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#178293 - 04/09/04 02:34 PM Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

Somebody's got to open the doors! C'mon in. I'm anonymously opening the doors for all to enjoy. Tiny's been hiding eggs all morning (thus the late start). Breakfast is on the buffet table and the short order grill is hot and ready. The coffee has just finished brewing and there's plenty of "Irish" if that is what you desire.


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#178294 - 04/09/04 02:37 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Beagles22 Offline
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State of confusion
We close our doors at noon, and I have a case of cold ones waiting for me!! I can't wait. Why is it when you only have to work for 4 hours it seems longer than a regular 9 hour day??????
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.

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#178295 - 04/09/04 02:43 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Snowqueen Offline
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dreaming of a warm beach......
We are open all day...boohoo. Darn phone calls: what are your hours today?????

Fresh brewed coffee with an Irish twist...sounds good to me. Go easy on the coffee and extra on the Irish...teehee!!

Think a mushroom and cheddar omelet with whole wheat sounds good this a.m. Can't believe I woke up to snow flakes coming down this morning. Nothing accumulating but still lightly snowing...YUK!!!

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#178296 - 04/09/04 02:48 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Kansayaku Offline
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Can I get miso soup? Sorry about the odd request but I skipped breakfast this morning.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#178297 - 04/09/04 02:50 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
It must the laws of "employment physics", akin to "cabin fever" and "short-timers". Help yourself to some cheesy hashbrowns from the buffet table.

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#178298 - 04/09/04 02:52 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Good thing for you that Tiny set up the soup bar over there. He hemmed and hawed about it, but something told him somebody might ask for some. Try his chili, too. It's pretty good.

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#178299 - 04/09/04 02:55 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Kansayaku Offline
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Thanks! I was afraid to ask for an evian as I see it has been slammed on another thread. How about some gatorade? I have a headache and have been told that two glasses of gatorade will cure it just as good as any meds.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#178300 - 04/09/04 03:08 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Kan ay ask u something? Sorry....I had to! The Evian is pure and cold and goes great with Excedrin! Have a bottle of each. The Evian and Gatorade is in the self-serve cooler as DD's drink for free and I just don't want to get into the whole "but I don't like the green kind" yourself.

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#178301 - 04/09/04 03:10 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Nanwa Offline
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Ummmmmmmm,,,cheezy hash browns! Cheezy anything, I'm from Wisconsin! So long as its meatless, Good Friday, you know.

(Those old Catholic habits are hard to break!)
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!

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#178302 - 04/09/04 03:11 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Kansayaku Offline
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Oh well, I guess you're still the sweetest pup in the room.
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#178303 - 04/09/04 03:21 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Awwwww, thanks K! (I'm the ONLY Pup )Now dig in and try to kill that headache with the pure drinks and good food.

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#178304 - 04/09/04 03:45 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

hhmmm... I need a break from bickering in the "anonymous" thread, can I come in here and hide for a while???
I promise to play nice as long as I can get a little coffee to jump start the day (I'm quite a bit behind you all time wise )

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#178305 - 04/09/04 03:55 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
the coffee is black and VERY good. The cream and sugar are over there and please try some of my cheesy hashbrowns. You are behind most of us? Are you a west-coaster?

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#178306 - 04/09/04 04:01 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

Yep, west as west can be...
Cheesy hashbrowns, you don't have to tell me twice!
Thanks, pup

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#178307 - 04/09/04 04:02 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...'s the only thing (other than a kickin' lasagne) that I make very well! My little bro is in Long Beach...I love it out there. Well worth the 19 hour drive!

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#178308 - 04/09/04 04:08 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

mmm, perhaps I'll have to come back for lunch, then...

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#178309 - 04/09/04 04:08 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Is that a request for can "virtually" be done!

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#178310 - 04/09/04 04:10 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Kansayaku Offline
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Do you use freshly made noodles in that lasagna pup?
I have many opinions; some are good, some are bad, and some don't contradict.

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#178311 - 04/09/04 04:14 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

Well, If I had my choice I'd go for some nice fish & chips and a guinness, but it's a bit early for that!

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#178312 - 04/09/04 04:16 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...

Do you use freshly made noodles in that lasagna pup?

not when I cook for just me....but I'd be happy to for you and the gang.

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#178313 - 04/09/04 04:17 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...

Well, If I had my choice I'd go for some nice fish & chips and a guinness, but it's a bit early for that!

To quote an overplayed country song, "It's five o'clock somewhere!" Don't be shy!

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#178314 - 04/09/04 04:24 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

shy's never been a problem...
allright then, a guinness it is. I'll alternate between the coffee for now, I still have to get some work done!

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#178315 - 04/09/04 04:29 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
Pup Offline
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Pedaling along a scenic highwa...
Attakid! Enjoy.....I'm gonna take a long break, so tiny will hook you up for awhile. (I've got some noodles to put together!). Somebody fire up that's deadly silent in here. I'll kick it off with "Maria, Maria" by Santana in honor of the ID Theft victim.


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#178316 - 04/09/04 04:42 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend

Then I'll line up a certain Elvis tune with my quarter, and leave a tip on the bar...
I'll take my coffee to go, also... But I'll be back for lunch in a bit!

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#178317 - 04/09/04 04:42 PM Re: Cleabatsu's kicking off on Easter weekend
CRAatBOK Offline

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Further South than I wanna be.
There wouldn't happen to be a massage chair in this place, would there. It has been a very stressful week and if I drank enough to relax, I would be falling down and could do the many things I have on my schedule for today and tomorrow. I would love a cup of camomile tea with some cheesy hashbrowns. I can only contribute "Bob the Builder" cinnimon cookies right now. I will try to come up with something better for lunch. How about garlic bread to go with the lasagna?
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.

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