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#1972444 - 10/28/14 05:06 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
10K Club
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I take this thread to be mostly tongue-in-cheek and get a grin out of it intended otherwise CYM? Do you know what kind of people take this thread as tongue-in-cheek? those who don't mind dying a horrible death!!
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#1972445 - 10/28/14 05:10 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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People will think you're weird. people don't think that about far as you know I doubt I'll be licking any grocery shelves any time soon. you don't know what you're missing
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#1972467 - 10/28/14 05:42 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
I take this thread to be mostly tongue-in-cheek and get a grin out of it intended otherwise CYM? unfortunatley for CYM, no. For everyone else, yes.
Providing alternative truths since the invention of time
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#1972502 - 10/28/14 06:37 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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under the Lone Star
home grown jihadis will kill as many of us as they can....
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1972860 - 10/29/14 08:16 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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So Cal
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has classified propylene glycol as an additive that is “generally recognized as safe” for use in consumer products... "Generally safe" is all the reassurance I need. 
I've just writed a wrong.
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#1972912 - 10/29/14 09:34 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Halloween costumes in the color black, because cars can't see you. And all the best ones are in black!
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#1972914 - 10/29/14 09:34 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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McDonald's "Our food, your questions" ads, because they are so disingenous, e.g., Does your food contain hazardous substance X? Answer given, "We take pride in providing nutritious foods for our valued customers..." Gimme break. Also got a good chuckle from "Are your fruit and parfait yogurts healthy?" which McD's declined to answer, with the evasive, "Well, let's talk about what's in them. They have berries, granola, and yogurt. You decide if they are healthy for you." What a bunch of garbage.
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#1972925 - 10/29/14 10:11 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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and their chicken nuggets contain delicious chicken lips, chicken knees, chicken knuckles and if you're lucky a few chicken anuses
mmmmmmmmm, dip them in barbeque sauce and I'm in heaven
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#1973002 - 10/30/14 02:15 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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and their chicken nuggets contain delicious chicken lips, chicken knees, chicken knuckles and if you're lucky a few chicken anuses
mmmmmmmmm, dip them in barbeque sauce and I'm in heaven Speaking of BBQ sauce, isn't it about time for the McRib to make it's annual comeback tour? mmmmmmmmmm
I thought getting old would take longer.
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#1973024 - 10/30/14 02:38 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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and their chicken nuggets contain delicious chicken lips, chicken knees, chicken knuckles and if you're lucky a few chicken anuses
mmmmmmmmm, dip them in barbeque sauce and I'm in heaven Speaking of BBQ sauce, isn't it about time for the McRib to make it's annual comeback tour? mmmmmmmmmm Just saw a commercial here in Indiana this week for McRib. . .so it is back right now, at least in some parts of the country.
If ignorance is bliss, there ought to be more happy people.
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#1973047 - 10/30/14 03:16 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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The McRib is better than the cheap imitation Burger King is trying to pull off with its strangely shaped burger fitted to the original chicken sandwich bun, with a tasteless BBQ sauce splashed on for garnish!
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1973070 - 10/30/14 03:35 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
Pale Rider
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The psych ward
Paint chips stopped being tasty when they started removing the lead.
No, I didn't lose my mind. It got scared and ran away.
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#1973086 - 10/30/14 03:58 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
'Lil Freak!
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Paint chips stopped being tasty when they started removing the lead. Same with gasoline.
I've just writed a wrong.
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#1973095 - 10/30/14 04:15 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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under the Lone Star
Same with coffee.
Societies that do not find work in and of itself "pleasing to God and requisite to Man," tend to be highly corrupt.
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#1973116 - 10/30/14 04:49 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Mid West
nothing beats the smell of gasoline and paint chip based unleaded coffee in the morning. MMMmmmm good! ^_^
No matter where you go, there you are.
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#1973132 - 10/30/14 05:08 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
Pale Rider
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They like to dip their flannel shirts in it from time-to-time...?
Sorry, did I just use my outside voice?
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#1973456 - 10/31/14 05:40 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Grown men wearing animal masks are terrifying. But so is Sharni Venson! ('re_Next) Also, when a Halloween costume bursts into flames., I now believe the poison candy thing is mostly a myth or urban legend after reading up on it due to the post that was on this thread the other day. Still, would you ACTUALLY let your kids eat an apple given to them by a stranger, or some weird cat lady’s homemade cupcakes? This is when it feels irrational…I know it’s a myth, I know 99.999% people aren’t bad enough to do something like that, and yet, I still feel it’s mostly off-limits and that we should only trick or treat in a neighborhood where we know everybody. Also it's an oldie but goodie, but go google "spider dog prank," which is only something deadly if he scares you so bad that you run out into traffic.
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#1973458 - 10/31/14 05:44 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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I won't eat a cupcake at a potluck unless i know who made it and think they are good cooks, so no way i'm eating some random person's cupcake they put in a trick-or-treat bag. (Not cuz i'm afraid it would kill me; just afraid it would taste really bad.)
I'm fixin' to fix that.
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#1973490 - 10/31/14 06:24 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
10K Club
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you still trick or treat?
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