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#942281 - 04/15/08 04:54 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
Becka Marr
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Yinzerville, PA
I'm in a fairly small town in PA, but my primary issues aren't guns and religion. Sure those are the primary concerns of many people around here, but I wouldn't say that having a 'focus-issue' is unique to small town America. Aren't the issues that affect you the most, the ones you are going to be most interested in? Does it make someone in the northwest small-minded because their primary concern is for the environment?
The 'bitter' part of his comment was definately a shot at people that don't happen to support him. If it was so downtrodden here, we would have 50% unemployment and a daily suicide watch. If he would spend some time here, he might find-out why people in small-town PA don't support him. It's not because of guns or religion, it's because we don't want an unAmerican bull@*$! artist who has never accomplished anything in his carreer, leading our country.
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#942293 - 04/15/08 05:04 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
10K Club
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Way, way south.
DSchrute, bravo, well stated Sir.
Giddy up.
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#942296 - 04/15/08 05:06 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
10K Club
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Somewhere vanilla
Sure those are the primary concerns of many people around here thank you for helping me.  Aren't the issues that affect you the most, the ones you are going to be most interested in? guns and religious-motivated social policies *affect* people the most?! Does it make someone in the northwest small-minded because their primary concern is for the environment? actually, the same thing could likely be said about these people. however, energy demand and health are issue that do affect peoples' lives. who has never accomplished anything in his carreer hyperbole is your trump card apparently.
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#942297 - 04/15/08 05:06 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
Hated By Some
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is advisor the same as decision-maker? do you think that ayers and wright are being given cabinet positions?
should obama's campaign strategy have focused around clearing up what cynics and spin doctors would impugn him with? His spiritual advisor, but no I shouldn't be worried by a candidate who asks for advice from someone with his views. If this was McCain, and his Reverand was found to be spouting racist and hateful rhetoric, do you honestly think you would say, oh well, I know McCain doesn't believe that and after all, that Reverand isn't going to get a cabinet post.
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#942299 - 04/15/08 05:07 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
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Sure those are the primary concerns of many people around here thank you for helping me.  Aren't the issues that affect you the most, the ones you are going to be most interested in? guns and religious-motivated social policies *affect* people the most?! Does it make someone in the northwest small-minded because their primary concern is for the environment? actually, the same thing could likely be said about these people. however, energy demand and health are issue that do affect peoples' lives. who has never accomplished anything in his carreer hyperbole is your trump card apparently. If guns don't affect people's lives, why do you argue for gun control. Guns have no affect.
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#942300 - 04/15/08 05:07 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
MB Guy
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DSchrute = Karl Rove.  "unAmerican bull@*$! artist"? Please provide examples instead of using 2004 GOP spin terms.
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#942310 - 04/15/08 05:13 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
10K Club
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Somewhere vanilla
If guns don't affect people's lives, why do you argue for gun control primarily for sport tbh. either way, it was a relative proposition.
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#942311 - 04/15/08 05:14 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
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If Obama's comments about working-class voters had come from the mouth of anyone except a candidate, they might have seemed mildly controversial but broadly true. The statement is being shorthanded in the press with the single word "Bittergate." But what did he actually say?
"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them," Obama said at a San Francisco fundraiser on April 6. "And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are going to regenerate, and they have not."
There followed the explosive paragraph: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Much of his answer suggests an Obama who empathizes with working-class voters who feel abandoned. Having lost hope that government could do much for them economically, they vote on the basis of "values" issues. interesting opine in regards to Hillary's response to "BitterGate".
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#942319 - 04/15/08 05:20 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
Hated By Some
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so now obama is not associated with seperation of church and state? is the advice that obama asks about related to if he should hate (or whatever) or, maybe, is he asking about things that people have come out saying that wright has been a tremendous asset for the community about? gee, i just don't know... (get real, straw)
is white culture in american history esentially the same as black history or is there at least a basis for rejecting your mirror image hypothetical? No you are correct, asking a racist american hater is ok, so long as you don't ask about politics. I am sure he compartmentalizes those beliefs very well, unlike KKK members, whose racism tinges everything about them. And thank you for admitting that you don't believe an Afican American can be racist.
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#942320 - 04/15/08 05:21 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
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neo, the pulitzer prizes that the wp hordes are granted by quasi-communists.
also, it is de rigueur to dismiss the possibility that the basis for his straight talk (ie UNlike that which politicians typically use) was bona fide empathy for these people.
cynicism is the new black. Part of me hopes Obama wins just so your bubble can be burst and you can join reality about what government and politicians can and cannot accomplish.
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#942321 - 04/15/08 05:21 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
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Way, way south.
Ron, did you see any excerpts from Colbert on Larry King?
I think you might find them mildly amusing, my pot smoking fellow citizen.
Giddy up.
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#942322 - 04/15/08 05:23 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
10K Club
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Somewhere vanilla
And thank you for admitting that you don't believe an Afican American can be racist because his writings and indicate that he is... (straw, you really are grasping at yourself here)
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#942326 - 04/15/08 05:28 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
MB Guy
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Somewhere vanilla
Ron, did you see an excerpts from Colbert on Larry King?
I think you might find them mildly amusing, my pot smoking fellow citizen. i did not. and i don't smoke now.
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#942330 - 04/15/08 05:29 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
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Once again, this isn't just about keeping company with someone. It is about the advisors one takes on, and the failure to do anything about it when those advisors say things that reflect poorly on you, your people, and your nation. If my friends say something that I don't like, and it reflects on me, I am quick to make sure that people know I don't share their views. Obama waited and waited and continued to support the man until it was too late. Hmmm...I thought it was about recognizing the difference between someone speaking for themself, or on behalf of another. I don't recall that Wright was speaking for anyone but himself, or that what he said specifically reflected on Obama. But, no matter! I'm sure that my comments here can easily be discredited by anyone who finds comments by Mr. "X" objectionable. 
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. ~Elbert Hubbard
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#942338 - 04/15/08 05:36 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
Hated By Some
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And thank you for admitting that you don't believe an Afican American can be racist because his writings and indicate that he is... (straw, you really are grasping at yourself here) Not what you said. You said "is white culture in american history esentially the same as black history or is there at least a basis for rejecting your mirror image hypothetical?" That has nothing to do with an individual (either preacher or Obama, although I was talking about the preacher). This states that whites can be racists because of history, but the correlary is not true. Don't backpedal. Be a man and admit your beliefs like you hero Obama does. Stop the political double talk and say it.
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#942345 - 04/15/08 05:50 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
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There's a big difference between just being associated with someone, and sitting there listening to a sermon shouting AMEN BROTHER! Were you there BF? Do you know Obama shouted "AMEN!"? I've, unfortunately, been to a Church service where we were asked to pray for certain things that I do not believe in. I respectfully declinded to say "Lord hear our prayer", but I did not leave the Church service that day. Should I have left the Church all together, in your view?
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#942346 - 04/15/08 05:51 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
10K Club
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Somewhere vanilla
"is white culture in american history esentially the same as black history or is there at least a basis for rejecting your mirror image hypothetical?"
Explain how this relates to Wright personally. umm, we were talking about wright's rhetoric. do i need to make a flow chart for you?
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#942348 - 04/15/08 05:53 PM
Re: Is What He Said Wrong? Honestly?
Power Poster
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Cincinnati, OH
There's a big difference between just being associated with someone, and sitting there listening to a sermon shouting AMEN BROTHER! Were you there BF? Do you know Obama shouted "AMEN!"? I've, unfortunately, been to a Church service where we were asked to pray for certain things that I do not believe in. I respectfully declinded to say "Lord hear our prayer", but I did not leave the Church service that day. Should I have left the Church all together, in your view? Neo, were the things your pastor were asking you to pray for incendiary? Were they a normal basis? Is the church you go to known to be a church that stands for racism? Wait, not unless you're going to Obama's church.
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