Keystone Konnection 14 Anyone?

Posted By: thomasj

Keystone Konnection 14 Anyone? - 04/09/14 03:24 PM

Are there any PA/East Coast BOL security officers going to attend the IAFCI Keystone Konnection security seminar next month? Anyone ever attended this before? I am going for the first time and it looks like an amazing deal. 2 1/2 day seminar for only $175 including all meals (Breakfast comes with the room, lunch and dinner are sponsored). With the room at the resort for 2 nights it is all told it's going to be under $600 and the agenda looks great.
Posted By: Mocha's Mom

Re: Keystone Konnection 14 Anyone? - 04/10/14 04:01 PM

Hi, Thomas. I will not be attending this conference however I attend many IAFCI conferences as I am a member. They always have great agendas and training sessions. You should also check out their annual conference this year being held in Phoenix AZ. The cost for a five day conference is $675 for members and $775 for non-members (with other lower pricing for law enforcement) Definitely a great value for all the training sessions and other networking events!! You can see the preliminary agenda on their website
Posted By: Michelle III

Re: Keystone Konnection 14 Anyone? - 05/14/14 04:39 PM

Hi Tom.

I've attended the IAFCI sessions in Lancaster, PA, but not the Seven Springs Konnection. The agenda is always amazing and it's great to interact with local police officers and federal agents and other bankers. Someday I'll make it to Seven Springs for an IAFCI meeting! Have fun!!
