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#603841 - 08/25/06 01:47 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
10K Club
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 40,766
Turnpike Exit 10
Devil Queen,
I believe you asked:
...tell us all why certain posters annoy you...
The posters that annoy me are those with over 14,000 posts, the majority in the cooler.
Also, what annoys me are posters that have user names with King, Queen, or HRH.
Oh goody, I am on your list, then, if you register, you can place me on ignore... 
Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. - Mark Twain
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#603842 - 08/25/06 02:04 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
...but are perfectly content to suck up most of the resources of the water cooler (check the ratio of anonymous to registered users on any given day...)
I believe most of the anonymous users you see when you check who is online are search engine robots, not actual users on the site. You can't really rely upon those numbers for anything other than registered users.
Welcome to the internet where nothing is real. It's kind of like Strawberry Fields.
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#603843 - 08/25/06 02:36 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
Some things are real Bugs, we just line them with our own little internet wit. I think this is such a funny thread though, who could possibly get angry about any of this? It's funny, but certainly not offensive. Anyone easily offended shouldn't come into this particular string of posts.
The thing is nobody really irritates me usually, some people are better at getting me all riled up but that is OK, if they didn't it wouldn't be as much fun.
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#603844 - 08/25/06 02:44 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 3,778
There is one person who irritates me, but I dont read that users posts either. I choose to ingore them because I dont want to be "mean spirited", as someone once called me, and mention their name in my post.  However, when nudged by an anon, I love to get them riled up with my childish antics. Works every time. 
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#603848 - 08/25/06 07:48 PM
Re: Pick on each other thread!
It's kind of like Strawberry Fields.
Hey Bugs, you mean the strawberry fields where I picked so many quarts of strawberries when I was a kid weren't real. Dang, learn something new everyday. Now I just need to find out what they were.
Well, Dan, all I can say is next time let me take you down, 'cause I'm going to Strawberry Fields, nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
P.S. When did the message board start restricting unregistered users to only being able to post every 180 seconds?
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#603849 - 08/25/06 08:13 PM
Re: Pick on each other thread!
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
I didn't know that it had that restriction...not a bad idea though. I don't know of any posts that 3 minutes will make a huge difference. It may be for registered users too?
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#603850 - 08/25/06 08:55 PM
Re: PIck on each other thread!
ok...i'll start. ((debates whether to log out or not))
i don't like....i dunno. i dont really pi$$ anyone off and no one really pi$$es me off either. Well, for a bit I didn't liek RachelD cause all the BOL men kept talking to her based on her pic, buti that's subsided...i guess the thrill of her blondness wore off after a while
That's a dirty lie! I still think she's a hottie!
I hate all anonymous posters. Anyone too cowardly to posts their thoughts or positions without having a screename to identify them should but shunned by the community!
Also, "That Girl's" heel avatars are too distracting!
And Zamboni Driver has a cool screename and I'm annoyed I didn't use it first.
I'll think of more later...
FBH... I think ya mean... Search_Me ... That Girl has NEVER had an "heel" avatar.
My mistake...
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#603852 - 08/25/06 10:23 PM
Re: Pick on each other thread!
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,562
I pick on KC because she is a nitpicker!
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#603854 - 08/25/06 10:25 PM
Re: Pick on each other thread!
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,562
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#603857 - 08/25/06 10:46 PM
Re: Pick on each other thread!
Diamond Poster
Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 1,562
We all appreciate you slumming with us X - you class up the joint!
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