Sorry, just a few more questions to put the pieces together.
The transactions were processed as "checkcard" so does that mean the merchant or their processor went through visa? If so, did they have to provide information regarding what the transactions were for(i.e. did they have to provide a visa code indicating category of charge)?
If, so who can be contacted to provide the information, Visa or the Bank Investigator that investigated the charges? Also, should the charges have been processed through Visa if the proper procedure is to be followed. Should the charges have indicated type of sale? Should that have recieved an authorization number through Visa for each transaction. (customer signed up for Verify by Visa). This processor has contract with Visa.
Also, can the customer get a copy of what the investigator based his decision on?
This started as a dispute due to unauthorized transactions, where customer wanted to know what the charges were for and who the Merchant(s) was, as the charges were processed by a eprocessing company. So not even sure if the processor ever contacted the merchant that initiated the transactions. Not sure whether all from one or several merchants.
If answer not known by members here, anyone know who might have the answers.