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#37723 - 10/18/02 02:46 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Power Poster
Joined: May 2002
Posts: 3,608
Near the Land of Enchantment
I wish...
...for a loan officer to call and say, "The borrower said his property has been built up out of the flood zone so he wouldn't have to get flood insurance. I set him straight, though! I told him that until FEMA says it's not in a flood zone, it's in a flood zone and he has to have the insurance before we'll close the loan! Was that right?"
Opinions my own.
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#37724 - 10/18/02 02:47 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
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And I wish my bank would hire lglover's lender away from her!  Just kidding.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#37728 - 10/18/02 03:09 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
I wish... ... all of our co-workers could see the Friday threads and realize how wonderfully witty and charming the compliance officer can be....
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#37730 - 10/18/02 03:17 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Gold Star
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 338
Hell's Canyon
I wish...there was enough time to get all my work done (BOL does help tremendously) so I could play as much as I want. I also wish for world peace and good health, but some things are out of my control! Maybe if I just answered half of those emails that promised all my wishes would come true if I would forward them to 500 of my closest friends
Wendy LaVoie
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#37732 - 10/18/02 03:26 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 832
JohnCRCM, let me know when you find them. I am looking, too.
Marilyn, CRCM
I'd rather be fishing.
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#37734 - 10/18/02 03:32 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 832
I wish people could understand that compliance officers and auditors are people with feelings and get tired of being told "that's ridiculous that we have to do that". We're only the messenger!
Marilyn, CRCM
I'd rather be fishing.
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#37736 - 10/18/02 03:44 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
... ya'll knew how much we appreciate you. From Lois and Andy making my day with their comments, to all of you who help to make this THE virtual water cooler of the banking world. What a dedicated, knowledgeable, helpful, friendly, funny group of people!
I also wish I didn't agree with Amy and Shelley that this had been a hard and frustrating week, but it really has been. It's getting better today, though! And I'm not thinking of running away and becoming a nurse like Shelley. I don't think I'm the Florence Nightengale type.
Hey, Andy, just dazzle all those extra goobers with your magic tricks this weekend!
A little humor to brighten the day: True story I heard this morning about two state legislators in our state.
These two legislators weren't getting along, so they found a unique way to deal with their conflict...
One of them took out an ad in the local paper with his rival's phone number offering a "free monkey to a good home". Needless to say, he received hundreds of calls asking for the free monkey. [I want one!]
Well, the newspaper wouldn't tell him who took out the ad, but he figured it out anyway. So, he took out an ad with his rival's home address for a "garage sale" letting everyone one know to "come early". By 6:00 am he had people all over his yard -- and ringing his doorbell, no doubt.
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#37738 - 10/18/02 04:17 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Gold Star
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 325
I wish I was smart as Andy, and as awesome as Marybeth. I also wish I can see what exgovtbabe looks like, meet up with skinnyminny, ifish2 and captain morgan because they have cool names and wish BOL could throw an annual "get-to-know-everyone" party and "shoot out the lights" with some Jose Cuervo and all the great posters on BOL!!!
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#37739 - 10/18/02 04:26 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
I wish I had a billion dollars for every time I've been fired.
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#37740 - 10/18/02 04:31 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Power Poster
Joined: Oct 2001
Posts: 5,564
Clintonville, WI, USA
I'll say! You all make me feel I have a lifeline when I get hit with a new regulation or a question and have no idea where to start looking. I always start with BOL and if you can't direct me to a place with an answer, at least you let me know I am not alone in my confusion. A great big thanx to all of you! I wish they had a little smiley face to blow a kiss!
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!
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#37741 - 10/18/02 04:33 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
10K Club
Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 27,769
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The secret to financial success is to find a job that pays $1MM an hour. Go through orientation on day one and quit.
Then, don't invest in my retirement plan. I got my quarterly update statement and discovered I get to work another year!
So in the "I wish" column, I wish MBG would make that stock ticker on the BOL home page bright green instead of red. I also wish I could spell "teh" correctly all the time.
AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#37742 - 10/18/02 04:37 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2002
Posts: 3,094
Ever noticed............
Opinions are my own and not of my employer.
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#37746 - 10/18/02 04:52 PM
Re: It's FRIDAY!
Power Poster
Joined: May 2002
Posts: 3,608
Near the Land of Enchantment
how about "bnak"? At least Word catches that. I had a coworker once named Myron. Word kept suggesting "moron" every time I typed his name!
Opinions my own.
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