Anonymous, your post did not indicate what type of institution you are with. The FDIC Trust Manual is a great resource and I do refer to it on occassion, even though we are a National Bank.
Here is a link to the OCC's website that contains the Asset Management Handbook series that they have been published so far. You might also find the OTS'
Trust Examination Handbook of benefit even if you are not a Thrift.
As for a Trust Policy.... There are a couple of policies that you are required by regulation to have (if OCC Regulated). There are countless other policies that you could have in addition to the required ones that can be extremely beneficial and would likely be viewed favorably by your regulator.
The Texas Bankers Association used to sell a "canned" policy manual. It is my recollection that it was fairly affordable and comprehensive. That was the basis for our Wealth Management Policy Manual many years ago. We took the "canned" policies and then customized or tailored each of them to our specific operation.
But, because there are probably a number of companies out there that sell Trust Policy Manuals and the fact that ours is based on a purchased one, I hesitate releasing it. However, I would be happy to answer specific questions that you may have.