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#1772450 - 01/04/13 02:56 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
10K Club
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Are you having caffeine withdrawal? THat's what it sounds like to me.
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#1772508 - 01/04/13 04:15 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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State of confusion
I gave up soda (and don't drink coffee or eat chocolate so in effect gave up caffeine) in February of last year. It takes about a week for the headaches and stuff to go away, it is absolutely detoxing your body from the addiction. It stinks, but if you can take it for the week it is SO worth it.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#1772515 - 01/04/13 04:26 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
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It could be a sugar headache too. The last time I did a big sugar detox, it was about 4 days of headache and then all my cravings for anything sweet went away. It also helped to eliminate my carb cravings.
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#1772529 - 01/04/13 04:42 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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Spartan Country!
Busy Bee... I had my tonsils out at 34 or 36... somewhere in there and I didn't eat much of anything for a week and not much more than broth or maybe a scrambled egg for a week after that. The first "junk food" I ate was a bear-claw-like-thing from the vending machine. I took one bite out of it and spit it back out. I couldn't believe how horrible the processed food/sugar 'carp" tasted! Unfortunately, "carp" gradually worked it's way back into my diet.
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#1772540 - 01/04/13 04:46 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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I gave up soda completely for awhile... everyone said it would taste horrible the first time I tried it again. The were wrong. It tasted GLORIOUS! Maybe I didn't wait long enough to try it again. 
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1772547 - 01/04/13 04:52 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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I've never been a big pop (it's pop Mani!) drinker, so I can't make that easy cut out of my diet. On the odd occasion that I do have pop, it's usually cut with alcohol  I do try to avoid drinking my calories though, I'd much prefer to eat them!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1772552 - 01/04/13 04:56 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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I've never been a big pop (it's pop Mani!) drinker, so I can't make that easy cut out of my diet. On the odd occasion that I do have pop, it's usually cut with alcohol  I do try to avoid drinking my calories though, I'd much prefer to eat them! ^^^ Midewesterner 
Last edited by manimal; 01/04/13 04:56 PM.
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1772636 - 01/04/13 07:02 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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So, This hasn't made public news yet- So No mentioning on facebook (ahem MANI) ... I'm 99% sure i'm join the Air Force Reserves in the next few weeks. This is my last "splurge weekend" and monday starts the weaning of soda and a workout program to get me ready for Basic. The no soda is what scares me the worst.  I'm a HUGE pepsi drinker.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.
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#1772641 - 01/04/13 07:10 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Diamond Poster
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A CU, Where Regs Don't Apply
::Goes to remove his "congrats!" from your page::
That's very exciting! I do believe their expectations are pretty reasonable (mockable by other branches), so hopefully you are able to get up to speed fairly quickly!
One of my brother-in-laws is heading south on Monday to attend basic for the National Guard, he's very excited for it. Best of luck to you in your (99% sure) new journey!
Someone's about to get horned!
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#1772679 - 01/04/13 07:50 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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State of confusion
Congrats Loralie!! How exciting!!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#1772703 - 01/04/13 08:10 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
100 Club
Joined: Jan 2009
Posts: 108
I'm scared to death, but excited as well. With everything that has happened in my life the last 6 months, it's time for a change. I'll make a final decision next week.
Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.
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#1773099 - 01/07/13 04:59 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Gold Star
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Spartan Country!
Loralie - Congratulations! Thank you for making the choice to serve our country!
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#1773103 - 01/07/13 05:01 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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Spartan Country!
OK... made it until Saturday night and then had a coke with dinner. But, I was having about a coke everyday... so improvement. I had one on Sunday too :-( but planning on letting go again. We made fresh ice tea to put in the fridge and I have a water bottle of it with me to have with lunch.
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#1773119 - 01/07/13 05:21 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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The Sovereign State Of Oklahom...
Loralie....AWESOME!!!!! Basil (hope you dont mind that I always think of Basil Rathbone as Sherlock Holmes when I see your name)...But I digress.  Basil, No soda is always best, but if you are going to cheat with on or two on the weekends. Forget the Diet and see if you can find any of the ones that are made with cane sugar. They are prevalent here. INMHO they are better for you than either regular or diet Coke/Dr. Pepper/Pepsi/Whateva...... None is still better, but a cheat soda on your cheat day will not kill you. I should mention that even though I am a big supperter of the cheat day. There are a small number of extremely eddictive personality types that cannot do this. For those that are truly addicted to soda, they have to quit. There is no "recreational use" for those few.
Run like the wind, but never forget gravity.
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#1773126 - 01/07/13 05:28 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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Spartan Country!
I don't do any diet drinks... because I have a severe reaction to Aspartame. I encourage anyone out there to NOT eat or drink anything with that ingredient. It truly is nasty stuff... turns to formeldahyde in your system and your body has no way of digesting the stuff.
Just saw Diet Coke made with Splenda this weekend. Not sure about that.
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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#1773161 - 01/07/13 06:14 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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| European countries restrict the use of formaldehyde, including the import of formaldehyde-treated products and embalming. Starting September 2007, the European Union banned the use of formaldehyde due to its carcinogenic properties as a biocide (including embalming) under the Biocidal Products Directive (98/8/EC). We would not wish to give the deceased cancer.
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#1773172 - 01/07/13 06:36 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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Awesome on the cokes, basil. (I'm in the south, everything is a coke here.) When I quit drinking cokes, I went to sweet tea, then half & half tea. Now I'm stictly water, and feeling great. So stick with it, and you'll kick the coke habit soon. Also, to report, I weighed myself this morning and was down to 219.8 in my b-day suit....which means I met my first goal. Yay me!  I've also noticed that I'm losing inches/toning up so even though my weight is still high, I'm confident it's because I've added muscle. New goal, to get below 210.
I can't herd the cats anymore, so I just set up the electric fences and let them fry when they stray out of bounds.
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#1773174 - 01/07/13 06:37 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
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out of the frying pan...
so if you drink diet sodas, you'll die sooner but be well preserved?  ETA: I fell off the health wagon over the holidays and put back on nearly half of what I'd lost in the preceding months. As of today, I'm back to tracking everything with DailyBurn.
Last edited by RR Becca; 01/07/13 06:38 PM.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#1773345 - 01/07/13 10:07 PM
Re: Will 2013 be the year?
Gold Star
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Spartan Country!
Congrats Dani!!! And you are SO smart to set baby step goals. I tend to see the whole picture and get discouraged... need to change that trait!
Everyone should believe in something. I believe I will head for the beach!
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