Started at a Savings and Loan in 1979 as a VOE student. I went to school and worked part-time at the bank. After I graduated I wanted to get married and asked to work full-time as a teller. I went from teller to new accounts to personal banker and then to a Manager for one of the larger banks, Funny thing is the savings and loan I worked for got merged with other Savings and Loans and them we were bought out by a bank and then that bank was bought out by another bank, so I never quit, but thru name changes worked for different named institutions. My last stint was as manager for a large bank and I left that job in 2010 to work in the community bank and have been her for 7 years now. I started in new accounts and now am the BSA officer. Total years in banking is 38 and I tell everyone I started working when I was 7. Banking is what I enjoy and I do not mind coming to work which I will have to do so for many more years until I am able to retire. I always say that if you love what you do, you have a good attitude about working. I did not go to college, but learned thru on the job training and as I say the "school of hard knocks".
Define Success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you are proud of. Anne Sweeney