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#587582 - 07/24/06 07:02 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
While joking about Terry Schaivo is definitely in poor taste (considering she was brain dead and now deceased), I wonder how many think it would be in poor taste if it was about Brittney Spears or Pamela Anderson, who are both alive, and rather prone to...
Why do you wonder this? Is it because they're both brain dead too? 
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#587583 - 07/24/06 07:08 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
I don't think Freedom of Speech should include describing how you would rape a disabled person!
Oh and X if people didn't care then what a sad society we would live in. How would you feel if it was someone you knew and fought to keep alive?
Happy - I don't think you can compare talking about Britney and Pamela unless you were talking about taking advantage of them sexually, then yes I would be outraged, and with them being alive could be construed a threat!
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#587584 - 07/24/06 07:26 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
10K Club
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Color me confused. I wish there would have been as much agreement that it was wrong to, you know, starve this woman to death as there apparently is that it was wrong to make a (horribly distasteful) joke about her.
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#587585 - 07/24/06 07:37 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Color me confused. I wish there would have been as much agreement that it was wrong to, you know, starve this woman to death as there apparently is that it was wrong to make a (horribly distasteful) joke about her.
so we SHOULD'VE played God and kept her alive well past when she would've naturally died?
do your parents still control the decisions in your life as well, j?
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#587586 - 07/24/06 07:46 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
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Color me confused. I wish there would have been as much agreement that it was wrong to, you know, starve this woman to death as there apparently is that it was wrong to make a (horribly distasteful) joke about her.
I actually had Terry Schiavo on my mind last week as my wife and I completed our estate plan, including medical proxies and health care decision statements. My wife and I agreed in our decisions, but we both paused over the choice of feeding tubes.
I have made my choice, stating that I do not want to be kept alive by artifical means, including feeding tubes. Do I have the right to make this choice or should this be prohibited?
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#587588 - 07/24/06 07:50 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Here we go again folks, let the fighting begin.
did you think the original poster didn't want to go down this road? 
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#587589 - 07/24/06 07:54 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
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#587590 - 07/24/06 07:55 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2006
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Wherever the plane lands
Look, I didn't mention this so that everyone could start to debate how this was handled, again! In fact, my first words were Quote:
Despite anyone's personal thoughts on this particular topic and what occurred, I am curious to know if everyone feels the same way I do about what I heard over the weekend.
Please don't turn this into another debate thread.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.
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#587592 - 07/24/06 08:01 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Here we go again folks, let the fighting begin.
did you think the original poster didn't want to go down this road?
No Ron, I don't want to go down this road!
fair enough. sorry to question your motives. i am offened by what you heard to, but i would simply change the channel and not listen to them anymore. were you venting because you wanted to see who else agreed with stronger censorship of the media?
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#587593 - 07/24/06 08:04 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
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I think I hear the roll of thunder..... 
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#587594 - 07/24/06 08:05 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
10K Club
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Do I have the right to make this choice or should this be prohibited?
Sure, you should. The question is, if you didn't put it in writing, and your wife - who was living with her new lover - changed her story about what you said, should the benefit of the doubt be given to life, or to death?
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#587595 - 07/24/06 08:08 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
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Our local country radio station several years ago, let the 2 main personalities go that had everyone in town listeneing to the station. They hired some stupid jerk who made a total mess of the station, said and did things he shouldnt have said and the ratings dropped dramatically. Needlessto say, so many people complained about this guy, they let him go and their rating went back up.
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#587597 - 07/24/06 08:16 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
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I think the majority agrees with you Bimmer!
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#587598 - 07/24/06 08:23 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Guys remember they did an autopsy on her and found that the husband was right. She could not recover, her brain was the size of a walnut and any indication she made that suggested she knew anything was involuntary.
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#587599 - 07/24/06 08:38 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Power Poster
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Do I have the right to make this choice or should this be prohibited?
Sure, you should. The question is, if you didn't put it in writing, and your wife - who was living with her new lover - changed her story about what you said, should the benefit of the doubt be given to life, or to death?
I just couldn't remember how you came out on that question in that debate.
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#587600 - 07/24/06 09:25 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
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Guys remember they did an autopsy on her and found that the husband was right.
The autopsy showed that she wanted to have a feeding tube pulled?! Wow, medical science can tell us amazing things!
She could not recover, her brain was the size of a walnut and any indication she made that suggested she knew anything was involuntary.
I guess her life wasn't worth anything, then.
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#587601 - 07/24/06 09:41 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Was she really alive? Is someone who has no brain activity alive? If the doctors were right, she could not think well enough to ever know if the tube was pulled or not.
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#587603 - 07/24/06 10:14 PM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
10K Club
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Was she really alive? Is someone who has no brain activity alive? If the doctors were right, she could not think well enough to ever know if the tube was pulled or not.
What if she had been born without the ability to think, or feel, or communicate, but with enough brain function to beat her heart and oxygenate her blood. Would it be ok to let such a baby starve to death?
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#587604 - 07/24/06 10:48 PM
Terri Shaivo Redux
I hope I spelled her name right as a warning to all not to enter this thread unless you want to talk about this AGAIN!
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#587605 - 07/25/06 01:16 AM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
To jump in here, I think the reference is pretty disgusting, but, when they turned off the machines, the justification was that she was not alive. I suppose necrophilia plumbs the depths of our first ammendment? Certainly nothing else seems to.
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#587606 - 07/25/06 05:08 AM
Re: Sorry, but this made me sick and I need to ven
Diamond Poster
Joined: Jan 2006
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Wherever the plane lands
Ok, it's obvious that this thread has taken the turn that I really didn't want it to take. So, I present you with this.
WH confirms Saddam on feeding tube WASHINGTON, July 24 (UPI) -- White House spokesman Tony Snow Monday confirmed former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is on a feeding tube as the result of a hunger strike.
Snow told the daily press briefing Saddam agreed to be put on a feeding tube but said he did not know whether the procedure was performed at the detention facility where Saddam is being held or whether the former Iraqi leader had been hospitalized.
Saddam has been refusing solid food since July 7 but has been drinking water and coffee, and taking vitamins.
"His health is not in jeopardy," Snow said.
Saddam and three of his co-defendants have been refusing food in a demand for increased security for their lawyers, several of whom have been slain.
Snow said the feeding tube would be in at least 72 hours.
My silence doesn't mean that I agree with you. It's just that your level of ignorance has rendered me speechless.
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