BOL Withdrawal

Posted By: complyguy

BOL Withdrawal - 12/02/02 08:54 PM

Today I found out just how addicted I am to BOL. When the error messages popped up & I couldn't get on, I felt my blood run cold. BOL is the only compliance resource I have that's more current than 1987 (only half kidding!). Then to find out Andy Z was MIA (and maybe gone) was the final straw!

Start all the rumors you want about CIP, RESPA revisions, color-coded HMDA-LARs, etc., but make sure you verify your sources before you write off Andy Z!
Posted By: LoisLane

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/03/02 02:10 PM

Posted By: SMQ, CRCM

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/04/02 09:27 PM

Today another BOL addict had to admit to the addiction. The weather said that it was snowing in parts of Texas and my first thought was, "I wonder if Andy Z got snow today."

Yes, I am hopelessly hooked------but, at least I am in good company!
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/04/02 10:22 PM

Snow in Texas??? I wonder what that would be like. I'm used to the snow. But I never get used to the sub-zero temps. -10 degrees this morning.
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/04/02 10:30 PM

Maybe in Shirley's neck of the woods or further north, but not in Central Texas. But it is much colder than it was this morning.

I saw the forecast last night that said OK may be under 6" this morning and I wondered about all my "northern cousins".

I will tell you that I'll be building a fire tonight in my den. My PC with a hint of BOL, TechTV and some of Dan's eggnog with a hint of Jack (black label). Ummm. Does life get any better?
Posted By: Queen Mum

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/04/02 10:36 PM

Yes, the NW part of OK was under a good 6 inches this morning. No school in almost the NW third of the state. be a student again and get to stay home and snuggle by the fire or read a good book!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/04/02 11:20 PM

Say what you will about civil unrest, yuppies, dumb blonds, gangs, over priced housing, traffic, smog, and earthquakes. You just can't beat Southern California weather. 70+ and sunny.
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:06 AM

In reply to:

Jack (black label).

I prefer the Crown, but each to his own. Enjoy!
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 12:33 PM

Here in New Albany, IN we got six inches of snow last night. I was supposed to drive to Nashville, TN tomorrow afternoon but it looks as though that is going to be off.
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:11 PM

Expecting 4 - 8 inches on Beautiful Cape Cod starting this afternoon and running into the late evening. Of course my meteorologist son (couldn't he have picked a profession that's easier to type?) is on the fence as to the rain/snow line. Murphy's law says I'll be on the snow side of the line!
Posted By: Bear Collector, CRCM

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:27 PM

Well, its 25 degrees and snowing like a bandit, 5" of snow on the ground (expecting 10") and everything is closed except my bank! However, no one in my department can even make it out of their driveways, so we are all taking the day off. Which brings me to the addicted part - I have the day off and here I am on BOL!!! Yup - I'm addicted!
Posted By: ahou

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:32 PM

We get the cold, humidity, rain, ice....but rarely get snow. (usually wet snow that melts in less than an hour) I've only built one decent snowman in all the years I've lived in the south.
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:32 PM

Your bank is closed? The only time in my 23 years of banking that I remember local banks being closed due to the weather was back in '94 or so. We got 17 inches of snow overnight. I worked in Louisville (across the river) and we were closed one day but had to report the next. It was a skeleton crew for several days.
Posted By: MackenzieS

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:43 PM

I received a phone call as I was getting ready for work this morning from my sister in Maryland who was very excited about the beautiful and plentiful amounts of snow you are getting! The kids already had sleds in hand to play but noone in the neighborhoods were out yet... Noone to play with. I heard on the radio that you guys are to get several more inches today! Good luck! BOL from home!

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:57 PM

I'm thinking that all the posters on this thread should develop/join a BOL Anonymous 12 Step Program, without delay.
Posted By: Queen Mum

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 02:59 PM

We just opened anyway! It was earlier than '94, but we had 4WD and picked up my supervisor. Another lady's husband dropped her off and the 3 of us (out of 15) ran the branch until another lady got there around noon. We had 1 teller, 1 loan officer and me who had worked in new accounts and as loan assistant. I became main lobby teller and you name it. It actually was quite fun! Surprising how many customers we had!
Posted By: redsfan

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:00 PM

That presumes that freeing oneself from the addiction is necessary and/or desirable. Speaking just for myself, that is not the case. I love my BOL-addiction!
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:07 PM

We aren't getting the snow, because it is just TOO DARN COLD.... -10 yesterday -5 today.... This isn't supposed to happen for another month. This could be a long winter. I hope the people in the east are staying safe. I heard they are getting significant snowfall. We are used to snow here and in my town after 2 inches we had 162 accidents.
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:11 PM

I prefer the heat, but I want a change of seasons. I won't see anything like John B does in Beautiful Cape Cod, and I don't want 10"+ like Steve White has/had for a week already, but I want some change.

As a kid I lived in Joppetown (sp?) Maryland. I remember snow drifts WAY over my head. I was shorter in the 2nd grade, but there was still a lot of snow. Sledding was fun.
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:13 PM

We used to go outside and sled for hours at a time. Then when we would come in the house my parents had a fire in the fireplace and my mother would make hot chocolate for us. Wonderful memories!
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:19 PM

At the small law firm (4 attorneys, 4 staff) I worked for out of college, the senior partner told us that we would be at work, rain, snow, sleet, etc.... If we could not get our cars out, he said to call him and he would come pick us up in his 4 wheel drive vehicle. Well, here in Texas, as Andy can attest, cold wet weather almost always comes with "black ice." It is there, you just can't see it--mainly on the overpasses. And we do not have trucks to salt the streets and overpasses.

Well suffice it to say, when there was a black ice warning, I poured another cup of coffee, read the newspaper, called the office to say I would try to get in later, watched videos (part of my plan always included a stop by the video store on the way home any time I heard it might ice that night). Funny, I never thought to take work home on those evenings--go figure.

But I absolutely never asked to be picked up. I don't care how many wheels and how many of them have drive shafts, ice is ice and wheels spin on them. And, although I am sure he was very capable of getting me to work--it was the other thousand idiots spinning around like whirlybirds that concerned me most.

My theory was I'd rather be unemployed than dead.
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:24 PM

I'm with you there! Snow (at least a little bit) I can handle - but ice is just too much. Way out here in West Texas - we often get ice on the streets, then snow on top of the ice. Fun stuff!

Today, it's snowing one of those dry snows in Lubbock. It just swirls around in the wind like dust. So dry you can 'sweep it up and burn it' as my dad always says!
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:29 PM

When I tell a Northerner that I don't drive on ice, they often tell me that I just don't know how. What they don't know is that I learned to drive in the north during some of the worst winters they have ever had. I almost never encountered ice--snow packed road, yes, but ice, no. What they also are not considering is watching Texans drive on rain, much less ice, is harrowing. I am not so concerned about my driving as I am the other crazies. That said, I still don't care if you have a 4 wheel drive, 8 wheel drive, or 16 wheel drive car--driving it safely on a freeway that is solid ice is just not possible.
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:35 PM

Its funny to here all the talk of snow! We have had some snow up here in good old Milwaukee, WI...but it hasn't been anything like we used to get when I was a kid! I used to remember digging holes through the snow and making igloos! Plus it was always so WHITE! I did live out "in the sticks", but I swear there is not as much snow these days for the kids here in the city and it is ususally not white!
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:38 PM

I'm with you Z. I had one accident when I was told by my bank that I would drive to the Austin airport. It was closed before I got there and I had to drive back. Yep. Went over a hill and instead of going straight I slid left with the incline and hit a car stranded on the side. Minor damage. But my employer had no sympathy.

I can work from home as easy as I can here. On those days, I can actually do more and with peace of mind.

And Autumn, I think we may have gone sledding together in different states. Hot chocolate, warm soup, fires. Those bring warm memories of good times.

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:39 PM

But how will you know when you have gone over the edge and need help? You could be in denial.
Posted By: thomasj

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:39 PM

We had about 3" when I came to work this morning here in central PA and the schools were not even delayed! I remember the winter of '94 we had about 2 feet of snow overnight. I was a branch manager and all of my staff called me to tell me if you want me there, you come pick me up in your 4WD. After picking them all up and getting to the branch, we got a call from the main office that we would be closed. I spent the rest of the day picking up stranded relatives and helping stuck motorists. I have never been one to complain about snow and cold, I think I would really miss the change of seasons if I didn't live here!
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:44 PM

As if we didn't all know this already, but Andy is most definitely the King of BOL - he just posted the 32,000th post to the General Forum!
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 03:45 PM

Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 04:05 PM

<signaling Mary Beth> Can we get a crown and septor for Andy over here!
Posted By: wlavoie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 04:22 PM

You people are making me drool I've been patiently waiting for any hint of snow so my skiis can see daylight along with my new ski coat and my pass to the local mountain. Nothing, nada, nilch...the passes are clear and the mountain tops are bare. Won't someone share? There's really no need to be so selfish - you don't need a whole foot of the stuff do you?
Posted By: CloudShape

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 04:24 PM

I worked for a bank in Maine that had branches all over the state, with the main office being located on the southern coast. I can remember at least once where we got a call from the main office saying the bank was closing due to the weather (raging snowstorm), but the sun was shining where we were so we just said whatever and kept on working.

My favorite snowstorm story from working at that branch was the time that, due to the weather, we were working with a skeleton crew and rather than face the elements at lunch time, we decided to get together and order pizza from Domino's, which was located just down the street. Of course they said that because of the weather, they weren't honoring the 30 minute delivery guarantee and we said fine, whenever. About an hour and half later, when we were all starving, we called back to find out where the pizza was and were told the delivery person couldn't find the bank! (did I mention that we were just down the street? ). So we gave them directions - when you leave the store, turn right, go about 500 feet, same side of the street as you, there we are!

If I recall correctly, they didn't get too much of our business after that. . . .
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 04:28 PM

I lived through the winter of 95/96 in New England and that was enough snow for me for a lifetime. While stranded in a hotel in Needham MA during "the blizzard of the century" I typed out applications to transfer to Raleigh, Norcross GA, Dallas or Austin. Anywhere there was sun. I will never move back to somewhere it snows on a regular basis. Give me 100+ days all summer long instead. I'm happier with heat than snow any day!!
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 04:53 PM

Not to "one up" you but Fargo received 120 inches in 1997-98 season. It was national news. Flooded the towns and rivers. That is something no one should experience.
Posted By: Elwood P. Dowd

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 04:57 PM

My father was the President of a small bank in central Indiana and a trifle "dedicated" to the job. Several years ago, there was a major blizzard and banks all over the state were closed. Nevertheless, I called him at work.

He answered "Parker Bank," on the second ring. I was teasing him about being there alone and he said, "No, I'm not, Eloise and Linda are here." He lived within walking distance, so the impassable roads were not a problem for him. However, the two employees he mentioned did not. I asked how they got there.

He responded, "I picked them up on my snowmobile."

There are lots of ways to describe that situation, but I prefer to think he was just ahead of his time in providing a unique employee benefit, free transportation to work. (He was such a good guy, they loved him anyway.)
Posted By: thomasj

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:00 PM

A couple of years ago during a moderate snow storm, we tried to order a pizza from home from the Pizza Hut less than a quarter mile away from my house. When we told them our address, they refused to deliver to us because they could not get "up the hill". My wife tried to explain that we were not even close to "the hill", but we were refused pizza anyway. Another pizza place did deliver, but I always wondered if I had a case against Pizza Hut for denying my right to pizza because of where I live!
Posted By: Walleye Woman

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:04 PM

Yesterday we had black ice warnings for every direction from here. So far this week I've escaped being run into twice by people who don't know to be careful when it's icy. You would think people in Wyoming would be used to slippery conditions. Our weather is beautiful today, 23 degrees with about 6 inches of snow on the ground. The mountains are gorgeous. I love living here.
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:05 PM

That happens all the time. I used to deliver during college and we stopped at one street and the other Pizza Hut picked up deliveries 2 blocks up. Therefore, if you lived in that 2 block area, no Pizza Hut would deliver.
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:07 PM

Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:09 PM

Cute, Andy!
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:39 PM

I'm a little slow. Took me five minutes to get that
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:42 PM

Quicker than you'd get a pizza though.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:50 PM

Crown and scepter on the way . . .
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:53 PM

Andy'd prefer Crown and eggnog.
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:53 PM


You are on a roll.

Posted By: RVFlyboy

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 05:58 PM

I would much rather deal with snow than with the ice conditions we had yesterday and last night. Constant freezing rain through the afternoon, evening and night has left hundreds of thousands in my neck of the woods without power. We had several trees down in our yard and many more throughout our neighborhood. The ice just weighs everything down to the breaking point. We had over an inch of ice accumulation on everything. Last night you could just stand out in the yard and watch the flashes of light in the sky - it wasn't lightining - it was power lines snapping and transformers popping all over town.
Posted By: SMQ, CRCM

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:02 PM

I don't think snow had anything to do with it. Must be "pizza-lining"

Can't you just see it, you call and order a pizza delivered to your neighbor across the street and mug the pizza guy when he drives up?
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:06 PM

Z, Andy would prefer Jack (Black Label) and eggnog. I'm the one that prefers the Crown , although Andy's the one who deserves it
Posted By: Don_Narup

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:15 PM

Those of us in California are having some difficulty understanding all the posts relating to this stuff you call snow. Cold we know as it got down to 57 last night.
Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:20 PM

57 is not cold.

Cold is 20 below!
Cold is when it's too cold to snow!
Cold is when it's so cold the chemical reaction in your car battery stops!
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:21 PM

With an inch of ice on everything - I'm really impressed that you could stand at all in your yard!

Hope you have a fireplace, and that the ice melts soon!
Posted By: Bartman

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:25 PM

Don - around here, 57 degrees is classified as 'good sleeping weather'. It isn't even thought of as a one-dog night.

Maybe we can start you a coat drive...
Posted By: Don_Narup

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:26 PM

60 -- Californians put on sweaters (if they can find them in their wardrobe).

50 -- Californians residents turn on the heat.

40 -- Californians shiver uncontrollably.

Posted By: JacF

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:46 PM

30- Pennsylvanians eat ice cream

20- Pennsylvanians put in storm windows

10- Pennsylvanians button top button

Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:47 PM

Yeah, sure, but surely Andy would rather have Crown and eggnog to a crown and sceptor. Who the heck wants to drink a sceptor?
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:48 PM

I love Andy's crown.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 06:54 PM

This all reminds me of the short time I lived in Chicago--Winter of '76-'77--our Physics teacher was standing in our fieldhouse after school while we were at track practice. We asked him why he was there and he showed us something silver and shiny in his hand. Closer inspection showed that it was his car's door handle. His car had frozen shut-he could not get either door open and when he pulled too hard on the passenger door, it broke off in his hand. Now, that is c-c-c-c-o-o-o-o-l-l-l-d-d-d!

The thing that always puzzled me was--he was a physics teacher, he should have know that was going to happen at those temperatures. (Maybe I am thinking of a Metalurgical Engineer??!!)
Posted By: SMQ, CRCM

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 07:58 PM

Kewl Krown
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 07:58 PM

20 - North Dakotans go out to play

10 - North Dakotans put on their winter coats

0 - North Dakotans plug in their car heaters at night

-10 - North Dakotan "Polar Bear Club" members cut a hole in the ice and put on their swimsuits and jump in. I'm not kidding this is real. They are the craziest of people.
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:02 PM

I've seen that. Locally they do something similar (although it's not nearly that cold in Louisville, KY) and raise money for the Special Olympics.
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:05 PM

In reply to:

I love Andy's crown.

Matches Dawnie's shoes really well.

And Michelle, when it was 74 on Monday and it went to 34 on Wednesday, it is cold enough.

I want some of that snow, no ice, for just a day or three so my kids can share some of my memories and I can watch the dog walk outside and think, "what the h*%% did he do to my yard?"
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:06 PM

Ok folks..You're all cracking me up..and ticking me off!


This is unreal! We have only 5 hours of daylight..and what we do have is dreary and rainy! In Alaska! In December! I'm flying to Quebec for a freaking white Christmas!

(I'm ranting aren't I?)

My first winter in Alaska it got down to -45 one night. I sleep with the window open (yes even at negative temps) and when the power went out, it was so cold my toilet froze. I woke up wondering why I was shivering under my fluffy down comforter. So that leads me continue the posts above...

0 degrees, Alaskans add a sweater to their outdoor gear

-10 Alaskans find their winter coats

-20 Alaskan women finally give up on the 3 inch heels and dig out the bunny boots

-60...we go snow-machining (I look lovely in my winter gear and duct tape face mask) LOL

Speaking of Andy's crown (sure I wasn't but I am now)..once someone told me I could send in my picture to a magic person (i'm not having any luck getting it onto BOL) and it would then magically appear...

Who is that person?
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:14 PM or Mary Beth would be able to help. Personally, I'd keep my picture away from her, for now.

I love a woman with duct tape.
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:16 PM
Posted By: Don_Narup

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:18 PM

So Andy, How much are you selling your carpets for?

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:18 PM

Please explain, why Alaska? There are 49 warmer states! By the way, we will be up there very soon for the oil.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:19 PM

LOL thanks guys.

FYI I have 8 different colors of duct tape Andy. I am a firm believer it can be used for anything, from airplane repair to ball gown design. (The duct tape ball is one of the highlights of the season here)! I should use the picture of me in the purple duct tape get up!
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:20 PM

The ones with the little census tract maps on them are for sale right now. We're closing out the 1990 stock.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:21 PM

Do you work for United? United uses duct tape to repair wings
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:23 PM

LOL Grist, sounds like there currently aren't 49 other warmer states.

Bank of America moved me up here with the promise of a HUGE raise (that I did get) if I'd put in just two little years in the arctic. I'm always game for a challenge so I flew up and let my household follow by boat ($32,000 bucks on the bank). Just six months later...they sold us to a tiny little bank because (and I quote) the new president "Didn't want to do business where there were more moose than people".

Once you get addicted to Alaska, you just can't get away. (I have to admit I'm considering Texas though for my next adventure).

Where else do you get to wear duct tape to a ball and dance with the Mayor dressed as Elvis?
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:24 PM

I'm going to a ball in February and need to go find a gown. I hadn't thought of duct tape. Hmmm . . . .
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:25 PM

I thought only the bush planes had duct tape supplies!

Tisk tisk United! (I've seen duct taped wings, doors and props on planes I fly on out in the arctic). I normally get on a plane, find a religion, and hope it won't be too far of a drop when we go down. So far, aside from one little crash, we've made it.

Can you imagine the stories I'll have for my grandkids?
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:26 PM

Dawnie, I'm picking up Dan and we're coming for some of your eggnog. That must be some powerful stuff.
Posted By: DawgFan

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:27 PM

Living in South Carolina, I can't really tell you what happens here much below twenty degrees because it rarely gets that cold. I can tell you the first sign of snow, every South Carolinian heads to the grocery store and stocks up on enough food to feed themselves for at least three months. It's quite humorous. I don't do that, though, I lived in Delaware when I was young, and both of my parents grew up in New York, so snow doesn't bother me a whole lot. I spend my time avoiding the locals and their 4x4s!
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:28 PM

It's a little stiff...but quite durable.

I have 3 gowns of duct tape and about 40 various other ball-gowns. The duct tape ones are my favorites I could ship you one in a very large box (they don't fold well but they do stand up on their own) LOL

I'll include the moose poop necklace if you'd like? I also have a duct tape purse, shoes, and compact to'll be stylin baby!
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:30 PM

I've never bought a ball gown in my life. This is a 'masked' ball and all attendees have to wear masks. This should be interesting.
Posted By: thomasj

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:30 PM

In PA when the snow starts coming down, the elderly jump in their old cars with studded snow tires and completely buy out the grocery stores of bread, milk, and toilet paper!
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:30 PM

In reply to:

Dawnie, I'm picking up Dan and we're coming for some of your eggnog. That must be some powerful stuff.

Fresh cream, eggs, sugar...Burbon, Dark Rum and Whiskey in equal parts to the cream. It's YUMMY baby!

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:32 PM

So, that's $32,000 to move back! As someone that started a career with B of A, a B of A promise was something to believe in, but it's a changed world. If APG could only see what has happened to his bank!
Posted By: LiL Bit Moore

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:36 PM

My children have never experienced a "quality" snow. I also prefer the heat, so I am whining about this 30/40 degree weather! I couldn't brave the temps up North, but I do wish that we could have a decent snow (not ice)so my kids could at least pull out the trash can lids to slide on and build a real snowman instead of having to use all of the snow that fell in the yard, mixed with leaves and mud, to make a snow lump with a hat

Sounds like something that would follow... You might be a redneck if....
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:45 PM

I can understand Don! My trip to San Diego is now complete! What an amazing city, but it was a major shock to my body to go from mid 60's to below 20 and snowing! I would take mid 60's over below 20's any day!
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:48 PM

Andy, I'll be waiting. I'll have a bottle of Black Label for you and bottle of Crown for me for us to make the trip with Then we'll try whatever goes in Dawnie's eggnog, flying on a plane held together with duct tape, if it gives you that much courage, it must be good Just leave room for my fishing gear
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:49 PM

Now I'm picturing the movie with Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin, 'The Edge'. Scary stuff.
Posted By: Strout

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:51 PM

In VA Beach yesterday the weathermen (who are ALWAYS SOOO RELIABLE) said they we may get rain, freezing rain, sleet or snow. With a forecast like that they never worry about being accurate. So the afternoon went something like this:

At 4:45 everyone at the bank was collectively breaking out their phone tree, just in case.

At 5:15 on my way home, I begin to see something that looks suspiciously like snow.

At 5:30, the radio is interviewing someone from the Dept of Transportation about how soon the salt trucks will run.

At 6:00 I walk in (luckily I missed the bridge lift with the striper fishermen heading out) to hear that the local community colleges had cancelled evening classes.

I don't think I stopped laughing for 15 minutes!

But alas, the weathermen were right. We got snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain, in that order.

To LMoore: BTW, you might be redneck've ever peed your name in the snow!!
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:51 PM

In reply to:

Fresh cream, eggs, sugar...Burbon, Dark Rum and Whiskey in equal parts to the cream. It's YUMMY baby!

Sounds great, I'll be waiting for Andy to pick me up
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:52 PM

Make sure you two warn the rest of us BOLers as to what states you plan on flying over so we can stear clear of the duct tape plane
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:56 PM


We should explain to those not familiar with the sub-zero temps that when you reach -30 or so you can not tell the difference between -35 and -90 degrees. You have to judge by how fast your bare fingers turn black.

And a cool trick is to take a cup of boiling water and throw it into the air. It never hits the ground, just a massive steam cloud.
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:57 PM

In reply to:

what states you plan on flying over so we can stear clear of the duct tape plane

A better term might be "gliding", or more likely "plunging"
Posted By: Strout

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 08:59 PM

Uh..scoulte. That doesn't sound like a cool trick, that sounds like a ccccccooooollllldddd trick.

Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 09:01 PM

Holy Active Thread Batman! I went to lunch and came back to *30* new post on this thread alone.
Posted By: Strout

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 09:03 PM

Michelle M:

I haven't had a chance to brose the forum in a while. I have a HMDA and CRA reporting deadline right around the corner that I'm cramming for!! I needed a brain break!

Posted By: LiL Bit Moore

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 09:07 PM

In reply to:

0 degrees, Alaskans add a sweater to their outdoor gear

At 0 degrees and below
- Texans would probably have on multiple layers of sweaters
- thermal socks and underwear (under another pair of pants)
- a ski mask and gloves, and
- a pair of boots (regular ones, our bunnies don't wear boots )

and even more is added if we go outside!
Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 09:07 PM

I hear you. I'm the security person while my co-worker is the compliance person and all I hear is BSA, HMDA, CRA, etc. I just figured she messed up the alphabet. I remember the days when "A" came first rather than after everything.
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 09:41 PM

Are you kidding, at 0 degrees Texans are packing and moving further South! Hola, Chile!!
Posted By: LiL Bit Moore

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 09:55 PM

True, but you still have to go all the way out to your car to do that!
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:05 PM

I with you on that one, LMoore! I've never lived more than 50 miles north of the Florida state Line and have never experienced temps lower than 15 degrees(and that not very often)! Although, I believe it will be colder here tonight at 26 degrees than it will be for Dawnie with Alaska's Heat Wave
Posted By: CloudShape

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:13 PM

OK - I have to get New England in here.

Here`s a New Englander`s Temperature Conversion Chart which relates temperatures in Fahrenheit to various human behaviors...

60 above: New Yorkers try to turn on the heat.
People in New England plant gardens.

50 above: Californians shiver uncontrollably.
People in New England sunbathe.

40 above: Italian & English cars won`t start.
People in New England drive with the windows down.

32 above: Distilled water freezes.
Moosehead Lake`s water gets thicker.

20 above: Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, wool hats.
People in New England throw on a flannel shirt.

15 above: New York landlords finally turn up the heat.
People in New England have the last cookout before it gets cold.

0: People in Miami all die...
New Englanders close the windows

10 below: Californians fly away to Mexico.
People in New England get out their winter coats

25 below: Hollywood disintegrates.
The Girl Scouts in New England are selling cookies door to door.

40 below: Washington D.C. runs out of hot air.
People in New England let the dogs sleep indoors

100 below: Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.
New Englanders get frustrated because they can`t start the "kah".

460 below: ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero on the Kelvin scale).
People in New England start saying..."Cold `nuff for ya?"

500 below: Hell freezes over.
New England Patriots win the Super Bowl.

(I actually saw this before the Superbowl last year - there were a LOT of comments afterward about it being very cold in a very warm place!)
Posted By: D2Xs

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:13 PM

What are some of the least bright ideas you have witnessed someone do in bad winter weather?

One of my favorites is; when overnight it hit -15 degrees and a friend of mine had ice on their windshield and instead of scraping it they decide to melt it with hot water.

Ever see a windshield crack and pop without any impact?
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:17 PM

In reply to:

And a cool trick is to take a cup of boiling water and throw it into the air. It never hits the ground, just a massive steam cloud.

On the slope (where we get all that lovely oil Grist) it's a life threating experience to ummm, how to say this in a BOL appropriate context....pee in the winD?

Now Andy and Dan..remember, it's ice fishing now, so bring your bunny boots! (our bunnies always protect their feet) My eggnog will fortify you for the trip, but we can always work on your stash after we finish with the "protein drink" (a fancy name to make eggnog seem healthy).
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:24 PM

I have seen a windshield pop and crackle. It's something the cheechakos (newbies to Alaska) do.

My first year I did two funny things. The first...after a very deep snow, the world was white and lovely and those beautiful banks of snow just called out to me and a close friend to fall backwards into to make snow angels. Oh it would have been lovely....except the snow freezes solid here. We didn't make a dent but considered going to the hospital for possible concussions.

Later that year I noticed the car wash finally didn't have a line! MIRACLE in Alaska! So I happily paid my $20 bucks to the laughing attendant and got the "works". The same silly buddy was with me. We were going back to get her car and when we got to the condo surprise suprise...the doors wouldn't open. NONE of them! See umm when it's -25 and you have your car freezes solid. We had to sit in the garage and thaw out for half an hour before we could even unroll the windows and crawl out. (door open on the garage..we're stupid but not that stupid).

Let this be a lesson to you newbies to snow!

I now listen to cheechakos tell stories like this and pretend it never happened to me!
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:26 PM

Susan-that was great! Thanks for sharing!
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:32 PM

According to the weather channel, Moultrie, GA will have a low Friday of 28.

Anchorage, AK will be down to 35.

Killeen, TX will be the warmest low at 38. This morning they were predicting 27 so this is good news for my pipes.

When it gets to cold, the Vets have a hard time thawing the 3-legged dogs with a 4th leg frozen in the up position. So this is good news.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:39 PM

In reply to:

When it gets to cold, the Vets have a hard time thawing the 3-legged dogs with a 4th leg frozen in the up position. So this is good news.

Andy...get out of the eggnog hun!
Posted By: DawgFan

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 10:55 PM

In reply to:

0: People in Miami all die...

Susan, would those people in Miami be the players and staff of the Miami Dolphins football team?
Posted By: CloudShape

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 11:16 PM

In New England - we can only hope!

I watched the first half of the Dolphins-Bills game last week (I am still fond of Drew!). When I caught the final score the next morning I was surprised by how much Buffalo had scored in the second half compared to Miami. Then I saw the highlights of the game and the weather and said "That explains it!" Get 'em in a snowstorm and they can't function. . . .
Posted By: SMQ, CRCM

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/05/02 11:52 PM

Please tell me if you ever write a book. That's one book signing that I want to be at --- I'll be the one buying 10 copies so that I can leave them everywhere that I might need a laugh.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 01:20 AM

Ok I've sold 10 now...If ya'll could just call the OCC and ask them to loosen up on their CRA gig while I get it finished...

I did write a book once in highschool (about 10,000 years ago), I may be able to dust it off. It's a Star Wars pre-quil...has that been done yet? Tee hee hee
Posted By: waldensouth

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 01:39 PM

yep, fortunately the local weatherman missed it by 5 degrees last night. Our company Christmas party is tonight -good thing they decided to have Christmas Casual attire this year instead of the semi-formal, shiver-me-timbers, things we usually wear!
Posted By: JMB

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 01:48 PM

ah, yes, yes indeed. Now days, that hot chocolate has a little something from Bacardi in it!
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 01:53 PM

Dawnie -- You said
In reply to:

On the slope (where we get all that lovely oil Grist) it's a life threating experience to ummm, how to say this in a BOL appropriate context....pee in the wine?

Not that I would ever buy any wine from Alaska (is there such a thing), but I do hope you meant "wind"!
Posted By: complyguy

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 02:06 PM

Re: duct tape to repair anything...

If you aren't already an addict, you've got to check out the Red Green show on PBS. Hint: "The handyman's secret weapon...duct tape." The show also has a segment for the common problems of middle-aged men.

Bear in mind that most people who are show addicts hated the show the first time or two they saw it, but won't miss it now. I got a video entitled "Duct Tape Virtuoso" - a collection of handyman segments. LOL!
Posted By: Mary Beth Guard

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 02:37 PM

John, I'm so glad you said that. I took Dawnie quite literally and had already thought "Mental note to self. Check into this bizarre-sounding Alaskan ritual."

Dawnie, just email the picture to me and I'll be happy to put it up.
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 02:46 PM

The Red Green Show!!! LOL Its amazing how many people
watch it! My Dad got me hooked! Its a family get together tradition now....watching the Red Green Show. I do agree it took me more than a few times to really appreciate the humor!
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 03:26 PM

In reply to:

Bear in mind that most people who are show addicts hated the show the first time or two they saw it, but won't miss it now.

Hey, that's me and Fear Factor!!
Posted By: RVFlyboy

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 04:39 PM

In reply to:

I'm going to a ball in February and need to go find a gown. I hadn't thought of duct tape. Hmmm . . . .

You could go here for some ideas.
Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 04:48 PM

Ok Fear Factor should be renamed GROSS Factor. Most of the challenges aren't frightening, just gross.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 04:54 PM

Do you realize that prom is in May and these brave soles are wrapping themselves in Duct tape in May in Texas and Arizona? I cannot imagine how hot they must be. Instead of prizes for best costume, they should just have an outdoors dance contest beginning at about 5 p.m.--the last Duct taped prom couple to pass out wins. The prize would probably be an all expenses paid trip to the emergency room

Truthfully, those costumes are amazing!! If I could just talk my daughter into wearing one to prom, I could save big $$$ on a prom dress.
Posted By: Tina A Sweet

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 04:57 PM

The Red Green Show. Exactly when is that on?
Posted By: E.E.G.B

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 05:00 PM

And yet, strangely entertaining.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 05:08 PM

Sort of in the same sense that a auto accident scene is entertaining. You can't help but look as you drive by, but if you stop, eat popcorn, and sell advertising while you watch them clear the scene, you just feel kind of sleazy. Maybe that can be the next reality show--a film crew follows ambulances to injury accident scenes and shows the full gory details--they can call it Couch Potato Rubberneckers.
Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 05:12 PM

Nope not for me. I can't watch it. Of course that could be because I'm usually eating dinner when it's on.

They should do more height challenges. (Yes not only am I "height challenged", but I'm also afraid of heights)
Posted By: Andy_Z

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 05:13 PM

You'll have to check your local listings.

WFPT – Frederick
WWPB – Hagerstown
WMPB – Baltimore
WMPT – Annapolis
WCPB – Salisbury
Posted By: Skittles

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 05:17 PM

Hysterical. I'm meeting my fiance this weekend so I'll run this by him. Thanks for keeping me informed of my alternatives.
Posted By: Ann

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 07:42 PM

Dawnie, I take back everything I ever said about going wine tasting with you!
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 09:04 PM

Oh my goodness! Why didn't anyone catch that winD thing earlier! We take our wine VERY seriously here! No one is allowed to pee in it...( well unless it comes from a box).

Our gowns are either gowns, or costume gowns. I was a french maid the first year, dorthy from the wizard of oz one year (my duct tape toto was fab!) and a fairy princess or duct tape goddess LOL one year.

Wearing the duct tape in the cold presents as much problem as in the heat. It tends to get stiff when frozen....Picture yourself in sort of a tin man outfit, attempting to get out of your car and walk the block to the ball.
Posted By: Tina A Sweet

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 09:35 PM

Duct tape Goddess, thats what we will call you. And one that even drinks wine (without pee).
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 09:46 PM

LOL Tina, maybe when the magic people make my picture happen (I did ask for Claudia Schiffer's mug but I think its on anther banking site) they can add some duct tape....tee hee hee
Posted By: Just Jean

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:02 PM

I thought maybe it was a Great Plains phenomenon that the most frail of the elderly come in on the worst possible days and go to safe deposit. I've never understood what could be so important to dodder into the bank assisted by a walker when our staff that lives out of town is considering leaving because the roads are so bad. Maybe it's a senior citizen endurance run.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:07 PM

This is Zaibatsu--tltli, again

I was telling your Alaska stories to a friend and his wife last night when she tells me that she lived in Alaska for 3 winters. She also had a newbie to Alaska story:

Where she work, all of those without block heaters had to be on "car start" patrol (or whatever she called it). In essence, every two hours one person would go out and start all of the non-heater-block-cars. You see, the hospital where she worked had a row of outlets for everyone who had a block-heater car. Of course, her car had no block heater.

Finally, she got her block heater car and plugged it in it for the night in her garage. The next day she went out to drive to work--so very happy that she would not be on "car-start" duty. She unplugged the extension cord and went to put it in the trunk. When she did, she found that she now had a 50 foot long frozen-solid extension cord. She said that no matter how hard she tried to cram it in her trunk it popped back out before she could shut it. Finally, in disgust, she threw it out in the lawn and drove to work--once again, of course, on the "car-start" list.

No one told her that they sold special extension cords that do not freeze solid.

No wonder you Alaskans like to drink--that would drive me to hallucinagens (sp?).
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:20 PM

In reply to:

...the hospital where she worked had a row of outlets for everyone who had a block-heater car.

When I first moved here and saw all those cars with plugs hanging out of the engines I thought to these people must be very environmentally friendly! I've never seen so many electric cars!!

Fortunately I never said it out-loud
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:28 PM

In reply to:

When I first moved here and saw all those cars with plugs hanging out of the engines I thought to these people must be very environmentally friendly! I've never seen so many electric cars!!

Dawnie, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person, but getting to know you here on BOL, I can actually visualize you thinking that
Posted By: John Burnett

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:29 PM

You did now! Happy weekend, all!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:34 PM

Any way we can forward these threads to her Alaskan buddies so they can get the same laugh we have?
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:37 PM

We could, but as the old saying goes "What happens on BOL stays on BOL"
Posted By: Queen Mum

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:41 PM

Not only do they go to proms in gowns and tuxes made with duct tape, you can enter a contest and win college scholarship money.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/06/02 10:56 PM

In reply to:

I have not had the pleasure of meeting you in person, but getting to know you here on BOL, I can actually visualize you thinking that

I tell ya..sometimes my brain takes a vacation and imagines the funniest stuff! Normally it's during a CD Loan write up for the OCC...but occasionally it affects my views of the world outside the office too

My imaginary friend thinks I'm quite brilliant. Of course I never share my bizarre thoughts with her. She's smarter than me...(I'm alot prettier than she is though)

(Ok it's Friday and I have officially LOST IT!!!!)
Posted By: c.a.r

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/09/02 05:49 PM

We had a couple enter the prom duct tape contest.. go figure
Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 07:29 PM

I knew I was a BOL addict when I saw the ad:
"Have you ever seen a grown man cry?" followed by a broken bottle of Crown Royal....
and thought of Dan.

Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 07:35 PM

A broken bottle of Crown , now I'm crying

I haven't seen that ad, but it would make us cry.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:20 PM


How about a spilled bottle of Crown with cat paw marks in the puddle...the ad states, "Cat for Sale"

BOL User...
Posted By: zaibatsu

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:33 PM

What cat?
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:35 PM

In reply to:

How about a spilled bottle of Crown with cat paw marks in the puddle...the ad states, "Cat for Sale"

That commercial was hilarious!!!
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:40 PM

About 5 or 6 years ago, we were having a party and my wife at the time was making a punch which called for an adult beverage to be added. After changing clothes and coming down stairs, naturally I sampled the punch before the guests arrived. I said "Hon, this is the best you made yet, what did you use in it?" She said "I used this bottle I found stuck behind all the others. Didn't look like you were drinking out of it (only about 4 or 5 drinks had come out of it) so I didn't think it was the good stuff."

Yep, over 1/2 bottle of my Crown went into that punch!

We're now divorced.
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:44 PM

ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! How tramatic that must have been for you! Have you yet to recover? My sympathies!
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:55 PM

Yep, true story.

Another true story, about the same time frame, I had just bought a pair of Foot Joy Dry Joy golf shoes, as I recall $85.00. Wore them 3 times. Put them on the shelf in the garage with my other stuff. Went back in the spring to get my golf shoes to go play couldn't find them. Ex was having a garage sale and I asked her if she'd seen my golf shoes. She asked me what they looked like, I told her she told me she sold them, for a whole $5.

We're now divorced.
Posted By: Michelle M

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:56 PM

What a steal! When is she having another?
Posted By: Kara S

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 08:58 PM

I can sympathize. I love golf, my golf clubs, my golf bag, and my golf shoes. My game isn't worth talking about, but I would be devestated if I lost any of it!
Posted By: Lestie G

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:02 PM

Same ex?
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:10 PM

Lestie, yep same ex.

Michelle, don't know when she'll have another, but when she does at least my stuff is now safe.

Kara, use to play a lot of golf, now only play 5 or 6 times a year. Spend more time fishing now and I find it much more relaxing. Not really enough time to do both.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:10 PM

Getting back to the snow talk at the beginning of the thread (I didn't read all 15 pages so I'm not sure how we went from snow to alcohol) but here in the wonderful state of Texas best city of Houston (except for the Texans but give them time) we had an early cold snap and an actual frost one night and it sure has had an awesome effect on the color of the trees! Something were not used to seeing at all! I feel like I'm living in New England!
Posted By: JacF

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:13 PM

In reply to:

the wonderful state of Texas best city of Houston (except for the Texans but give them time)

Hey- any team that can win an NFL game by generating only 47 yards of total offense has my respect!
Posted By: LiL Bit Moore

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:18 PM daughter thought it was snow and was hoping the schools were going to close She was quite disheartened when the sun came up and it melted
Posted By: Nanwa

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:21 PM

You sound like you like Crown as much as I do. Did you get the 2000 label with your name on it for your bottle?

Oh, but what a shame to dilute the good stuff with punch!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:22 PM

That's funny! We covered a plant in our front garden and the little boy next door thought that it snowed only on our front garden. It took his mom a while to explain to him what we did, she said she didn't have the heart.
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 09:32 PM

No I didn't get the 2000 label. Don't really know why, just didn't.
Posted By: HRH Dawnie

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/11/02 11:14 PM

Well I was right! I.T. Department screwed up the computer change and it's been two days since my last shot of BOL. I'm trembling with joy...Did ya miss me?

No? Well let me tell ya, I was BUSY while I was gone. I called the gnomes (Zabitsu's line) and had them make SNOW for Alaska!!!! We got six inches last night of fluffy white snow!!!!!! Woo Hooooooo

Ok I'm done now LOL

Gad! My spell check thingie is gone for BOL. Dang IT techs!!!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/12/02 03:37 PM

Hey Dan

Not only did I get the 2002 Crown label...but I am also a member of the "Society of the Crown"...dare I say it was a "Crowning Achievement"

- Your friendly neighborhood BOL User from the Great State of Texas!
Posted By: Dan Persfull

Re: BOL Withdrawal - 12/12/02 03:57 PM

You and Nanwa, take your Crown a little more serious than I do. I figure, if I can't drink it, eat it, hit a golf ball with it, catch a fish with it or snuggle up with it, I don't need it.

I've had some "Corwning Achevements", but did I ever pay for it the next day.