Discrinination - National Origin

Posted By: Anonymous

Discrinination - National Origin - 03/13/01 06:58 PM

The Federal Register Vol 66, No 45 3/7/01 page 13829, gave notice to the Treasury's "Guidance to Federal Financial Assitance Recipients on the title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons". As a bank with insured accounts or one that borrows from the Fed, it would appear that my bank meets the definition of an 'entity that receives federal financial assistance, directly or indirectly, and therefore may need to think about translation of documents and getting interpreters. Do these Treasury guidances apply to financial institutions?
Posted By: Al Miller

Re: Discrinination - National Origin - 03/13/01 07:12 PM

The link is:

Now, I have to read the 8 pages to see if it applies.

Al Miller, CRCM
Fremont Bank (CA)
(510) 790-5825
(510) 505-5211 FAX

Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily shared by my employer.