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#779500 - 07/20/07 03:38 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
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My Mom was 16, and I wasn't born for another 6 years.
He who sings scares away his woes. ~Cervantes
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#779522 - 07/20/07 03:49 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Sing A Little
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New Jersey
I honestly don't remember watching the moon landing, but I very clearly remember November 22, 1963 (and November 24 as well).
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker
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#779529 - 07/20/07 03:53 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Sinatra Fan
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Just graduated from college. Heading to Navy Officer's Candidate School.
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#779578 - 07/20/07 04:17 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Diamond Poster
Joined: Aug 2006
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I was 6 months old and my brother was 18 months old, and I was on my mom's lap and my brother was on my dad's lap. They placed us in front of the tv, believing it was such a hugely important moment in history that they wanted us to "witness" it.  I smile every time this topic comes up, knowing that maybe my fascination for NASA and passion for following space exploration began right there, awakened in my subconscious mind by my excited young parents. On September 10th, 2001 I worked very late at the office, so I was sleeping in on 9/11, but the LACK of planes flying overhead actually disturbed my sleep (I was so used to them going overhead - I then lived 2 miles from Chicago's O'Hare airport) and woke me up. I flipped on the tv and then sat and watched the news, in stunned horror, and eventually went to my office later in the morning, simply because I didn't want to be alone. My mom had fairly minor surgery the morning of November 22, 1963. When she woke up, everyone was crying - nurses, doctors, her family, even the woman who came in to clean her room. She was positive that they had found her body riddled with cancer or something absolutely horrible during the surgery, but everyone kept telling her - through tears - that she was going to be just fine, and she thought they were all lying to her. She finally badgered a nurse into telling her what was going on. The surgeon had firmly instructed everyone NOT to tell her of the assassination, because they felt it would upset her so much she would not heal properly. This kind nurse had some common sense and realized how upset she already was, and figured it wouldn't upset her to know the truth. Of course, my mom was upset as was everyone about Kennedy, but she had a teensy moment of utter and complete relief that everyone's tears were not for her own medical condition!
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." - Melody Beattie
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#779591 - 07/20/07 04:21 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2004
Posts: 19,022
My folks hadn't even met yet.. my mom was 13. My mom was 12.
With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
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#779610 - 07/20/07 04:29 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
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The Pennant Race
Sitting in my basement, with all my family (aunts, uncles, cousins, everybody) watching Walter Cronkite and Wally Schirra on CBS News. We had the biggest TV screen in the family then.
I got to stay up and watch. It was so cool. I was eight that summer.
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#779636 - 07/20/07 04:44 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
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I was ten and stayed overnight with a friend - her family and I watched. My family was watching at home - in fact, everyone I know was watching. We thought it was awesome! It made you feel like mankind could do anything, anything at all!
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#779644 - 07/20/07 04:46 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Diamond Poster
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The O.C., California
I was 16, at my boyfriend's house with his mom & dad, watching it on TV.
Isn't it amazing that now we just take it for granted - no one stops to watch the takeoffs and landings. Nowadays it's just a 30-second news blip.
I can explain it to you. I can't understand it for you.
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#779645 - 07/20/07 04:46 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
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Basking in the Cool Weather
My mother was having her sixteenth Birthday party.... I still havent gotten her a present.... Somehow... she say she is turning 29 today 
I'll be in the hospital bar. Uh, you know there isn't a hospital bar, Mother. Well, this is why people hate hospitals.
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#779659 - 07/20/07 04:51 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
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Joined: Mar 2005
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San Diego, CA
My folks hadn't even met yet.. my mom was 13. My mom was 12. mine was 8...i win! 
Dabbling in banking, law, accounting...the life of a trustee.
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#779691 - 07/20/07 05:06 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Diamond Poster
Joined: May 2005
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Giant side of TX
I was 10 & I thought I saw it as part of the news, but this occured at 8:17 Mtn time so I guess I saw it live. For those of you too young to have seen - try to get the concept of what this was accomplished with : + Slide Rules + "Slow" computers that took up rooms and used big tapes + A lot of Guts & CourageGallery of Pics is here
My opinions are just that, and might be worth what you paid for them.
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#779718 - 07/20/07 05:18 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
10K Club
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In the Snow :)
It is truely disturbing that I am old enough to be the mom of so many of you! I second that feeling! I was 16. It was hot, humid and rainy. We were at my uncle's and all watched it there. It was exciting, but also scary. You were afraid that something was going to happen to them. The biggest fear was always when they were going to return to the command module. Would the Lunar Lander be able to take off, or would they be stuck on the moon? For all of you young'ns who are saying that the momentous things that happen today are all tragic - remember, we lived through Korea, the Kennedy's, Martin Luther King, the riots of the 60's, Cuban Missle Crisis, air raid drills, Kruschev (sp?), and a lot of other tragic events. Today is full of so many things happening all the time you might not spot them. The advances on a daily basis in technology is absolutely amazing, but we've come to expect it so we don't realize how life changing and momentous it really is.
The woods are lovely dark & deep & I have promises to keep & miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep
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#779884 - 07/20/07 06:09 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
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Everyone I knew then was caught up in the whole space program. Oh, man, were we ever. I built a model Saturn V rocket. It included a command module and a LEM. It was very cool! I wish I still had it. I have no idea what ever happened to it. (Knowing how I was as a kid, I probably blew it up with firecrackers one 4th of July!)
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#779901 - 07/20/07 06:17 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Joined: Mar 2007
Posts: 88
First Cubicle on the Left
I was around but missed it, I was born May 11, 1969.
I love history and love watching the shows that show the old footage.
Ready to run.......
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#779923 - 07/20/07 06:27 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
10K Club
Joined: Mar 2006
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Curled up by the fire...
this is what disappoints me about being so young. nothing truly momentous to say, "I remember when...." perhaps someone will land on Mars soon and I will have that. we only get the joy of saying... Challenger Operation Desert Storm 9-11 and c r a p like that... 
Last edited by Rizzo; 07/20/07 06:27 PM.
Take responsibility for your life.
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#779950 - 07/20/07 06:40 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Simply Sheldon
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Memorial Stadium
I watched that moment on my living room floor in front of the old Zenith tv we used to have.
Dear World: WE ARE BROKE! signed: The American Public So no more money for most of you can hate us for free!
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#779980 - 07/20/07 06:54 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Erl of Baltimore
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I was 11. My sisters and I watched it with my parents on an old black and white TV.
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#780099 - 07/20/07 07:38 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Power Poster
Joined: Oct 2005
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My mother was having her sixteenth Birthday party.... 7/20/69 would've been my mom's 22nd birthday.
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. ~Elbert Hubbard
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#780101 - 07/20/07 07:38 PM
Re: July 20, 1969 - Where were you?
Platinum Poster
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 986
I was 17 and I was on a 3 week trip to the Girls Scout birthplace with 35 other girls from around the country. After our conference was over the birthplace sent us an envelope stamped with a special postmark from the moon.
Seeing history being made with girls from around the country made it stand out more in my mind because I wasn't influenced by my family and for the first time I felt like I was an adult.
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