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#2202501 - 01/09/19 09:13 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
Power Poster
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out of the frying pan...
Looks like JR Ward has a new book out that is related to the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I think the review I read said they are mentioned in the book. It's called Prisoner of the Night.
Has anyone read it yet?
Anyone plan to read it?
I finished it last night. Not bad! Not amazing...but a decent read without the BDB price tag.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#2202511 - 01/09/19 09:46 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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Posts: 305
I think I'm going to put it on my Kindle to read on the plane to Copenhagen in a week or so.
Has anyone read JR's new book Consumed? I think it is about an arson investigator. I plan to work on that one while I travel also.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
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#2202539 - 01/10/19 02:03 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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out of the frying pan...
I read the novellas that lead up to it, but have not downloaded Consumed yet. I'm having trouble wanting it badly enough to cough up release price.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#2202546 - 01/10/19 02:30 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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Same here.
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#2202551 - 01/10/19 02:54 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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I just started on the prelude to that as well...just because I have them on my Kindle and haven't downloaded the new Jane yet [just finished a re-read first]
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2202561 - 01/10/19 03:46 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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Posts: 305
Can you give me a list of the novellas leading up to it?
I didn't realize there were any. Thanks
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
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#2202598 - 01/10/19 05:36 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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out of the frying pan...
There's two of them, and they're both titled "The Wedding From He**, ___." I don't remember what the second part of the titles are offhand.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#2202668 - 01/10/19 09:28 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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part 1 - The Rehearsal Dinner part 2 - The Reception part 3 - Exclusive Excerpt of Consumed
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2210823 - 04/10/19 09:29 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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So...anyone read The Savior? Before I read it, I was totally disinterested, didn't care about Murhder, had zero desire for what I thought the story line would be. But wow, I was surprised. I thought it was one of the best books she's written in the series in a long time. I was really disappointed in The Thief (and I love Assail). But totally redeemed on this one.
Anyone else?
"The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept." - George Carlin
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#2210846 - 04/11/19 01:59 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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I think at least one RR may have or is reading it.
My opinion only. Not legal advice. Say you'll haunt me - Stone Sour
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#2210855 - 04/11/19 02:32 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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out of the frying pan...
I've read it! I agree - it was a VERY welcome change from what the last few books have been and much more in line with the original ones.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#2210868 - 04/11/19 03:32 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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How far behind am I Becca? The Beast, The Chosen, The Thief and then the Savior?
Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.
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#2210904 - 04/11/19 06:32 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Sarah
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out of the frying pan...
How far behind am I Becca? The Beast, The Chosen, The Thief and then the Savior? If the last one you read was The Shadows, then yes - I believe that is correct.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#2210947 - 04/12/19 12:00 AM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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Looking for my sanity
How far behind am I Becca? The Beast, The Chosen, The Thief and then the Savior? If the last one you read was The Shadows, then yes - I believe that is correct. Yes, that's right. I tried reading The Beast, skimmed a lot and didn't finish. I skipped The Chosen and went right into The Thief. Wasn't impressed with any of them until The Savior!
"The reason I talk to myself is because I'm the only one whose answers I accept." - George Carlin
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#2210960 - 04/12/19 02:13 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
ItNeverEnds CRCM
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Yes, that's right. I tried reading The Beast, skimmed a lot and didn't finish. I skipped The Chosen and went right into The Thief. Wasn't impressed with any of them until The Savior!
I thought about skipping a couple but I got an eye twitch. 
Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.
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#2210984 - 04/12/19 04:22 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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out of the frying pan...
I can't skip ahead in series. I just can't. And if I realize partway in that a new read is part of a series and NOT book #1, I panic a little bit and immediately have to locate the first book.
You call it ADD. I call it multi-tasking.
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#2211082 - 04/15/19 04:02 PM
Re: Black Dagger Brotherhood discussion **SPOILERS**
RR Becca
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Posts: 305
Finished the Savior this weekend. I agree better than the last few she's done.
"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
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