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#826399 - 10/01/07 01:03 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Power Poster
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Cincinnati, OH
I also agree that Ashley could have cooked some rice. Surely, someone could have helped make a small cooking fire, if she couldn't, and they could have had a little rice. How's she going to make a fire if Dave's holding the flint and saying no?
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#826400 - 10/01/07 01:05 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Gold Star
Joined: May 2006
Posts: 251
I wasn't aware that he was holding the flint. That's pretty bad if that's the case.
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#826460 - 10/01/07 02:20 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Diamond Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 2,409
I missed that too. Looks like someone else in the tribe would have said something about cooking also, or were they all sitting back watching the fireworks? 
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#827108 - 10/02/07 01:31 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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the sandy shore
RC – defend your boat against the other tribe. Reward is blankets, pillows, tarp. Possibly Zhan Hu for the win.
Kidnap – Leslie? She is involved somehow.
IC – involves chopping through lumber and puzzle with Chinese coins. Win – Fei Long.
Boot – Dave
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#829535 - 10/05/07 01:47 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Diamond Poster
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Posts: 2,409
What happened?!?! I was looking forward to Dave's boot and his team won!!!
Why didn't the booting team kick out Jean-Robert? I haven't seen him do anything yet. Has he contributed that much to the challenges?
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#829541 - 10/05/07 01:51 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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God Bless America
I was surprised they didn't get rid of the little blond(cant remember her name)her hands are all torn up, she could be a liability next challenge
Tag you're it!!
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#829560 - 10/05/07 02:01 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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In hades.
The anorexic chick should have gone home, she'll end up leaving because of medical reasons the way shes going.
Gun nut who enjoys doughnuts!!!
I never finish anyth
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#829604 - 10/05/07 02:22 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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Clintonville, WI, USA
Have they had the "eat the gross stuff" competition yet? I only start watching the show after they have that one. And after the absolute non-contenders are booted off. I want to watch the REAL competition!
Member of the National Sarcasm Society - like we need your support!
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#829819 - 10/05/07 05:07 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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Leslie seemed like a very nice person, but I think she was honest and friendly for survivor. If the girls were smart, they would have banned together with the small guy (can't remember his name) and voted out Jean-Robert.
That guy Dave is really annoying and the whole getting naked for the challenge thing was very strange.
He who sings scares away his woes. ~Cervantes
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#830078 - 10/05/07 07:55 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Sing A Little
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the sandy shore
Evidently my spoilers are running about a week ahead on certain elements. :P
Jean-Robert is icky.
Dave = Rich Hatch wannabe.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#830177 - 10/05/07 08:54 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Diamond Poster
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Wish both of them could be voted off at the same time. I think they both think very highly of themselves.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#831284 - 10/10/07 10:53 AM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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Posts: 6,726
the sandy shore
RC - Pick up fireballs w/chopsticks, put in a trough, roll down, falls into a wok full of flash powder which then ignites fireworks. Happy 4th of July! The trick is, there are 3 pots per tribe, and each pair of chopsticks is held by 2 people. Reward - a local fisherman complete with cormorants. Win - probably Fei Long.
Kidnap - not sure, but it looks like James finds the first idol.
IC - Dueling Warriors - dress in replica historical Chinese armor and duel it out with flying bolas (balls or rocks on cords.) Win - probably Fei Long.
Boot - likely Dave but could be Sherea.
Future notes - Look for the next episode or following to feature a tribal switch, with Aaron in trouble.
I disbelieved what he was saying so hard, I probably created an alternate universe where it wasn't true.
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#832274 - 10/11/07 01:41 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Diamond Poster
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Posts: 2,409
Settled myself in front of the TV last night ready for my show. Wrong night!!! I thought it was Thursday most of the day yesterday! AAARRRGGG!!! 
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#832315 - 10/11/07 02:24 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Gold Star
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Posts: 251
Too bad for you. I would hate to go all day thinking the next day was Friday, only to find out that you still had two more days to go! Happy Friday Eve! You can look forward to tonight's Survivor!
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#832469 - 10/11/07 04:23 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Diamond Poster
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You'd think I would have been clued in when I didn't leave work at 1:00. We close on Thursdays at that time.
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#833294 - 10/12/07 11:57 AM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Gold Star
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Posts: 251
I am so surprised that they didn't boot Sherea. She is such a lazy bum... especially after her comments at Tribal Council. I know Dave is very annoying, but at least he worked hard. That was a shock!
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#833389 - 10/12/07 01:21 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Diamond Poster
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Posts: 2,409
But she's saving herself for the challenges!!! 
Semiretired. Working parttime at Historic Westville as a tour guide.
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#833444 - 10/12/07 01:48 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
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God Bless America
I was surprised to see dave too, but there was something about him that eminded me of richard hatch
Tag you're it!!
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#833459 - 10/12/07 02:00 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Gold Star
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Posts: 264
From the comments at Tribal Council, I got the impression that the tribe thought they were okay now that Dave had set everything up. However, what I feel they don't understand is that you have to be a doer and not a slacker. My predictions are that first they will grow to despise Sherea's lazy ways. Then the attitude of why work if no one else is.
Granted, it would have taken alot not to dot Dave's eye, but being annoyed with someone vice resenting someone seems to be a better plan.
Steely Eyed Killer of the Deep
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#833532 - 10/12/07 02:52 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Gold Star
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Posts: 251
I agree. I know Sherea was kicking butt at challenges, but balance is important and there was no balance there. Dave was doing a lot around camp and I only really saw him screw up one challenge really bad. He seemed to have more of a balance than Sherea. I think she will go soon.
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#833534 - 10/12/07 02:52 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Platinum Poster
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first lily pad on the right
...but there was something about him that reminded me of richard hatch Probably the part where he went buck-nekkid in the challenge last week!
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#833537 - 10/12/07 02:53 PM
Re: Survivor China: SPOILERS
Buddy the Elf
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Posts: 251
I think he thought that would keep the guys from wanting to really tackle him. I can understand what he was thinking, but did he not also think about the vulnerable position that put him in!
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