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#46374 - 12/05/02 03:39 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2001
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We had about 3" when I came to work this morning here in central PA and the schools were not even delayed! I remember the winter of '94 we had about 2 feet of snow overnight. I was a branch manager and all of my staff called me to tell me if you want me there, you come pick me up in your 4WD. After picking them all up and getting to the branch, we got a call from the main office that we would be closed. I spent the rest of the day picking up stranded relatives and helping stuck motorists. I have never been one to complain about snow and cold, I think I would really miss the change of seasons if I didn't live here!
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#46378 - 12/05/02 04:22 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
Gold Star
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 338
Hell's Canyon
You people are making me drool  I've been patiently waiting for any hint of snow so my skiis can see daylight along with my new ski coat and my pass to the local mountain. Nothing, nada, nilch...the passes are clear and the mountain tops are bare. Won't someone share? There's really no need to be so selfish - you don't need a whole foot of the stuff do you?
Wendy LaVoie
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#46379 - 12/05/02 04:24 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
Platinum Poster
Joined: Oct 2002
Posts: 547
Edge of Sanity
I worked for a bank in Maine that had branches all over the state, with the main office being located on the southern coast. I can remember at least once where we got a call from the main office saying the bank was closing due to the weather (raging snowstorm), but the sun was shining where we were so we just said whatever and kept on working. My favorite snowstorm story from working at that branch was the time that, due to the weather, we were working with a skeleton crew and rather than face the elements at lunch time, we decided to get together and order pizza from Domino's, which was located just down the street. Of course they said that because of the weather, they weren't honoring the 30 minute delivery guarantee and we said fine, whenever. About an hour and half later, when we were all starving, we called back to find out where the pizza was and were told the delivery person couldn't find the bank! (did I mention that we were just down the street?  ). So we gave them directions - when you leave the store, turn right, go about 500 feet, same side of the street as you, there we are! If I recall correctly, they didn't get too much of our business after that. . . .
'Never' is karma's doorbell.
Ding ding!
It's for you. . . .
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#46380 - 12/05/02 04:28 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Joined: Jul 2002
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the sandy shore
I lived through the winter of 95/96 in New England and that was enough snow for me for a lifetime. While stranded in a hotel in Needham MA during "the blizzard of the century" I typed out applications to transfer to Raleigh, Norcross GA, Dallas or Austin. Anywhere there was sun. I will never move back to somewhere it snows on a regular basis. Give me 100+ days all summer long instead. I'm happier with heat than snow any day!!
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#46381 - 12/05/02 04:53 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Joined: Jan 2002
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Not to "one up" you but Fargo received 120 inches in 1997-98 season. It was national news. Flooded the towns and rivers. That is something no one should experience.
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!
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#46382 - 12/05/02 04:57 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2001
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Next to Harvey
My father was the President of a small bank in central Indiana and a trifle "dedicated" to the job. Several years ago, there was a major blizzard and banks all over the state were closed. Nevertheless, I called him at work.
He answered "Parker Bank," on the second ring. I was teasing him about being there alone and he said, "No, I'm not, Eloise and Linda are here." He lived within walking distance, so the impassable roads were not a problem for him. However, the two employees he mentioned did not. I asked how they got there.
He responded, "I picked them up on my snowmobile."
There are lots of ways to describe that situation, but I prefer to think he was just ahead of his time in providing a unique employee benefit, free transportation to work. (He was such a good guy, they loved him anyway.)
In this world you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant. Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.
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#46383 - 12/05/02 05:00 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Posts: 5,063
A couple of years ago during a moderate snow storm, we tried to order a pizza from home from the Pizza Hut less than a quarter mile away from my house. When we told them our address, they refused to deliver to us because they could not get "up the hill". My wife tried to explain that we were not even close to "the hill", but we were refused pizza anyway. Another pizza place did deliver, but I always wondered if I had a case against Pizza Hut for denying my right to pizza because of where I live!
Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.
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#46384 - 12/05/02 05:04 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
Platinum Poster
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 832
Yesterday we had black ice warnings for every direction from here. So far this week I've escaped being run into twice by people who don't know to be careful when it's icy. You would think people in Wyoming would be used to slippery conditions. Our weather is beautiful today, 23 degrees with about 6 inches of snow on the ground. The mountains are gorgeous. I love living here.
Marilyn, CRCM
I'd rather be fishing.
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#46385 - 12/05/02 05:05 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Joined: Jan 2002
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That happens all the time. I used to deliver during college and we stopped at one street and the other Pizza Hut picked up deliveries 2 blocks up. Therefore, if you lived in that 2 block area, no Pizza Hut would deliver.
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!
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#46386 - 12/05/02 05:07 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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AndyZ CRCM My opinions are not necessarily my employers. R+R-R=R+R Rules and Regs minus Relationships equals Resentment and Rebellion. John Maxwell
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#46387 - 12/05/02 05:09 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
10K Club
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Cute, Andy!
My Opinions Only
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#46388 - 12/05/02 05:39 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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I'm a little slow. Took me five minutes to get that
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!
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#46390 - 12/05/02 05:50 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
Crown and scepter on the way . . .
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#46391 - 12/05/02 05:53 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Posts: 6,153
Andy'd prefer Crown and eggnog.
Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city
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#46392 - 12/05/02 05:53 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Posts: 2,706
Andy, You are on a roll. WATCH OUT FOR THE TREE!!!
Beauty is only skin deep...but ugly goes all the way to the bone!
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#46393 - 12/05/02 05:58 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Joined: Oct 2000
Posts: 5,992
Soaring over Georgia
I would much rather deal with snow than with the ice conditions we had yesterday and last night. Constant freezing rain through the afternoon, evening and night has left hundreds of thousands in my neck of the woods without power. We had several trees down in our yard and many more throughout our neighborhood. The ice just weighs everything down to the breaking point. We had over an inch of ice accumulation on everything. Last night you could just stand out in the yard and watch the flashes of light in the sky - it wasn't lightining - it was power lines snapping and transformers popping all over town.
Jim Bedsole, CRCM, CBA, CFSA, CAFP My posts - my opinions
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#46396 - 12/05/02 06:15 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
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Joined: Jul 2001
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Las Vegas Nevada
Those of us in California are having some difficulty understanding all the posts relating to this stuff you call snow. Cold we know as it got down to 57 last night.
Compliance Analysis and Research - Software for your CRA/HMDA analysis needs
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#46397 - 12/05/02 06:20 PM
Re: BOL Withdrawal
Gold Star
Joined: Oct 2002
Posts: 422
57 is not cold. Cold is 20 below! Cold is when it's too cold to snow! Cold is when it's so cold the chemical reaction in your car battery stops!
Michelle M
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