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#290270 - 12/17/04 02:55 PM
I know there was a post a sometime ago regarding salaries. I'm now wondering what pay scales are out there for Intenal Audit Assistants. The position entails performing audits as assigned by the head of IA and drafting reports. I think our staff is underpaid and am wondering what others are being paid in similar positions.
If you have a position similiar to this I would be interested to know your regional location, whether the position is hourly or salary, what the pay is, and if there is any potential for bonus. I really appreciate any input.
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#290271 - 12/17/04 04:00 PM
Re: Salaries
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
In the lower midwest, assuming this is someone with a relevant degree, starting out as full-time audit staff, I would expect this to pay in the mid 30's in most areas, up to 40 in major cities.
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#290272 - 12/17/04 04:41 PM
Re: Salaries
| more question...asset size of institution? Thanks!
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#290273 - 12/17/04 05:19 PM
Re: Salaries
10K Club
Joined: Nov 2003
Posts: 12,846
I personally haven't seen a lot of variation, assuming we are still talking about full-time audit staff. At some point, a bank is too small to have a full-time auditor, and other responsibilities may impact on the figures I gave above.
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#290274 - 12/17/04 09:17 PM
Re: Salaries
Junior Member
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 39
We're a 2.8 Billion institution. Auditor I pay range is 32.4 - 50.1, Auditor II 37.4 - 55.2, Sr. 44.9 - 74.9, VP has no ceiling. Quarterly bonus depending upon income, customer satisfaction survey, etc. shared equally by all non-management employees. Annual bonus for VP.
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#290275 - 12/18/04 11:35 AM
Re: Salaries
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 92
We're a 2.8 Billion institution. Auditor I pay range is 32.4 - 50.1, Auditor II 37.4 - 55.2, Sr. 44.9 - 74.9, VP has no ceiling. Quarterly bonus depending upon income, customer satisfaction survey, etc. shared equally by all non-management employees. Annual bonus for VP.
How do I get a job as an auditor for the bank??? 
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#290276 - 12/20/04 05:08 PM
Re: Salaries
I am the Assistant Auditor of a $290 million bank upstate NY. There are just the two of us here. I am an officer. My salary range starts at $27,000 and caps at $50,000 before they have to change my title or upgrade the position. I am in the mid range of that. Been in this position for a little over 3 years. I get the standard 3% raise each year with a small year end bonus.
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#290279 - 12/30/04 10:32 PM
Re: Salaries
Junior Member
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 39
Don't want to get into that discussion. :-) I figure you make more from your investments than from being a bank. That was the way it was at NBA before WF.
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#290282 - 12/31/04 06:05 PM
Re: Salaries
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
I came from a CU to a bank, much much higher pay here. I started there with a girl I am still friends with and I make over 10K more than her a year, and she didn't have to start over on the food chain. Same town.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#290283 - 12/31/04 06:17 PM
Re: Salaries
I'm posting Anon because there are others here that use BOL.
I've been with my bank just shy of 4 years. Been in banking for several years, bank's size under $200 mil, medium size community in the Midwest, no college degree, primary responsibility is compliance. I made $49,150 in 2004 - no bonuses or incentives.
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#290285 - 12/31/04 08:41 PM
Re: Salaries
I came from a CU to a bank. The bank is a community bank about $365 millon. I am an assistant to the internal auditor and started at $31,500 about 4 months ago. I have a degree and have been in the financial field for more than ten years. I find the community bank much rewarding than the credit union environment. 
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#290286 - 01/01/05 12:12 AM
Re: Salaries
West Coast - 300 Million Community Bank - 25 Years Banking experience. CCBIA Certification. No Bonuses. $38,000. yr
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#290287 - 01/03/05 09:23 PM
Re: Salaries
See it appears to be just the opposite where I live. CU's are better benefit wise and $ wise around here.
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#290288 - 01/03/05 09:31 PM
Re: Salaries
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 3,300
back to my roots
I know that I have been much better taken care of since I have come to the CU. My old BIG bank was not interested in keeping their employees happy. Smaller, community banks are probably a lot more similar to CUs.
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan
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