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#344445 - 05/06/05 05:56 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
Power Poster
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The finale is only 1 hour-Trump has said last years 3 hour snooze fest was too much. I felt bad for his CFO-couldnt spit out what he was trying to say-I thought he was going to drop right there. It will be interesting-Tana has the more prestigous task, IMO, but with Brian, Chris and Kristen, they all have the potential to completely explode... should be fun.
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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#344446 - 05/06/05 07:24 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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the sandy shore
Tana also has the most to lose, I think - that big an event could really be a black eye if it doesn't go well.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#344447 - 05/06/05 08:53 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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Posts: 762
I missed the show last night. What tasks do Tana and Kendra have and most important, is Craig on Kendra's team? Shudder!
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#344448 - 05/07/05 01:14 AM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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the sandy shore
LOL. No, Craig is gone, gone for good. And good riddance. Condescending arrogant jerk.
Kendra has to organize a gamers convention. She's already pi$$ed off the Playstation rep.
Tana has to organize an atheletes' event that is supposed to be one of the showcases for NYC's efforts to get the 2012 Olympics.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#344449 - 05/07/05 06:31 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
Platinum Poster
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Posts: 762
Wow! Tana's task sounds so much more complex then Kendra's. This should be good!!
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#344450 - 05/13/05 10:29 AM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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the sandy shore
OMG, what was Tana THINKING when she was babbling on and on about how great her event went???? From the brochure gaffe to the governor kept standing around to the flag issue to the 'people are leaving because they don't know what to do' to the "I'll stand back here like an executive while my peons go on ahead".... AWFUL. I no longer think she deserves to win. And I hope she was embarassed after watching herself last night.
Kendra, OTOH, did a great job. She put on a good event, made her sponsors happy, kept her team together, and even got a job offer out of it.
Go Kendra!
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#344451 - 05/13/05 01:13 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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Absolutely amazing-you are right on EGB-ripping her team in front of the Olympic people, the brochure screw up...I was shocked how ignorant she was about how the event went-for 15 weeks all we heard was how she has been working since she was 9 years old, etc. Suddenly, she cant walk out with her good for everyone. I had my doubts about Kendra, but she has put it together. Really stepped up to the plate and kept the team together. Cant wait to hear the teams in the boardroom.
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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#344452 - 05/13/05 01:38 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
Absolutely agree - I have never been crazy about Tana, but thought she probably had the best head on her shoulders. She finally showed her true colors and they were not pretty. I also never really liked Kendra, but she became very likable yesterday. Her crying didn't bother me at all - I think that the way she responded to her team will be the deciding factor in her winning, along with her Real Estate experience which Trump has to like. Her only goofs were I felt she should have owned up to the mistake with the meeting, and also she should have said that her college experience did not make her better than Tana - I always think the right answer in that situation is that her degree possibly trained her to analyze business situations for thoroughly and effectively.
The only check mark I give to Tana is that I think her task was quite a bit more difficult. That said, the gaffe with the American Flag was inexcusable.
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#344454 - 05/13/05 03:08 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
Diamond Poster
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Wisteria Lane..
Thanks all. I missed the program last night because I was out. It's great to hear your responses.
And where is Superman when I need him?
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#344455 - 05/13/05 03:21 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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the sandy shore
Lois, be sure you catch the finale next week. We should hear from the teams how the managers did and I think that will be very telling.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#344456 - 05/13/05 03:40 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
100 Club
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Posts: 176
Tana's task was harder and I thought the apparent difference in complexity of the two events was unfair but after last night's episode I was really upset at Tana's unprofessionalism. From the very beginning she was calling her team the 3 Stooges; in front of Carolyn even. I can't believe her arrogance in telling Bruce Jenner (that's who I remember in the shot) she was the next apprentice. She really ended up being a disappointment. I do hope Kendra wins.
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#344457 - 05/13/05 05:56 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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Anchorage Alaska
If you've ever put on an event like Kendra's you would know that Tana's was fair and equal. Keeping rich sponsors happy, managing significant technology needs, and staging an event like that is very difficult. She did so with applomb, and grace. She correctly acknowledged her team effort as well. Even if your team sucks, you look better as a manager if you don't belittle them. Tana acted like uneducated (and by that I mean NO school..G 1-12 as well as college) trailor trash. If a staff member of mine treated their staff the way she did, I'd fire them instantly. What a selfish little pig, and a snooty at that! Don't walk out with your team...good gravy what a Bi...umm nevermind. If she wins, Trumps brains are a screwy as his hair!
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen
CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.
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#344458 - 05/13/05 05:57 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
Gold Star
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Texas, USA
I agree completely. I was very disappointed in Tana's lack of respect, etc... really reflected badly on her. And I had always thought she had handled herself much better than that. She doesn't deserve to win after this last task. I didn't think Kendra should be there either, but she deserves it much more than Tana.
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#344459 - 05/13/05 06:59 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
I flipped my vote last night too. I was a Tana fan throughout the entire show...until the last few weeks. Go Kendra. I wonder if this is the show's spin, and things are going to come out next week against Kendra (depending upon what her team says about her) just to keep us all watching.
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#344460 - 05/13/05 07:52 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
I thought it was a nice touch of foreshadowing when Tana left the event. As the limo pulled out onto the street it passed over a “Fire Lane” indicator painted on the street surface. The camera shot showed the word “Fire” and then cut before you could see “Lane.” Nice effect.
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#344461 - 05/13/05 07:54 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
different poster...and if you noticed the previews for next week it said something like who will be hired and who will be sent home...and when they did that they showed Kendra first and then Tana. We'll see.
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#344462 - 05/13/05 08:31 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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Posts: 340
Suddenly, she cant walk out with her good for everyone.
I could NOT believe that she was that arrogant! Not did she refuse to walk out with them but she that it was beneath her to do so. And then she waited until they drove off before she left. What nerve. I hope that she watched and saw how stupid she looked!
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#344463 - 05/13/05 09:44 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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I just watched some footage of Tana that was not shown and she was very thankful to her team. Wonder how this editing made her look sooooo bad. I really thought she was horrible until I saw the footage we never saw. I can only guess that she was lying on the unshown footage by what I saw on TV last night, however, as my husband alway says, " You believe what you see on TV?" (He hates TV)
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#344464 - 05/13/05 09:54 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
Gold Star
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Posts: 280
I am going for Kendra. I used to like Tana but she is really getting on my nerves. I can't wait for the finale.
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#344465 - 05/13/05 11:28 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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Anchorage Alaska
I am sure they edited to make one look good and one bad, just to keep us in suspense, but either way, they didn't put words in the idiots mouth. She may have been nice sometime that evening...but her other words, well they were so bad it didn't really matter.
If I heard she'd had second thoughts, chased the van her staff was on, and appologized (as well as shared those stupid pretzles she was carrying) I'd still think she' was not suitable to manage a pizza hut, let alone a major company.
Dawn Coursey VP/CRA Queen
CRA Rating is in...Oh who cares...I'm home with the baby.
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#344466 - 05/20/05 06:40 AM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
10K Club
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Kendra pulled it out and I am pleased with that. She came on strong in the end. Tana was back peddling as fast as she could. She is a motivator more than a leader.
I saw an interview with the Donald. He wasn't very pleased with this seasons candidates. He and Mark Burnett chose the final 18 from the final cut of 2,000 for season four.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#344467 - 05/20/05 10:28 AM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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the sandy shore
I thought Tana came off as unprofessional last night - when she was getting on Kendra about "WHO came up with the design for the Pontiac brochure" and waving her arms all around. I can't imagine the Donald liked that.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#344468 - 05/20/05 12:58 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
I don't think Donald wanted to look at that horse face for a whole year.
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#344469 - 05/20/05 01:10 PM
Re: Apprentice Predictions!
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Agree with EGB and Andy-Tana went overboard pointing out her part in creating the shape of the brochure-(which was interesting to hear) but was way to aggressive in getting her point out-and the Arsenio Hall arm waiving was ridiculous. Kendra gave the whole team credit during the episode, and gave it to Tana last night. I wanted to hear more from the 2 teams that worked with them. Tana's true colors showed....
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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