General Business Law Article 25 Section 380-b(b):
No person shall request a consumer report, other than an
investigative consumer report, in connection with an application made
after the effective date of this article, for credit, employment,
insurance, or rental or lease of residences, unless the applicant is
first informed in writing or in the same manner in which the application
is made that (i) a consumer report may be requested in connection with
such application, and (ii) the applicant upon request will be informed
whether or not a consumer report was requested, and if such report was
requested, informed of the name and address of the consumer reporting
agency that furnished the report.
(c) Where the notice provided pursuant to subdivision (b) of this
section further indicates that subsequent consumer reports, other than
investigative consumer reports, may be requested or utilized in
connection with an update, renewal, or extension of the credit,
employment, insurance, or rental or lease of residences for which
application was made, no additional notice to the consumer shall be
required at the time such subsequent report is requested.