Property presumed abandoned shall be reported and delivered to the District if one of the following applies:
1. The last known address of the apparent owner, as shown on the records of the holder, is in the District.
2. If the address of apparent owner is unknown, at least one of the following applies:
A. Address of last known person entitled to the property is in the District of Columbia;
B. Holder is domiciled in the District; or
C. Holder is the District of Columbia Government.
3. The last known address of apparent owner is in a foreign country or in a state outside the District of
Columbia and the property is not being reported to that state and, the holder is:
A. Domiciled in the District: or
B. The District of Columbia Government.
4. The transaction concerning the property took place in the District.
§ 41–152.10. Indication of apparent owner interest in property.
(b) Under this chapter, an indication of an apparent owner's interest in property includes:
(5) A deposit into or withdrawal from an account at a financial organization, including an automatic deposit or withdrawal previously authorized by the apparent owner other than an automatic reinvestment of dividends or interest;
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