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#1775965 - 01/14/13 04:59 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
To paraphrase a quote from a crazy person: It's never too cold to run, you just have insufficient running gear.
I've stayed outside as much as possible. The cold (same temps as Loralie's experiencing) doesn't get in my way, as long as the conditions are safe enough to run in. Snow is okay, but still plenty dangerous. Ice is a no-no, but I'll deal with some.
Saturday was windy as heck and my eyes wouldn't stop watering/freezing. I did 3 outside and came in for another 4. If you have no treadmill access, that definitely gets in your way. There are other cardio routines you can do for cross-training purpose, but there's really no decent way to train for running that doesn't involve running. You can always look at things like jumping rope too though.
Does your new bank have any discounts available with local gyms or the YMCA maybe? If you haven't considered this, ask around. We get half off at one of the bigger local ones here, that includes some 24 hour places too so lots of people take advantage of that.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1775966 - 01/14/13 05:00 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Loralie, its really hard to do something that takes the place of running for "getting your wind", but you can do things that will help a lot! Silly as it sounds, good ole Jumping jacks done for 10 minutes at a time will help, a jump rope will help, squat thrusts, burpees, running in place....all of these are good. You can do combos too. Its just about engaging lots of large muscle groups for 30 minutes.
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775970 - 01/14/13 05:04 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 38
The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
To paraphrase a quote from a crazy person: It's never too cold to run, you just have insufficient running gear.
I've stayed outside as much as possible. The cold (same temps as Loralie's experiencing) doesn't get in my way, as long as the conditions are safe enough to run in. Snow is okay, but still plenty dangerous. Ice is a no-no, but I'll deal with some.
Saturday was windy as heck and my eyes wouldn't stop watering/freezing. I did 3 outside and came in for another 4. If you have no treadmill access, that definitely gets in your way. There are other cardio routines you can do for cross-training purpose, but there's really no decent way to train for running that doesn't involve running. You can alw ays look at things like jumping rope too though.
Does your new bank have any discounts available with local gyms or the YMCA maybe? If you haven't considered this, ask around. We get half off at one of the bigger local ones here, that includes some 24 hour places too so lots of people take advantage of that. Matt, i got some yellow, wrap around shooting glasses for running at night and in low light condidtions (last night I passed a guy in goggles). It really helps with the watering eye thing. Nice paraphrase, BTW 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1775972 - 01/14/13 05:06 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2006
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Cincinnati, OH
A wise man once told me: If you can run a 5k, you can run a marathon. It's all mental. A wise man once told me, don't run unless someone is chasing you, or you are chasing someone else!
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#1775980 - 01/14/13 05:15 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Bankbb1, PITA
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Matt, i got some yellow, wrap around shooting glasses for running at night and in low light condidtions (last night I passed a guy in goggles). It really helps with the watering eye thing. Nice paraphrase, BTW I usually have sunglasses on. They help to some extent, but it was all cross-wind and was doing me no good at all. Additionally, I fog them up pretty terribly when huffing and puffing along, so I occasionally go blind as well  I've considered other options, but not really gone after it like I should.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1775991 - 01/14/13 05:43 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Feb 2008
Posts: 2,207
I can identify with Loralie on the cold weather. Because I don't usually run outside, it would be really hard to just start running outside all of a sudden, especially when it's like 10F and windy. I know that I need time to adjust, to work my way down to those temperatures (as in, start when the weather is nice and keep going as it cools off).
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1776000 - 01/14/13 05:55 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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A wise man once told me: If you can run a 5k, you can run a marathon. It's all mental. A wise man once told me, don't run unless someone is chasing you, or you are chasing someone else! A wise man said in a movie if you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball.
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#1776004 - 01/14/13 05:59 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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in my younger days I used to rollerblade at the beach in 10 degree weather. I found it was better than 95. The wind and not the cold was the issue. It is all in the layers and to keep moving. I would not reccomend it for new to outdoor. you need to build up to it
Opinions can be considered as coming from anywhere but my employer.
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#1776007 - 01/14/13 06:07 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
100 Club
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 108
I can identify with Loralie on the cold weather. Because I don't usually run outside, it would be really hard to just start running outside all of a sudden, especially when it's like 10F and windy. I know that I need time to adjust, to work my way down to those temperatures (as in, start when the weather is nice and keep going as it cools off). That's exactly my problem. I need to adjust to the cool weather, but don't have the time. As far as your other suggestions, they are offering discounts to the local YMCA- but it's still more than i can afford- which sucks, cause i'd love to have access to a gym Loralie, its really hard to do something that takes the place of running for "getting your wind", but you can do things that will help a lot! Silly as it sounds, good ole Jumping jacks done for 10 minutes at a time will help, a jump rope will help, squat thrusts, burpees, running in place....all of these are good. You can do combos too. Its just about engaging lots of large muscle groups for 30 minutes. Thanks- These will hopefuly help!! but i HATE HATE HATE Burpees with a passion. not doing those unless i'm forced. lol Jumping jacks and jump rope will help... when my downstairs neighbor isn't home!! lol
Last edited by Loralie; 01/14/13 06:09 PM.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.
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#1776019 - 01/14/13 06:35 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Bankbb1, PITA
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The psych ward
I find a lot of my stuff at Marshall's for cheap! $10-$20 for the tights. $7-$10 I second that.
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#1776023 - 01/14/13 06:42 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
I race people, using agreed upon stakes. It's like racing for pink slips, but instead of walking home without a car, you might be walking home in 10 degree temps with no pants  Great motivation to go fast!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1776098 - 01/14/13 08:34 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Power Poster
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Down Yonder
I race people, using agreed upon stakes. It's like racing for pink slips, but instead of walking home without a car, you might be walking home in 10 degree temps with no pants  Great motivation to go fast! For you, or for them? :p
...not only will I do it for you, I... I... I... yes, yes, I'll do it for you.
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#1776138 - 01/14/13 09:48 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 38
The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
[quote=manimal] Burpees with a passion. not doing those unless i'm forced. lol Jumping jacks and jump rope will help... when my downstairs neighbor isn't home!! lol A woman walks into her home after work. Its dark and just as she reaches for the light she hears the hammer lock back on a pistol and then a voice, "Down on floor!" She complies, but as soon as she hits the floor she is told to get back up. As soon as she is up the gunman tells her to hit the floor again! Over and over, the gun weilding fiend forces to repeat it again and again untill she thinks her heart will burst! Just as she thinks she may pass out, her husband hands her the gun and says, "Here, now you make me do the burpees!" 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1776141 - 01/14/13 09:53 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
^^^ BBB's version of foreplay For everyone! That's the beauty of it.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1776143 - 01/14/13 09:58 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Power Poster
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Posts: 5,249
out of the frying pan...
OK, now I gotta know - what's a burpee?
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1776146 - 01/14/13 10:04 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Platinum Poster
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I thought getting old would take longer.
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#1776157 - 01/14/13 10:20 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Bobby Boucher
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Repeat until you either fall over or run out of time Or, until the gun-wielding fiend puts the gun down Variation on an old "cowboy joke"... A cowboy wanders into a small saloon in a dinky little town in the middle of nowhere. He is imediately set upon by a crazed man pointing Colt in his face. The wild eyed man shoves a shot glass towards him and yell's "DRINK IT!". The cowboy takes the shot glass, closes his eyes and shoots down the liquid. He looks up and says, "Holy he11, thats the worst whiskey I ever tasted!" The crazed man says, "I know! Now you take the gun and make me drink it!"  geeze I crack me up! 
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1776168 - 01/14/13 10:55 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
RR Becca
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OK, now I gotta know - what's a burpee? it's what you get from chugging a two liter of Coke
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#1776237 - 01/15/13 01:31 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Power Poster
Joined: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,663
i HATE HATE HATE Burpees with a passion. not doing those unless i'm forced. lol Jumping jacks and jump rope will help... when my downstairs neighbor isn't home!! lol I can't stand these, and my knees don't like them either. My trainer makes me do something similar--bear walks/body walks (that's what she calls them). I find them much easier than burpees/squat thrusts. You plant your feet, then bend down to your hands and walk your body out on your hands to a plank position, hold for 2-5 seconds (whatever you can handle), then walk back up on your hands to a standing position. Repeat.....just keep your core tight the whole time.
Last edited by Dani York, CRCM; 01/15/13 01:47 PM.
I can't herd the cats anymore, so I just set up the electric fences and let them fry when they stray out of bounds.
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#1776476 - 01/15/13 07:11 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Sep 2011
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
^^ Those are great!  Great, like when you're getting your keys out in the grocery store parking lot and they fall out. But, instead of just landing on the ground, they manage to fall under the car parked nearest you. Then when your digging around under there, you look up and there's a woman staring oddly at you and you realize the car is running and her kids are in there. You jump up startled and hit the muffler with your arm, burning yourself. She has a can of pepper spray out, you're cussing about the burn and she just starts spraying you! Great.
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1776514 - 01/15/13 07:58 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
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State of confusion
^^ Great, like when you're getting your keys out in the grocery store parking lot and they fall out. But, instead of just landing on the ground, they manage to fall under the car parked nearest you. Then when your digging around under there, you look up and there's a woman staring oddly at you and you realize the car is running and her kids are in there. You jump up startled and hit the muffler with your arm, burning yourself. She has a can of pepper spray out, you're cussing about the burn and she just starts spraying you!
Great. That SAME thing happened to me!!! (said no one ever) Sorry - couldn't help myself. 
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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