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#1959279 - 09/04/14 03:20 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2002
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The Swamp
If anyone saw my "ice water challenge" the Spring in this article is just up river and is a place I grew up swimming at (and rasing much cain). In a rural North Florida town where the water tower bears the motto ”Tiny but Proud,” residents have a big secret: They give the cold, clear spring water that bubbles up from the aquifer below their soil to the nation’s largest bottled water company — for free. Every day, Nestle Waters of North America sucks up an estimated 500,000 gallons from Madison Blue Springs, a limestone basin one mile north of town. It pipes the 70-degree water to its massive bottling plant and distribution center, fills 102,000 plastic containers an hour, pastes on Deer Park or Zephyrhills labels, boxes it up and ships half of it out of state. – The cost to the company for the water: a one-time $150 local water permit. Like 22 other bottled water companies in Florida, including giants Coca Cola and Pepsi Co., Nestle’s profit is 10 to 100 times the cost of each bottle. And the payment to Florida? Not a dime. Outside the rural north Florida town of Lee, “every day, Nestle Waters of North America sucks up an estimated 500,000 gallons from Madison Blue Springs,” the paper says. You probably know it as Deer Park. –  I drink well water and have for 20+ years. Only recently I put a sediment filter on because I get tons of clay and iron coming through it and was tired of washing my clothes in this unpredicable water 'quality' much less it clogging my filter screens on appliances and fixtures. The water can be pure orange at times and tastes like rust from all the iron. The filter makes it taste wonderful tho!  I probably also am guilty of cleaning stalls in the barn and eating/drinking without thinking to wash my hands. I am rarely sick. I'm pretty sure this practice contributes largely to that fact. 
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#1959280 - 09/04/14 03:20 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Pulling people out of the ditc...
i think Ozarka actually does use a spring...but if you read the fine print on bottled water, many have switched to "municipal water supply" as the source even while touting themselves as spring water...i don't believe the FDA has gotten up to speed on changing this, but has brought it up as posisbly deceptive.
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#1959309 - 09/04/14 03:54 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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LOVE well water. Still drink it when I go back to my parents' house. Same here. I've toyed with the idea of sending gallons to myself so I can enoy good water in Phx.
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#1959323 - 09/04/14 04:07 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Whew that would be pricey! I'm lucky mine are only a half hour away.
We're all here 'cause we've lost control.
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#1959351 - 09/04/14 04:52 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Yinzerville, PA
I have been re-using and re-filling the same Dasani bottled water, water bottle for over a year. I have left it in my hot car, I have put it in the freezer when I want a cold drink, and I have gone weeks without washing it.
My wife threw it away last week after seeing something about the leaching on the Today show.
Surely my days are numbered. something tells me if a movie was made about your life the intro song would be Molly Hatchett's "Flirting With Disaster". You live a dangerous life, my friend!!! Enough of this living on the edge, I have a family to think about. I'm switching to a plastic cup that clearly says 'BPA Free' on the bottom. I hope it's not too late.
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#1959363 - 09/04/14 05:17 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
10K Club
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The Swamp
i think Ozarka actually does use a spring...but if you read the fine print on bottled water, many have switched to "municipal water supply" as the source even while touting themselves as spring water...i don't believe the FDA has gotten up to speed on changing this, but has brought it up as posisbly deceptive. Probably so...alot of bottled water is simply filtered tap water. But Nestle has a huge business down here...tapping our beautiful springs.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#1959482 - 09/04/14 08:34 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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I just got this junk mail, and thought that CYM needs to see this. (AS I do not know the safety of clicking on this link, do so at yoru own risk)Milk worse than smoking? Dear Did you know that according to a study from an esteemed medical school, some types of milk are now connected to cancer… and could cause as much damage to your health as smoking four packs of cigarettes a day? Think about that… four packs a day is almost certain to lead to an early death….but according to the latest research, a certain type of milk could be even worse. Yet I’d bet not one in 1,000 people knows what type of milk it is. There’s a good chance this milk may be in your fridge right now. It was in mine, too. Until I came across the research you’re about to see. Click here to find out. Sincerely, Doug Hill Director, Laissez Faire Club
Last edited by DD Regs; 09/04/14 08:50 PM. Reason: add disclaimer of the link source
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1959485 - 09/04/14 08:36 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Link says it's broken..what kind of milk?
I'm fixin' to fix that.
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#1959489 - 09/04/14 08:39 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Who knows, try google...just a thought. I t was junk mail and I wasn't going to click the link.
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#1959493 - 09/04/14 08:41 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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LOL..but you shared the link with all of us....thanks. 
I'm fixin' to fix that.
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#1959501 - 09/04/14 08:51 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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as suspected, a quick google comes up with a Harvard study and others.
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#1959505 - 09/04/14 09:08 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Well - what kind of milk is it?
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#1959506 - 09/04/14 09:12 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Somewhere in the middle
Mass "Factory Farm" milk. Where cows are kept is cages and milked 300 days a year.
More of a political stmt that factual. Most of the "results" were non conclusive..."May cause cancer"
I'm only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.
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#1959509 - 09/04/14 09:18 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
DD Regs
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Who knows, try google...just a thought. I t was junk mail and I wasn't going to click the link. Thx, punk!  But thank goodness, toxic milk isn't in my fridge. ::wipes brow::
It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!
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#1959511 - 09/04/14 09:27 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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A Harvard study, a place that brought us Elizabeth Warren?
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#1959517 - 09/04/14 09:46 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Um, no. Unless you are confusing the University of Houston with Harvard University.
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#1959532 - 09/04/14 11:15 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
Xian Ngyuen
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Um, no. Unless you are confusing the University of Houston with Harvard University. Barbs, Warren worked at Harvard and obtained her position because Harvard needed minority employees. Thus it was very difficult to fire her, because Harvard had been criticized for its lack of diversity. The only problem is, she just claimed to be a minority but was actually 100% white. This has been pretty well proven at this point. Then she ran for office in Massachusetts again as a Native American person. There has been a dispute over whether she received preferential treatment because of this. Her colleagues claim she did not, however Harvard made a big deal about their new "minority" instructor. Even after it has been proven she was not Native American and the person she claimed to be native in her family was not native, she went on to claim that she is native in subsequent interviews. Yet amazingly, the people of Massachusetts saw fit to elect her to office.
If your tagline references disclaimers regarding the nature of political posts, then you should just hit notify.
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#1959541 - 09/05/14 10:50 AM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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in case you need a citiation has been a law professor at Harvard for nearly 20 years and has written nine books, including two national best-sellers, and more than a hundred articles. National Law Journal named her one of the Most Influential Lawyers of the Decade, and she has been honored by the Massachusetts Women’s Bar Association with the Lelia J. Robinson Award. And about that best selling book Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) repeats her false claims of Native American ancestry in her new book, A Fighting Chance, which is scheduled for release next Tuesday. "As a kid, I had learned about my Native American background the same way every kid learns about who they are: from family," Senator Warren writes in an excerpt published Wednesday in the Boston Globe. Senator Warren then repeats a line she used often in her 2012 Senate campaign, memorialized in a September 2012 television commercial, writing "I never questioned my family’s stories or asked my parents for proof or documentation. What kid would?" "Knowing who you are is one thing, and proving who you are is another," Warren writes. In 2012 Breitbart News exhaustively documented the facts surrounding Senator Warren's claims of Native American ancestry and demonstrated that no credible evidence exists to support those claims. But lack of genealogical evidence has never stopped Senator Warren from boldly asserting as fact something which is flatly not true. the other book Warren’s 1984 recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat contains all four of the ingredients listed in Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe in the exact same portion but lists five additional ingredients. More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey’s instructions from this 1979 article.
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#1959551 - 09/05/14 12:44 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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I interpreted the "the place that brought us" to mean she attended Harvard. You apparently meant it to mean "was employed by".
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#1959552 - 09/05/14 12:49 PM
Re: Everything is Going to Kill Us
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Yes, It appears that a 2 year stay at Houston you think is more important than a 20 year gig at Harvard
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