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#603816 - 08/24/06 07:52 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 3,778
isnt the title of this thread "pick on each other thread"? duh! I vote you off first! 
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#603817 - 08/24/06 08:04 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
isnt the title of this thread "pick on each other thread"? duh!
I vote you off first!
Picking on people in fun and voting to throw people out are two different things. I find your response to my original question very childish (actually, I find most of your responses very childish), so I shouldn't be surprised you are trying to start an inappropriate conversation that will only end up turning ugly. When/if that time comes, I will make sure the moderators delete this thread, too.
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#603818 - 08/24/06 08:58 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Posts: 3,778
why, thank you so very much for your kind words! But truthfully, im not the only one who posts childish thoughts. I personally dont care if you like my posts or not, Im not here for your enjoyment purposes, but then again, maybe I am. Who cares?  Go ahead......tell me to grow up. LOL
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#603820 - 08/24/06 09:05 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Posts: 3,778
okay, all BOL posters, we have been ordered to grow up!
:laughing hysterically:
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#603822 - 08/24/06 09:08 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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I live life on the brink of double-dog-daring 
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#603823 - 08/24/06 09:11 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 7,350
The he11 of suburbia
Okay, lets really do some pickin' here: pick the top three people you would like to see booted out of the cooler!
That should stir the pot some...........and my name better not be mentioned
Hmmm, hard question... not unlike Big Brother... Do I pick the people I really don't like or get rid of people who I don't think are fully playing the game?? Actually there's some right wing political posters who should stay just because they amuse us with their backward ignorance 
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#603824 - 08/24/06 09:13 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
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Posts: 3,778
but I thought we wanted the ignorant, backward anon posters to go away? 
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#603825 - 08/24/06 09:18 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Joined: Sep 2005
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The he11 of suburbia
but I thought we wanted the ignorant, backward anon posters to go away?
Just the anon ones. The ones who log in we can make fun of.
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#603826 - 08/24/06 09:21 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 3,778
then beware of your childish posts and being told by the "Head Anon" to grow up. LOL They will tell the moderators on you. Well, that threat scared the pee out of me. 
Last edited by That Girl; 08/24/06 09:22 PM.
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#603827 - 08/24/06 09:32 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 5,994
Yeah it's really funny when people start threads to personally attack people. I know. Thanks for trying, anon.
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?
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#603828 - 08/24/06 09:35 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Joined: Sep 2005
Posts: 7,350
The he11 of suburbia
then beware of your childish posts and being told by the "Head Anon" to grow up. LOL
They will tell the moderators on you. Well, that threat scared the pee out of me.
Oh that's what that was, I thought someone spilled apple juice.
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#603829 - 08/24/06 09:45 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 3,778
you know what I find funny is people who post using their name and then log out to post as an anon and have conversations with themselves.
...and they call me childish.
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#603830 - 08/24/06 09:53 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
you know what I find funny is people who post using their name and then log out to post as an anon and have conversations with themselves.
...and they call me childish.
I'm not a registered user. And you are doing a great job of proving my case about your posts being childish. Keep it up. 
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#603831 - 08/24/06 09:54 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Posts: 3,778
awe, thanks! I have an sweet.
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#603833 - 08/24/06 09:59 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
awe, thanks! I have an sweet.
You betcha, I really admire your ability to illustate my point better than I ever could. 
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#603834 - 08/24/06 10:13 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Posts: 3,778
and I admire your ability to be so much more grown up than I to point out my faults and not your own.
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#603835 - 08/24/06 10:28 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
and I admire your ability to be so much more grown up than I to point out my faults and not your own.
No, you were the one who wouldn't let it drop and started slinging mud. Look back. I asked you why you would want to start a mean conversation and you lashed out. That's on you, sweetie.
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#603836 - 08/24/06 10:35 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Posts: 3,778
I wasnt starting anything with you. I was just posting my thoughts. No big deal to me.
But you know, I have seen far worse than what I have posted here today. If you want to notify moderators, go ahead, but there is nothing here to get heated over. Chill!
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#603837 - 08/24/06 10:36 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Posts: 3,778
I dont see a post where I "lashed out" at you. Are you seeing things? 
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#603838 - 08/25/06 01:13 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Devil Queen, I believe you asked: Quote:
...tell us all why certain posters annoy you...
The posters that annoy me are those with over 14,000 posts, the majority in the cooler.
Also, what annoys me are posters that have user names with King, Queen, or HRH.
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#603839 - 08/25/06 01:41 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
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Joined: Jan 2004
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State of confusion
Thanks Anon! I was waiting for someone to start on the Royalty. I wish I had it in me to care, but I just don't.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#603840 - 08/25/06 01:45 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Feb 2005
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I am annoyed by posters that come into a thread that has a clear subject matter, then complain about the subject. STAY OUT if you don't like it.
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