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#945896 - 04/18/08 07:17 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 2,514
Up North
Sorry for the loss of Ron. But this made me 
We suspect it was at the hands of "He Who Shall Not Be Named"...
Sometimes you have to burn a few bridges to keep the crazies from following you.
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#945970 - 04/18/08 08:41 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Junior Member
Joined: Aug 2005
Posts: 30
Somewhere it rains a lot
Cat - Squeak (tabby) Puppie - Zoe (8 weeks old) aaww what kind of puppy? She is a black Lab puppy.
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#945974 - 04/18/08 08:46 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Platinum Poster
Joined: Mar 2006
Posts: 789
2 Dogs- Cookie(black lab mix) and Chico(black lab and healer mix) 7 Cats - Odie, Milo, Doodles,Fonzie, Linus, Jethro, and Cosmo
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#945994 - 04/18/08 08:59 PM
Re: You pet's name???
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
You should have named your cat Buster's lunch
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#945996 - 04/18/08 09:01 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Power Poster
Joined: Nov 2005
Posts: 5,112
In hades.
Or Buster's Chew Toy would be more on target.
Gun nut who enjoys doughnuts!!!
I never finish anyth
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#946140 - 04/18/08 10:52 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Mrs. Rizzo
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Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 5,912
Outside A Garage
2 cats:
Romo Montana
_________________________ guys, I'm going home
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#946207 - 04/19/08 04:06 AM
Re: You pet's name???
Power Poster
Joined: Mar 2004
Posts: 6,172
Further South than I wanna be.
Two orange tabbies, Petie and Peetoo (Pooh) two black kitties, Buddy (Budwinkle) and Amber grey tabby that has adopted us - Gracie.
The first four were all strays born under the deck in the back (two litters a year & half a part.)
Gracie just showed up and hasn't left. She will let me hold and cuddle her. She doesn't get a long great with the other 4 but they all keep away from her except Buddy, they have some nasty fights.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.
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#946229 - 04/19/08 04:12 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
OK, are you ready?
Two beagles: Molly and Daisy One Mutt: Winnie One dwarf bunny: Honey Bunny Seven baby chickens: Tom, Dick, Harry, Crazy, Blacky, Charlene, and Shorty
My house is a ZOO!! All but the beagles are IN MY HOUSE (just until the chickens are old enough to be evicted!)
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#946569 - 04/21/08 04:51 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Truffle Royale
Power Poster
Joined: Feb 2005
Posts: 6,559
Tigger-12 yo orange tabby cat Cassie (aka role {cassierole}) 2 yo yellow lab
Best QB Ever. Worst Defense Ever.
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#946601 - 04/21/08 04:59 PM
Re: You pet's name???
TB 12
Diamond Poster
Joined: Apr 2004
Posts: 1,181
Yinzerville, PA
Kirby - black cat
Before we had kids, my wife and I were talking about names for kids. I told her I liked Kirby for a boy. She didn't like it for a child, so she named the cat Kirby so that we couldn't use it for our kids.
Last edited by DSchrute; 04/21/08 05:00 PM.
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#946973 - 04/21/08 09:50 PM
Re: You pet's name???
Power Poster
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 3,626
State of confusion
That is SO funny. My hubbby named his dog Ruger after a gun, then named his other one Gunner. I told him when I got pregnant there was NO way I was naming my child after a firearm. The newest dog is Winnie (Winchester with a girl flair) and I am still glad I put down that rule BEFORE my son was born!
Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more that standing in your garage makes you a car.
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#947070 - 04/22/08 11:55 AM
Re: You pet's name???
10K Club
Joined: Sep 2002
Posts: 13,965
Tuxedo Cat - Cupcake 2nd Tuxedo Cat - Skittles Greyhound - Attitude (we didn't name him) Sheltie - Gabriel Basenji - Mandalaye
My Opinions Only
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#947113 - 04/22/08 01:09 PM
Re: You pet's name???
10K Club
Joined: Jul 2002
Posts: 13,994
One of our cats is black with a white chest, does that make it a tuxedo?
It weighs 12 pounds so I've nicknamed it Orca.
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