distinct and separate providers required to obtain ‘Lenders Title Insurance”:
• an abstractor who updates the abstract to date;
• an attorney who reads the abstract and provides a title opinion;
• Iowa Title Guaranty who provides a commitment to insure based on the title opinion.
Banks are giving written lists of providers for all three.
My question is: how do I show the charges on the HUD if the borrower chooses an attorney who is not on the provider list?
RESPONSE: SEE PP. 14 – 15 ON THE FAQ’S FOR YOUR QUESTIONS; FOR EXAMPLE: 8) Q: In some cases, law or local custom may require, or consumers may prefer, to have one provider conduct the settlement and another provider perform the remainder of the services included within the ―Title Services and Lender‘s Title Insurance‖ category on the GFE (Block 4 on page 2). How should the fees and providers for these services be listed on the GFE, the Written List of Service Providers, and the comparison table on page 3 of the HUD-1 (page 2 of the HUD-1A)?
A: The preferred method of disclosing the GFE Block 4 charges on the Written List of Service Providers is to list a set of single providers where each is capable of coordinating or performing all of the services provided within the ―Title Services and lender‘s title insurance‖ category. Due to a wide variety of practices across the country, an alternate option is explained below that allows for the separate identification of providers to conduct settlement (or closing) and providers of lender‘s title insurance and the related services on the Written List of Providers and the HUD-1/1A.
In all cases, the GFE shall be completed with the total estimated fees for ―Title Services and Lender‘s Title Insurance‖ combined in Block 4. Provider names are not listed on the GFE.
Written List of Providers
For Block 4, the loan originator may separate the services in the Written List of Providers to show providers that conduct settlements (or closings) separately from providers of lender‘s title insurance and the related services
If Block 4 services are separated on the Written List of Providers, the associated estimated fee for the component service must be listed next to the header for the list of providers of that service
The sum of the estimated fees for the two services must equal the amount in Block 4
Only two (2) categories of service providers may be listed: providers that conduct settlements (or closings) and providers of lender‘s title insurance and the related services
LAST UPDATE: April 2, 2010 16
HUD-1 page 3, HUD-1A page 2
If the consumer chooses neither service provider from the list:
o The lump sum of Block 4 would be placed in ―Charges that Can Change‖
Both service providers should be listed in the blank for service provider names, for example: XYZ Settlement Services/ABC Title Agency
If the consumer chooses a provider of one of the services from the list:
o The service provider that was chosen from the Written List would be included in ―Charges That in Total Cannot Increase More than 10%‖ with the associated estimated fee from the Written List of Providers in the GFE column and the actual fees for that service from that provider in the HUD-1 column. The service performed by the provider not chosen from the Written List of Providers would be listed in the ―Charges that can Change Section‖ with the associated estimated and actual fees.
o The total of the estimated fees in the GFE column (from both tolerance sections) must equal the amount in Block 4 of the GFE
o The total of the actual fees in the HUD-1 column (from both tolerance sections) must equal the total of all ―Title services and lender‘s title insurance‖ actual charges
If the consumer chooses the providers of both services from the Written List:
o The Block 4 total is listed in the ―Charges That in Total Cannot Increase More than 10%‖ column.
Both service providers should be listed in the blank for service provider names, for example: XYZ Settlement Services/ABC Title Agency
The total estimated and actual fees for both providers would be listed in the respective GFE and HUD-1 columns.
9) Q: May a loan originator include an affiliated business on the ―written list‖ of settlement service providers that must be provided with the GFE?
A: Yes. A loan originator may identify an affiliated business on the ―written list‖. The ―affiliated business arrangement disclosure‖ must be provided at the time the GFE is provided to the borrower or at the time of referral, whichever is earlier.
10) Q: Does the requirement for a ―written list‖ apply to Block 4, ―Title services and lender‘s title insurance‖ on the GFE?
A: Yes. The loan originator must provide a ―written list‖ of settlement service providers, including providers of ―Title services and lender‘s title insurance‖ if the loan originator permits the borrower to shop for that settlement service.
A number of options have been suggested including:
• the charge would be broken out on both page 2 and page 3;
• the charge would remain lumped in on page 2 but broken out on page 3 in the HUD column only. The charge for items the bank chose would remain in the 10% section while the attorney fee would go in the Charges that can change section.
• the charge would remain lumped on page 2 but
a. the GFE column in the 10% bracket would be reduced by the amount of the attorney fee counted on the original GFE
b. the attorney fee would be listed in the Charges that can change section with the amount deducted above shown in the GFE column. The total of a & b would equal the amount shown in Block 4 of the GFE.
In this last scenario, actual costs would be shown in both sections in the HUD column of p3