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#603741 - 08/23/06 07:53 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Gold Star
Joined: May 2004
Posts: 300
ok...i'll start. ((debates whether to log out or not))
i don't like....i dunno. i dont really pi$$ anyone off and no one really pi$$es me off either. Well, for a bit I didn't liek RachelD cause all the BOL men kept talking to her based on her pic, buti that's subsided...i guess the thrill of her blondness wore off after a while
You should have logged out. You sound like you were upset with me because you weren't getting enough attention from a bunch of guys that you don't know. Really dip that's classy.
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#603742 - 08/23/06 08:00 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
I think Dip is clueless if you she thinks she doesn't [censored] anyone off. I find her to be very shallow and based on her post about Rachel, we will have to add catty.
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#603743 - 08/23/06 08:03 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
100 Club
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 238
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#603744 - 08/23/06 08:03 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 6,559
and away we go...
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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#603745 - 08/23/06 08:04 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
and away we go...
hehe i was just about to say that.
~Master Shake~
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#603746 - 08/23/06 08:06 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2005
Posts: 4,594
Easy Street
and away we go...
hehe i was just about to say that.
~Master Shake~
I'll pop some guys go get the lawn chairs.
Some days good karma isn't worth the hassle.
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#603748 - 08/23/06 08:12 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
100 Club
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 238
Ok, next thing ya know someone is going to popcorn stuck in their hair, or get an eye poked better stick to know the little ones that are different colors...
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#603749 - 08/23/06 08:14 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Ooohhhh! They're my favorites! Please, pass the bag!
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#603750 - 08/23/06 08:13 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddd.....on toosie pops...
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#603751 - 08/23/06 08:17 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,562
I think Dip is clueless if you she thinks she doesn't [censored] anyone off. I find her to be very shallow and based on her post about Rachel, we will have to add catty.
No one in particular on BOL pisses me off. I also don't think Dip was being mean (and I didn't even know if Dip was a guy or girl). But c'mon - it's not a mean thing to Rachel to say that it bothered her that Rachel got attention when she posted her picture. She did get attention (she's a pretty girl) and most girls would be lying if they say that didn't irritate them a little. Doesn't mean they don't like Rachel - Anyway - that wasn't my point in posting. Sorry to get sidetracked.
I will just pick on three groups of BOLers -
1. The ones who even participate in arguments on religion or politics - there are no right answers - try having civil discussions with people you know if you want enlightenment or to share opinions.
2. The newcomers to BOL who bash the "older" posters and who shun Cleabatsu's or those who chastise older posters because they stay away from the Cooler or go to the private forum.
3. The older posters who ignore the newer posters and assume they don't have anything to contribute and who refuse to come to the Cooler at all.
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#603752 - 08/23/06 08:21 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Sorry to get sidetracked
aka "fantasizing"

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#603753 - 08/23/06 08:24 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 6,559
**unfolds lawn chair, plops down with bag of Tootsie Pops-offers one to Master Shake and Cheekee Monkey...Hey-it got quiet around here***
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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#603755 - 08/23/06 08:27 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
100 Club
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 238
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#603757 - 08/23/06 08:32 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Darn *&%$&*#, it was just starting to get interesting!
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#603760 - 08/23/06 08:42 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Jun 2006
Posts: 2,515
I'd like to buy the world a Coke... 
The beatings will continue until morale improves...
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#603761 - 08/23/06 08:43 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
OK, Dip and Rachel need to stop fighting! That is, until they hook up the webcam...

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#603762 - 08/23/06 08:44 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
As Kramer once said.....
c c cat fight?
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#603764 - 08/23/06 08:46 PM
Re: Pick on each other thread!
10K Club
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 18,789
OK, Dip and Rachel need to stop fighting! That is, until they hook up the webcam...
Will there be Jello involved......heck I thought most guys enjoyed a good cat fight...although I prefer a good cat wrestling match..... .....just kidding ladies.......or am I..... 
Yes I am........
LOL!!! (betchur not) 
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